July 2012 No-Buy/Low-Buy Support Group

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Yesterday, I was seriously considering buying the Allure fall beauty box. Then, I went upstairs and I looked at all of the beauty products that I haven't even touched/used yet, and that just hardened my resolve to keep going through to the end of this project pan. I have so much stuff waiting to be used that might go to waste, so I have absolutely no excuse to buy more.

Plus, just found out yesterday that the $1000 that was a surprise cut from my husband's paycheck for this month? Yeah, they're not making that up to him. That's money we're not going to get. We're going to have to ask his parents for a bit of cash just to pay bills, take our cats to the vet, purchase necessities, so yeah. Beauty products are definitely NOT something I need to be purchasing. 

It's relieving to know that I'm not the only one who needs this No buy/low buy support with makeup/beauty products.. Surprisingly, this helps to read others' stories who I can TOTALLY relate to.

I'm kind of regretting ordering the CEW box now...only a few hours later, lol. I will give most of it away, but whyyyy did I do that?? I am a hoarder. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm kind of regretting ordering the CEW box now...only a few hours later, lol. I will give most of it away, but whyyyy did I do that?? I am a hoarder. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
I was soooo soooo close to purchasing it (two, actually!). I still really want one, but I went through the product list and slowly talked myself out of it. There are several products on there that I would absolutely love to try, but right now saving money is priority, and they're all going to be things that'll still be around when I can afford to indulge a little bit. 

Oh boy. I've created a mess. My mom gave me money over the weekend & I spurged but not all of it. Then I found out a really good friend of mine passed. I've been retail shopping every since. I spent my brake money
Hubby doesn't know yet & I've never kept secrets from him. Really need to getmy shit together.

Whats a CEW box?

Originally Posted by Souly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh boy. I've created a mess. My mom gave me money over the weekend & I spurged but not all of it. Then I found out a really good friend of mine passed. I've been retail shopping every since. I spent my brake money
Hubby doesn't know yet & I've never kept secrets from him. Really need to getmy shit together.

Whats a CEW box?
I'm sorry about your friend, you have my condolences. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And I'm not telling you what the CEW box is, that way you're not tempted!! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Yeah, I got the bogo on the cew boxes...I think one will make a nice gift but ughhh I didn't neeed them at all. DARN IT ME. And souly, don't search for cew on beautybar.com lol, its just trouble. 

OH AND I finally made it to the post office to pick up the blushes souly sent me! They are so nice! My joie de vivre nars palette should be here today...but I think I'm going to take it back and exchange it just for one color, rather than the whole palette...because I don't need the whole palette. 

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was soooo soooo close to purchasing it (two, actually!). I still really want one, but I went through the product list and slowly talked myself out of it. There are several products on there that I would absolutely love to try, but right now saving money is priority, and they're all going to be things that'll still be around when I can afford to indulge a little bit. 
I totally agree with you.  I don't need any of that stuff anyway! I had to fight myself from ordering it!

I figured it out. I can resist, barely but I can. You were right Amy. I totally wanted to know so I could buy it!

oooh, a nars palette!

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah, I got the bogo on the cew boxes...I think one will make a nice gift but ughhh I didn't neeed them at all. DARN IT ME. And souly, don't search for cew on beautybar.com lol, its just trouble. 

OH AND I finally made it to the post office to pick up the blushes souly sent me! They are so nice! My joie de vivre nars palette should be here today...but I think I'm going to take it back and exchange it just for one color, rather than the whole palette...because I don't need the whole palette. 
Oooh, which color are you going to get? That might be a good call. I've read some reviews that said that the palette really doesn't live up to the quality of the single NARS blushes. I think I'm going to get the color Luster after I'm done with this project pan. That was really the only one out of the entire palette that I really liked. 

Originally Posted by Souly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I figured it out. I can resist, barely but I can. You were right Amy. I totally wanted to know so I could buy it!

oooh, a nars palette!
I don't know about you, but I totally didn't even want any of those products (except for maybe the mascara) until I saw that box! I think when I see deals as good as that, my brain just goes OMGLOB, WANT! NEED! even if I never really had any interest to begin with. I'm glad I passed. I have so much stuff, and I know that those things would end up sitting in a box under my sink. 

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oooh, which color are you going to get? That might be a good call. I've read some reviews that said that the palette really doesn't live up to the quality of the single NARS blushes. I think I'm going to get the color Luster after I'm done with this project pan. That was really the only one out of the entire palette that I really liked. 

I don't know about you, but I totally didn't even want any of those products (except for maybe the mascara) until I saw that box! I think when I see deals as good as that, my brain just goes OMGLOB, WANT! NEED! even if I never really had any interest to begin with. I'm glad I passed. I have so much stuff, and I know that those things would end up sitting in a box under my sink. 
I'm not sure what color I'll end up getting...I think I bought the palette out of the fact that it was a good deal...much like I did with the CEW box.

This is a great thread!

My low end recommendations are definitely MUA's Undressed palette! Its £4 and has 12 colours in it. It has a colour in it which is very similar to Mac's Cranberry, i love the palette! theres a highlighter colour and a couple of matte colours too.

Another great buy has been from the body shop! i got two lip balms for 60p each and they smell sooo good!

A good facial exfoliator is from Asda! it was 89p and would be ideal for going on holiday or before facial tanning :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


I've been following this thread a little and I've actually had some success so far in my no-buy.  I'm on day 11 which is a record for me. Of course I've gone much longer before but it's definitely an improvement compared to the last couple of months.

  I live right next to a CVS so for a while I was buying something every few days.  I'd get extrabucks and coupons all the time and I'd want to use them.  I finally stopped when I realized how much less expensive Harmon's is than CVS and so all the good deals I thought I was getting were lies.  The money I'd get back in coupons/discounts was really just the difference between the two stores' prices.  Once I realized that, my habit ended pretty quickly.  Right now, I don't really have any desire to purchase anything new at all.  

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm not sure what color I'll end up getting...I think I bought the palette out of the fact that it was a good deal...much like I did with the CEW box.
Definitely swatch in store! There were a couple of colors in Joie de Vivre that I thought would work on me, but they looked awful. NARS definitely is worth it, though. 

That's one of my problems. Whenever I see a good deal, something goes off in my brain that tells me that I need whatever it is, and I need it right that instant. Those are the things that usually end up sitting in my closet or in the back of a drawer. I dunno what that is or why it happens, but I've been working on battling it for the past couple of weeks. I'm now to the point where I try to really talk myself out of something, and if I still want it a month later, then it can go onto my wishlist of stuff I want.  Siiiiigh. 

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oooh, which color are you going to get? That might be a good call. I've read some reviews that said that the palette really doesn't live up to the quality of the single NARS blushes. I think I'm going to get the color Luster after I'm done with this project pan. That was really the only one out of the entire palette that I really liked. 

I don't know about you, but I totally didn't even want any of those products (except for maybe the mascara) until I saw that box! I think when I see deals as good as that, my brain just goes OMGLOB, WANT! NEED! even if I never really had any interest to begin with. I'm glad I passed. I have so much stuff, and I know that those things would end up sitting in a box under my sink. 
I actually didn't want anything really but its such a good deal, how could I pass it up? And a free one at that. If I wasn't feeling so bad about my latest splurges, I would have bought it. Maybe this is a good thing. I hope so

I finished 3 more items on my list tonight! 1 full size 2 deluxe. This is tough, but hey, the feeling of accomplishing goals that you've set is pretty frickin' awesome. 

Yay! How many more to go?

I didn't buy anything today.

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I finished 3 more items on my list tonight! 1 full size 2 deluxe. This is tough, but hey, the feeling of accomplishing goals that you've set is pretty frickin' awesome. 
Originally Posted by Souly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yay! How many more to go?

I didn't buy anything today.
Yaaaay, go you! It feels good, doesn't it? Hard, but worth it. 

I think (not sure, need to count) I have about 40 products left. Oy...still so far! But getting closer every day.

Tomorrow I begin the great closet purge of 2012. There are a couple of Xmen graphic tees that I've been wanting, but I realized tonight that I don't even have enough hangers to hang up the clothes I have now! So, I've decided I'll go through and sort through what I don't wear anymore and take those items to Plato's closet. With the money from that, I've decided to put it towards the shirts I want.

So it's been almost a week and I've used up 6 items so far, 5 samples and 1 full size.  That leaves me with 44 items to go!!  It's helpful to have priorities; 'this one is half gone, let me finish it' instead of 'oooh which moisturizer/blush/shampoo do I want to use today??'  Only thing that sucks is when I feel like an item has just one use left, and I'm able to squeeze 3 more uses out of it!!  I hate to be wasteful, but I'm ready to move on!!

Haven't check in since the beginning of the month. Proud to say I have still not purchased any makeup. I'm running out of a few essentials though, so I figure when I do, I can easily justify the cost, considering I use them nearly every day. Feels great to have conquered the urge to run to the makeup section in every store I enter. Even walked away from the Spiderman Collection minis from O.P.I the other day, and nail polish is my ultimate weakness. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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