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I'm going to order a sample. I have absolutly nothing to lose. I have some bad hyperpigmentation. If anything at all happens to my skin i get a dark spot wether or not I pick. I just want nice foundation optional skin again.

I'm just wondering if anyone that needs skin care has checked the current and past reviews written by MUT's Own Testors or checked out the forums on MUT's site to which companies are advertising? You can get a lot of good information from them.


Originally Posted by monniej /img/forum/go_quote.gif i've been wanting to try this lotion for some time, but i think i'm chicken! i think the time has come to give it a shot. nothing else seems to be working over time.
ladies, i found these before and after photos of a women that used the mama lotion for one month. are these results amazing or are my eyes playing tricks?

well, maybe i'm a sucker, but i just ordered the mama lotion. everything i've tried so far only works for a short time, so maybe this will solve my problem for good. i'll keep you posted.

i'm not convinced by those pictures. it just looks like they changed the lighting to make one look like the lotion really made a difference.

I like to see someone on MUT do a before and after picture of them selves and write about it.


I've been using it during the day with green cream at night and my skin is definately turning around. I have some clogged pore issues and surface scarring. Everytime I get a bottle of green cream, they include the mama lotion. I'm loving the results. I'm not a woman of color, but the scarring is fading and the skin is definately smoothing out.

I keep forgetting how potent this stuff can be! I had put it away a couple of months ago because I was trying to give my skin a break from all the "stuff" we put on these days, but then the weather turned south and wreaked havoc on my face. I ended up with some scars that I busted the MaMa lotion out for again, and in my impatience and wonderment at how fast it works, I used it every night for an entire week. Last Friday, at the end of work my face was feeling weirdly tight, but I didn't think anything of it. I went to the restroom to tinkle, looked at my face and HOLY MOLY!! My face looked like it was shedding it's first layer - it was so gross, lol. I slapped some moisturizer on before I took off, got home and started pulling huge sheets of dry skin off. Just thinking about it gives me shivers.

Yeah. Strong stuff. Let my story be a lesson to those of you who get excited and want to hurry the process up.

i'm so happy to see that most of you ladies are seeing an improvement. I started back using my mama lotion after about a month off. i just had a few rough spots i needed to soften up. this products works wonders! i wake up to smoother skin everytime i use it. i only needed two applications to get my problem area under control. sweet! ladies, i think after about two weeks to a month of use every other day, you might want to take a break for a couple of weeks then go back. i think it gives the skin a chance to normalize because use over a prolonged period of time may make your skin swing in another direction. you have to be so careful not to overdo it! jmho~

Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Thanks for the advice monniej! If I remember correctly you use lactic pads or something like that, as well. Where did you get those? Do they work as well as the mama lotion? i picked these up at sephora. they're made by philosophy. i think they were called microdelivery. they didn't work so well for me. apparently my skin has a problem with lactic acid. they worked pretty good for a few days then i started breaking out, so i stopped using them. it could have just been too aggressive with the mama lotion. i guess i may never know because the mama lotion worked well, so i just assumed it was the pads. i stopped using them and the breakouts stopped.
Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Aww bummer, I was hoping to find something effective at lightening these scars while taking a break from mama. *sadface* i know! it is a bummer! i think maybe the two acids together are just too aggressive for my skin. i've recently started using dermalogica daily microfoliant and it seems to be helping somewhat. not quite as aggressive as the lactic acid pads and a bit slower, but positive results! i would suggest maybe trying that while you take your break.
also, i found this article on the mama lotion site regarding how people with darker skintones should use the product, but i think it's good adivce for everyone! hope this answers some questions:

MaMa Lotion Instructions for Dark Skin Types

Since darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation, it is important to take special note of these instructions. MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER.

1.When using MaMa Lotion on dark skin it is very important to start slow and gradually increase the usage to obtain the best results.

2.For most individualls who have never used active ingredients on the skin we recommend using MaMa Lotion no more that twice a week for the first few weeks up to one month.

3.Gradually increase usage to every other day as tolerated. Some individuals may be able to use MaMa Lotion every day eventually, some may not.

4.Mild peeling is normal, but if the skin becomes irritated, red, or inflamed this may cause darkening of the skin (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation). If your pimples heal with brown color that lasts for weeks or months, you are at risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

5.More is not always better. If the skin does become irritated, a) Stop using MaMa Lotion for a few days. B) Use only a good gentle moisturizer only such as La Roche Posay for few days. c) protect the skin from any direct sunlight with a strong sunscreen containing titanium and zinc such as SkinCeuticals Ultimate Defense sunscreen. This would be good to use daily while treating hyperpigmented skin and for ongoing maintenance because hyperpigmentation can always come back. d) Within a few days the MaMa Lotion may be started again.

6.Everyone will be able to find the right schedule to use without causing hyperpigmentation.

7.If the skin is ultra sensitive, we would recommend applying the moisturizer first to seal the skin and then apply the MaMa Lotion over the top of the Moisturizer (reverse order).

8.Remember the key to success is to use enough MaMa Lotion to lighten the skin or clear up the acne but not so much that the skin is irritated and at risk of hyperpigmentation.

9.A wide brimmed hat is also important to give maximum protection to the face from the sun.

10.Non facial areas of skin will do best if irritations and abrasions are avoided and the areas are kept well moisturized and protected from the sun.

Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Thanks monniej! I read that and I followed the instructions about moisturizer first then applying the lotion...because I was afraid my skin would explode or something. lol But I was wondering, when they say darker skin, do they mean my race or by actual tone? Because I'm pretty light and I wasn't sure if "darker skin" was relative to very fair white skin or if they meant brown. i took it to mean women of color, but the information seemed like it would work for anyone using the product. because of the melanin levels for darker skin tones being too aggressive can cause the skin to actually produce more melanin and make the hyperpigmentation even worse. most acids of this type are not made for darker skin tones. mama lotion is one of the few that works well for women of color. hope this answers your question.
Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ah, it does. Thank you monniej! That makes sense, not sure why I didn't think of it that way. lol that's the great thing about mut for me! i learn something new everyday!
Originally Posted by Mezzi /img/forum/go_quote.gif can we see ur now pics monnie? sure you can! i'll try to get some posted this weekend. i'm still not going out without makeup, but it's way better than before the mama lotion!
i was able to get some current photos taken this weekend and i'll get them posted asap. before i post these pics i must remind you that i'm 49 and facing some interesting issues with my skin, so be kind! lol~ seriously though, i still feel that mama lotion is probably the best exfoliator and blemish treatment i've ever used.

Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nonsense! You're gorgeous! thanks so much! some days are better than others! lmao~

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