January 1 2015, 100 Day No Buy Challenge

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I hope it is not too late to join in.  I was lurking on some of the 100 day threads and then got inspired to go and "sort" my makeup.

I went through my makeup storing cabinet (Ikea Alex) and culled quite a bit of never been used products.  I have numerous unused palettes and was inspired by my recent 11 day trip and I survived taking only one makeup palette!

I am going to think over my rules/guidelines once I catch up totally on this thread.

Happy to be on this journey with all of you!

@@lovepink Happy to have you! I can't wait till round seven of CS, my Calibama ladies are in for so many treats!
Thank you!  I have been inspired reading all your ladies goals and plans but I was too big of a weenie to join.  Then I read in a different thread a story about losing things on your closet floor.  I then realized that I have lost a whole box of indies.  Just gone poof.  I then realized I need to stop being an ostrich and burying my head in the sand and realize I like makeup.  But i have too much.  I also have the power to change my relationship with it!  So here I am!

My goals for the 100 days:

1) no makeup purchases.  This is anything I hoard (aka have more than 1 of).  I will need to buy things like deoderant, cotton rounds, razors or shaving gel and the like as I do not have mutiples of them!

2) No new subs.   I have NM VC, 1 BB, Aromaleigh.  If I can get an GDE OTM then that is allowed but if not I cannot add any new subs

3) I can participate in Circular swaps, swaps and I can purchase my Secret Santa a thank you but all items in the order including extras must go to them.  No keeping for myself! (Thank you for that idea @@BSquared!)

Things I am going to do to make my 100 days successful:

1) organize my stash-sort it, throw things away, donate, set aside for swaps etc

2) shop my stash

3) Particpate in the Monday club

4) work on finding dupes in my stash and then blogging about them

5) Find new ways to utilize the makeup I have (try new application techniques, use in various ways)

6) work on trying every unused product in my stash and keeping track via spreadsheet, blog post, monthly or weekly summary post in the low/no buy threads

I am sure more ideas will come up and I will modify then!  Thank you for letting me hop in 2 days late (I have not made purchases on these 2 days so I feel ok about it!)

I've been waffling on this but it would be good to give it a shot even if I'm signing up late.  I organized my stash pretty recently so that's not an issue; I just have too much stuff.  My storage shelves are open so I'd like it to look a bit nicer and more reasonable.


  • Existing subs that I've prepaid for, Birchbox and Hatchery.
  • Part of my online order from last week was cancelled so I'm allowed to repurchase the lip scrub in the store. I'd like to wait but it's on clearance and I haven't found another store that sells it.
  • My sephora flash membership is going to expire soon (next month maybe?) so I can utilize that to make a <5$ purchase to get 2 100 point rewards.
  • There's one skin care product that I've been waiting to buy until it goes on sale.  If it goes on sale by 20% or more I can buy this item.  I've run out of my samples of it so it's not stockpiling.
  • If Birchbox has an LE box that I really love than I can buy it with my points.


  • Put a dent in my sample stockpile.  Try to use up 50 items including foils (not sure if that's a good number but I can revise).  I'm thinking about keeping track of my empties.
  • Learn how to better use the products I already have.  
  • Paint my nails regularly.
@ Oooohhhh Todd Browning "Freaks", one of my all time favorite movies!!

 Here's an idea to keep everyone excited: Drag out all of  your makeup/beauty books and use them for new inspiration. Do not buy any! Use what you have or check something out of the library. If you have a Kindle and the Unlimited Books program you can often find books about cosmetics free.

  I just transferred all of mine from archives to my Kindle Fire, and now that I can see them in color, it feels like I have brand new books.

   You can also check out YouTube for new ideas, as long as it is not a spending trigger for you. Ignore the product specific mentions and figure out how to use your stash to replicate the look.

   Let's have fun with this! I know I get into a rut, but makeup washes off, so try a new look on your downtime.

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OK, after reading about everyone's rules, and taking on some of these good ideas, I have formulated my rules for the 100 day no buy.

1) No make up/beauty purchases until April 10.  This includes all makeup, skincare, soap, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.

2) The only thing I might possibly run out of is shampoo.  That's because I have managed (through previous low buys, shopping my stash, etc.) to find my HG shampoo, and have only 1 in the house at any time.  If I run out of shampoo, I can buy one more before April 10.

3) I must work on my project 9 pan (yeah, it's weird, it's not quite 10, but I think with 9 I can be successful and get through it all by April 10.  I really want this project pan to be a huge success.)

4) If I use up all 9 products, then after April 10 I can treat myself to a really fancy perfume.

5) January is my birthday month.  I know I will be tempted to buy a not-so-fancy perfume in January.  I already have a perfume swap set up for later this month, so I'm going to try to let that tide me over until April.

6) I must wear a perfume I already own every single day.  


  • Put a dent in my sample stockpile.  Try to use up 50 items including foils (not sure if that's a good number but I can revise).  I'm thinking about keeping track of my empties.
please everybody keep track of your empties because I get so weirdly proud of every reading the official used it up thread! Indulge my obsession!

@@Margiee Sounds like a plan!

I was debating doing it for myself, but figured no one would really want to see it (even though I love looking at other people's empties, go figure). Your comment is the push I needed! Thanks!

I'm on board. I've quadrupled my makeup stash in the past couple of months. My SO was injured and off work for 5 months. We went through our savings really quickly and had to live off credit cards, and we got pretty depressed and ambivalent about the debt we were racking up. We did the worst thing we could do, and used shopping therapy as a way to cope- we were in the mindset that we were already going into debt from basic living necessities, so what was a $100 more here and there? It was a really poor and immature mindset, and it put us in a lot of debt. We didn't really pay attention to how much we were spending and what we were spending it on. At least $500 of that debt was beauty purchases. Probably even more than that, actually. I'm pretty ashamed of the whole thing.

SO has been back at work for about a month now (thank God) and we have worked out our monthly budgets and made plans for building back up our savings and paying off our debt. This is especially important to us because we want to move by summer. This is my really long winded way of saying that I NEED this no buy challenge! I have way more than I need and I don't need to spend any more on makeup, skincare, or frankly anythinguntil at least my birthday in May. Here are my rules:

1. No makeup purchases for the entire duration. The one exception would be a new Beautyblender, but only if mine becomes unusable (it's showing quite a bit of wear and tear).

2. The only new clothing purchases I can make are new work pants if mine become hole-y and ONE nice spring shirt if I find a good deal.

3. No new hair care, skincare, lotion, hand cream, perfume, or other personal items (except necessary purchases, like tampons or deodorant if I run out).

4. No new subs. I can keep my one Birchbox.

My reward will be extra money toward savings and debt payment, and hopefully, a new house come summer!

Today I saw a banner ad for one of my favourite brands so I clicked on it.  There is a new GWP and they still have the holiday PWP which is a good deal.  I looked at it and realized that the GWP and PWP includes stuff I already have and/or definitely do not need.  The next time I can foresee actually needing something (my HG eyeliner) isn't for about another six to eight months.  That banner ad can appear 100 times and there's no way I'm going to make a purchase.  Rather than buying things I will continue to focus on using what I have.

I went to Target last night and did not even stop in the beauty section.

I did buy disposable razors because I can't go for three months without shaving under my arms and the one I was using was really dull.  But I only bought them after emptying my entire linen closet looking for extras (sadly, I did not have any extras).  So I don't count that as a fail.  And the only other thing I bought was spray to clean cat barf out of my carpet.  I got out for under $20 (which is, in itself, amazing).  So, day 3 and I'm still good.

I went to Target last night and did not even stop in the beauty section.

I did buy disposable razors because I can't go for three months without shaving under my arms and the one I was using was really dull.  But I only bought them after emptying my entire linen closet looking for extras (sadly, I did not have any extras).  So I don't count that as a fail.  And the only other thing I bought was spray to clean cat barf out of my carpet.  I got out for under $20 (which is, in itself, amazing).  So, day 3 and I'm still good.
Good job!  Success feels good!

I finally have my rules ready!!! Be warned, this is going to be super duper long!


Rules: No-Buy for Personal Items from January 1st until April 10th (or during Sephora’s Chic Week if it happens before the 100th day (expected to be sometime in early April)).

Includes: Anything I’d get personal use out of that isn’t a necessity.

Makeup, skincare, haircare, nail polish, self-pampering items, body care items, jewelry, treats or snacks (excluding ones I bake myself), clothing, shoes (excluding running shoes), beauty tools such as brushes, clippers, and hair ties, music, movies, DVDs, toys, stationery, books, coffee or tea, beer/wine, dinner out, or anything I would get personal use out of, etc.

Just to be clear ( I know I’ll try to trick myself later) this does not include the following categories: gas, healthcare- prescriptions and appointments only-, vet costs, bills, or food. The miscellaneous category in your budget is the tricky one, the devil is in the details. Same for food- junk food is going to be part of this.
No overspending in other categories to compensate. Basically, spending only what I need in this 100-day challenge, nothing to make me feel better, nothing I want.

More detailed rules:

  • Do not, under any circumstances, visit the following: Sephora.com, Ulta.com,
    Beauty.com, Dermstore.com, Makeuptalkforums: Shopping sub-forum, or other forums or blogs. Not even to play ‘cart roulette’. Avoid ‘hauls’ and product reviews.

  • Participate at least weekly in the following threads: 100-day No-buy thread,
    Monthly no-buy support threads, Pan that palette 2015, the Monday club, Taking Inventory, 33 Days of Decluttering, Official Used it Up thread, I hit pan on thread, and start a ‘weekly look’ thread.

  • Make a list when shopping, and buy only what is on the list. Also set a goal for how much I’m willing to spend.
    If have a set goal, make sure to buy giftcards and don’t go over the amount (Kroger, Walmart, Target, Gas stations, Sephora, Ulta, TJMaxx, Gap, etc.) Use ‘giftcard granny’ for deals on giftcards.

Only exceptions allowed:

  • May purchase up to a $25 Sephora item in January (my birthday month), using $17 store credit.
    Plan to get the Anastasia brow brush #12
  • May buy movie ticket or restaurant meal only if going with friends. No snacks, appetizers, dessert, or drinks. Water only.

  • May buy gifts for friends/family for birthdays and other occasions.

  • May make 2 small (< $25) purchases on organizational items.

  • May buy replacement necessities only: skincare, hair conditioner, concealer, hand cream.
    (I expect to need to replace: cleanser, toner, exfoliant, vitamin c treatment, retinol treatment, acne treatment, spf, moisturizer, facial mist, hair conditioner, hand cream, cuticle oil, toothpaste, cotton face pads, feminine pads, body moisturizer, scented candle for bedroom, cold sore treatment, lip balm, sunglasses, eyeglasses with updated prescription, running shoes.)

Obtaining new products:

  • This can only be done through the following venues: swaps, trades, free samples,
    dumpster diving, garage sales or thrift stores, profit from selling any belongings.
    That’s it. No buying anything. Hence, the no buy.

  • I can obtain new products by purchasing, but only through selling my other unwanted ones. Can sell on ebay, blog sale, and makeuptalk forum. Any $ I make from those sales are fair game.

  • If purchase online for necessity replacements, make sure to use Ebates or Mr. Rebates, plus search for coupons on RetailMeNot.

  • Regularly request samples from companies, especially in the search for HG spf, eye cream, and hand cream. This will hopefully keep my need for spending and getting new packages down.

Positive reinforcement:

  • Every 10 days can have a mini celebration for getting 1/10 th of the way closer! Not sure what this will be yet. Not making a purchase, but maybe something… like, well, not sure! Any ideas?

Other parts of my game plan:

  • Use up products: Nail polish, perfume, eyeshadow. Create go-to looks. Play with your makeup so you are familiar with it and know how to make yourself look good.

  • Get an accountability partner and check in several times a week through PM. Requesting ‘tough love’ partner. Anyone in?

  • Weekly spa day on Sundays to destress, use up products, and pamper myself.

  • Get obsessed about saving money again:
    Go to MAGFED bank party in January, read GetRichSlowy, TheSimpleDollar, and The Non-consumer Advocate blogs. Keep up with Mint.com and my online bank account. Also regularly check on credit score and on investments. Use Mint.com to track spending and use your spreadsheet budget. Also, consider doing envelope method again, this time paying more attention.

    Also focus on other goals: reading, quitting bad habits, writing,
    visiting, DIYing, excercising, enjoying life!
  • Give to a charity monthly-
    can pick a new charity every month. Start out small, with $10 a month. Keep up with Kiva again!

Things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t break your rules- don’t trick yourself into having a exception that you ‘forgot’ to add into the rules.

  • [SIZE=11pt]Remember: That purchasing __________ (fill in the blank with whatever you’re lusting after) will not change your life. It won’t even make your day better. It won’t up your game. It won’t elevate your beauty routine. It won’t make you more of a lady, more put-together, more yourself, more beautiful. It’s just another thing out of the countless things you’ve tried. You’re still the same you.             [/SIZE]
Ok so I haven't read this entire thread, because I can't right now...I was skimming (looking to see who's committed) and I saw the calendar on this post...and started crying.  The calendar hit me VERY HARD.  My first grandson is due April 7th.  They live in NC and I will be flying out there when he is almost here/here/immediately after he is here depending on how much notice I get.

I've placed 12 orders since January 1st and have a trip planned to three stores this afternoon.  Oops.  I need to save for trips to see my grandson, until we can live closer (they move frequently in the Army).  I need to rein it in...so I subbed.  I'll lurk and not commit right now, but I really need to hear from you all about what you're doing and try to remind myself that I don't need everything I see.  I don't just have samples of things, I have enough samples of any one thing to fill little jars.  Double Oops.  I mean, it was kind of by design so that I could enjoy sampling something long enough to see if I like it, but that was before I actually settled on my go-to products.  Now that I've done that, the samples just look at me...all sorted and pretty.  TONS of Philosophy (because for some reason I won't buy it, but I hoard it, and don't use it, but just look at it  :ph34r: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ).  Same with L'Occitane.  LOVE L'Occitane except I do use that stuff...but I digress and you get the gist anyway.

I'm watching...and learning from you that have more willpower than I do.  I don't know if it is because my grandson isn't here yet that I have a hard time planning, or if it is because he is so far away it isn't a constant reminder that he is coming...either way I want to spend as much time as I can with him, spoiling him, and loving him.  I need to save up for my future trips!!

Maybe I'll print that calendar and put it on my laptop.  Actually yeah I think I'm going to do that when I get to work Monday.  (no printer at home...ok the printer is at my other place, and I'm STILL NOT FULLY MOVED OUT OF THIS ONE...since like what...November 1st???   Ok, I have serious priority issues...UGH).

@ It might help you to keep a picture of your son/daughter around, or if you have a pic of the babies ultrasound. Keep it around where you generally are when you shop (near your computer for online, or on your dashboard for driving around) so that way you think about your future grandson (So exciting!) and remember that you need to save up for those trips to see him instead of buying more makeup, which isn't going to ever replace spending time with your family. We're all here for support, so definitely come on here if you are being tempted by something!

@@goldendarter thanks for that - yeah I have pics on my phone, on my fridge, at work at my desk, on my computer...I am the appearance of the doting grandma to be...until I see SALE AT SEPHORA or ULTA or (fill in the blank) and poof!  I'm off to the races!!  But I'm watching...and reading...and resisting temptation!  I haven't made a single purchase after checking out this post earlier today!

But, if I'm being fully and totally up front here, I've eaten like a pig, and I've been eating when I'm not hungry all day.  I have heartburn now - and I haven't done the eating when not hungry thing since I decided to leave my ex (aka the food police).  I dropped 100 pounds in about 4-6 months after I left - I didn't even realize it but it kind of fell off once I didn't have someone constantly asking me "are you going to eat that" and I left him in 2011 and maybe fluctuate 5-15 pounds here and there but otherwise have kept it all off!  So today, yeah apparently I'M GONNA EAT THAT!  Hmmm...makes me wonder if my buying isn't because I want it, but for some other reason.

Sorry to just kind of ramble but now I'm kind of wondering if I've got something else in my brain going on that shopping for makeup has been helping me deal with, because...yeah...I'm currently about done with a pint of Haagen Daaz.  And I feel kinda sick. UGH. 

@ I truly have an obsessive personality. If it is not one thing, it is another. Since I am trying to get rid of my obsession with buying makeup, I am replacing it with healthier obsessions - first, a makeup/skincare no buy, which is honestly easier for me than a low-buy. I am also focusing on reducing our over-all spending. It took me many years to realize it, but if I am going to get rid of one obsession, I have to have something else that is better for me to take its place or I will fail. This very well may only apply to me, but I thought I would share.

@ I truly have an obsessive personality. If it is not one thing, it is another. Since I am trying to get rid of my obsession with buying makeup, I am replacing it with healthier obsessions - first, a makeup/skincare no buy, which is honestly easier for me than a low-buy. I am also focusing on reducing our over-all spending. It took me many years to realize it, but if I am going to get rid of one obsession, I have to have something else that is better for me to take its place or I will fail. This very well may only apply to me, but I thought I would share.
I've been looking back at my habits since I left my ex, and I think you are on to something...I have found a way to make sure come my next pay day, that I spend all my money.  First, it was sending boxes to military personnel overseas (my son was deployed at the time and that included holiday boxes too).  Then I bought lottery tickets (scratchers), I think I got started on those because I would buy here and there for fun but then I won $500 and kept buying more and more.  Then when my roommate moved in and commented on it I thought oh gosh yeah I do buy a lot and stopped that...and started with makeup.  Then day before yesterday I made a comment 'I wonder where all my other boxes are' and my roommate said WHAT OTHER BOXES???  I just went  :blush: .

So with these habits, they are always curbed once I am out of cash, but then when pay day comes again I just do it all over again...and I am a giver too, so I am perfectly happy, and I daresay happier if I can gift away what I buy...when my dad was down here for Christmas and saw some of my packages that I sent out to others he said I am just like my grandma...he said she would put food on 50 other tables before she would put food on her own, and he said that is good and bad and to think about it.  I think he, too, was on to something.

Oh it is so difficult to have all this self assessment and try to figure things out at my age!  LOL!  I think because for so long I was mom, wife, etc. that I never really figured out 'me' and now that that is all I have to stare at everyday, just me, I feel kind of like I don't know who that is.  Does that make sense?

And I'm sorry but I just have to add, that I am again STUCK in my brain, because I have packages that are about ready to go out to people as part of the Secret Santa exchange (another thing I do is wait until my brain says the box is perfect and ready to go) and most of the recipients are on this no buy!  So...is that bad that I want to gift to no or low buyers?  Is that enabling and a bad thing?

It seems that you all are getting rid of stuff and here I am ready to add to your stash/collections!  Oops! 

My new favorite thing to say on here - that I read on here before - is HAAAALP!!  I get this image of a cartoon character at their wits end trying to get info and just tossing their hands up saying HAAAALP!!  And it totally cracks me up!  But, I am to that point so HAAAALP!!  Hahaha!


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