Lost Season 3 (contains spoilers)

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even though i read the spoilers, no show has ever made me so sad. lol
Damn you Lost! lol

How many more months until next season? lol

I am an effing mess. I bawled when Charlie died. What an emotional scene.. emotional episode. I totally thought that Sayid, Bernard and Jin were dead. Part of me thought that Ben was going to tell Sun and Rose that their husbands were dead.

Whose itinerary did Jack have? Do you all think that Naomi was bad or what was the deal with her?

Some of my ramblings...

I am so glad tha Alex is now reunited with her mom.

WTF with Walt? he ain't a little boy anymore. I wonder what happened to him and Michael?

Why doesn't Locke want to leave the island?

YAY hurley... he kicks major a$$!

Originally Posted by Marisol /img/forum/go_quote.gif By the way, I am so glad that I did not read the spoilers. it was so worth it! You are so lucky you didn't read them! I was still blown away though! I also bawled when Charlie died. I thought it was a noble way for him to go though. He really died a hero. I was also so happy when Danielle and Alex finally met!A couple of things I noticed:

-Jack had a Razor phone, which did not come out till 2005 (I think), so that's a hint that the flashback was a flash forward.

-Who was in the coffin? Was it Michael? Here's an image of the newspaper article:


-I can't believe Jack and Juliet kissed!!!!

-Jack still looked hot (to me at least) with a beard

-How the heck is next season going to start?!

-Who is Kate's new man in the flash forward?

I'm already having Lost withdrawals! I was so depressed at the end of the episode. I am actually thinking about going to Comic-Con in San Diego this summer lol!


Now I'm going to spend the rest of the year wondering where they're going to go from here!!! lol. Even though I read the spoilers, it was still good...

Charlie's a hero!

I was thinking that it's possible that the man who died was Sawyer and that's why Jack thought Kate would be there. And, since Sawyer didn't have any family...it would kind of make sense that no one showed up...

Originally Posted by natalierb /img/forum/go_quote.gif -I can't believe Jack and Juliet kissed!!!!-Jack still looked hot (to me at least) with a beard

-How the heck is next season going to start?!

-Who is Kate's new man in the flash forward?

Jack looked hot with a beard to me, too! lol. And I can't believe Juliet kissed Jack! lol. I'm a total Jater, though...so I'm glad Jack told Kate that he loves her. lol.
I can't wait to find out how next season starts and who Kate's new man is either!

Here's a recap of last night:

Not part of the plan: With most of the castaways on their way to the radio tower, Jin, Bernard and Sayid stayed behind to act as dynamite snipers. As the Others approached the tents in hopes of harvesting expectant mothers, Sayid and Bernard set off their explosives, extinguishing several red-shirt baddies. But Jin missed the shot, and Tom, Pryce and another Other used the delay to capture the gunmen.

Losing ground: Ben got the news about the less-than-successful raid, and ordered his men to kill Jin if they couldn’t get any intel on Jack and his group. Bernard sang like a canary, and Ben, with Alex in tow, hit the trail. Meanwhile Richard was instructed to stay the course with the rest of the Others, onward to “the temple.â€

He’s baaaack: While it probably came as a surprise to absolutely no one that Locke still lived, his sudden suicidal tendency while lying in the mass grave was a bit of a shocker. Though even that wasn’t half the jaw-dropper as the appearance of his savior, Walt. Well, some kind of vision of Walt, at least. That’s right, barely passing for a kid anymore, the long-lost spawn of Michael talked Locke into choosing life and going for a walk.

A helping hand: After regaining consciousness and dodging bullets, Desmond dove into the watery hatch with Mikhail hot on his heels. Bruised and battered, Charlie got some unlikely help in dealing with Ben’s comm station flunkies from Mikhail. Once Ben’s lies about the jammed signals were known, he ordered the women killed. Mikhail managed to off one of them, before Desmond shot Mikhail with a spear. Shot, not killed.

A hero’s end: With the surviving station attendant giving up the code to deactivate the jamming signal, Charlie got the job done and received a message from Desmond’s girlfriend Penny — she knew nothing of Naomi; she didn’t send her. Just then Mikhail appeared on the other side of the glass holding an active hand grenade. Charlie sealed the door to protect Desmond from the blast. As the room flooded, Charlie wrote Penny’s message on his hand and slapped it on the door for Desmond to read. Charlie, and once and for all, Mikhail, died.

Reunited: When Ben finally reached Jack, he warned that Naomi was a liar. She represented people who would eliminate them all. Ben offered to trade the hostages for her radiophone. No deal, so he told Pryce to kill the hostages. Jack, not aware it was a fakeout, delivered a satisfying and overdue pounding to his rival. With Ben down for the count, Rousseau got her long-awaited, tearful meeting with Alex.

Rescue efforts: Earlier, Sawyer and Juliet broke away from the group and went to investigate the reason for only two explosions back at camp. When they saw the captives, they tried to come up with a plan. No need. Hurley barreled through in the old Dharma van and ran over Pryce.

No more Mr. Friendly: With Pryce out of the way, a still-bound Sayid killed the other Other (with only his ankles!), leaving just Tom standing. With nowhere to run, Tom surrendered. But giving up wasn’t good enough for Sawyer, who shot Tom, telling him it was payback for the adduction of Walt. Dang! As Others go, he will be missed.

Life and death: Once Rousseau’s old message was disabled, Naomi picked up a clear signal and tried to make contact. Seconds later, she was dead with Locke’s knife planted in her back. Locke threatened to shoot Jack if he tried to use the phone. But killing Jack was a line he wasn’t willing to cross, and Jack successfully made contact with the ship. “Sit tight! We’ll be right there,†was the return message.

Flash-forward: Flashes of Jack’s life played out, from working at the hospital drunk and drugged, to seeing his ex-wife pregnant by another man. The doc was at rock bottom, and even came close to taking his own life. After being the only person to attend the funeral of an unnamed, but obviously relevant person in his life, he finally made met with someone he had struggled to reach. Kate! That’s right, this was not a flashback. Welcome to the future, wherein Kate and Jack are off the island and Jack’s obsessed with going back. Consider the game changed.

Thanks for the recap Nan!

I will post any rumors/ and or info about Season 4 when I read them!

Love love love this show. That flash forward at the end just made me twice as anxious for next season. Answer one question, create 10 more.. drives me nuts. I hated Charlie dying!!

The revelation that the whole "Jack flashback" was actually a flash forward totally blew my mind! I didn't see that coming at all! I was lying in bed, watching it online and sat up so fast, I gave myself a headrush and almost fell off the bed...Jeebus.

Jack looked supersexy all jacked up and bearded, lol. I was like "Dang, I'd give him the good news." But I loved him in the flashforwards as far as acting as well. When he was sitting in the car, getting ready to call Kate, right before he was about to jump off the bridge, his sadness was so intense I almost started crying. And I'm not a cryer, AT ALL.

Kate looked beautiful in the forward too. It's weird to see her not grunged up, a la Island-style.

According to Wikipedia, all future seasons of Lost will begin in February with 16 episodes, ending in May with no reruns (just like this season). Everything ultimately ending in 2010. AND there are only 48 episodes left!!

1. I don't think I can wait till February!

2. Only 48 left!!!

Originally Posted by mehrunissa /img/forum/go_quote.gif According to Wikipedia, all future seasons of Lost will begin in February with 16 episodes, ending in May with no reruns (just like this season). Everything ultimately ending in 2010. AND there are only 48 episodes left!!
1. I don't think I can wait till February!

2. Only 48 left!!!

I don't think I can wait till 2010 till I see a real end!!!

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