March 2014 No/Low-Buy! Support, Advice, and Free Hugs forums

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Joining in this month on a low-buy, possibly no-buy. I've been sick for the last week and havent been at work + I'll be out most of this week for more tests and unfortunately I'm not getting paid. Soooo this month is going to be tight yo begin with and I have MORE than enough products I haven't even touched yet. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I am keeping my subs because, well, I've already been charged for them!

Quote: Originally Posted by katielp /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I really like combing weight loss goals with now/low but goals...I'm thinking this might be pretty effective for me...

Ill take inventory of my stuff and then post what my plans are for this month

That's a good idea! I think I'll try to partner my master's thesis goals and my no-buy goals. I will work on that!

Quote: Originally Posted by jaylilee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Random comment of the day: 

My nose has been feeling clogged and yuck lately --- the pores full with ...something.. sebum? IDK. and a few black heads. This was never an issue until I started wearing makeup, so now I have to figure out what's causing it.

I had a little travel sized version of st ives blemish control green tea scrub -- so i used a warm towel to open my pores, then went to town with the scrub. it removed so much dead skin that my little nose is shiny now lol! not from oil but from the fact that it removed all the dead skin. The pores are still not all cleared.. I assume it will take more than 1 single scrub to clear them out... but I have faith. 

I'm wondering though if they accidentally put the blackhead scrub in a "blemish control" labeled one because mine says it has hydrated silica, but the ingredients for the big bottle look totally different online. or they were perhaps reformulated. I am not sure. it seems like the blackhead control's ingredients closer match the little travel size I have. 

Hey, jaylilee, about your nose, do you use a chemical exfoliant? Sometimes scrubbing with physical exfoliants can be really rough on your skin and break capillarys. You might try a BHA treatment. I use one by Paula's Choice- it's a liquid and you apply it like a toner. It's pretty awesome! You might try that to keep your pores on your nose clear. You can buy a sample of it for $0.80.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Joining in this month on a low-buy, possibly no-buy. I've been sick for the last week and havent been at work + I'll be out most of this week for more tests and unfortunately I'm not getting paid. Soooo this month is going to be tight yo begin with and I have MORE than enough products I haven't even touched yet.

I am keeping my subs because, well, I've already been charged for them!
I hope you get well soon! 

Quote: Originally Posted by eastofthesun /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's a good idea! I think I'll try to partner my master's thesis goals and my no-buy goals. I will work on that!

Hey, jaylilee, about your nose, do you use a chemical exfoliant? Sometimes scrubbing with physical exfoliants can be really rough on your skin and break capillarys. You might try a BHA treatment. I use one by Paula's Choice- it's a liquid and you apply it like a toner. It's pretty awesome! You might try that to keep your pores on your nose clear. You can buy a sample of it for $0.80.
ohhh!!! thank you! I will definitely look into this one.

We had talked about this on the February no/low buy. Dollar Shave Club's middle level razor is appropriate for women and much more affordable option then my current Schick. Anyway I signed up after i heard about it but then didn't purchase anything and then today I got an email for a month free so I think I'm going to try it! Just wanted to share in case anyone else was curious about it!!

@jaylilee have you tried biore deep cleansing pore strips? it's a staple in my stash, and use it once a week. it takes some figuring out how to apply it properly to extract all those blackheads and such, but it really works!!

Quote: Originally Posted by katielp /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We had talked about this on the February no/low buy. Dollar Shave Club's middle level razor is appropriate for women and much more affordable option then my current Schick.

Anyway I signed up after i heard about it but then didn't purchase anything and then today I got an email for a month free so I think I'm going to try it! Just wanted to share in case anyone else was curious about it!!
Thank you for this! I've bookmarked it so when I run out of razors, I can just do this instead.  I don't go through more than 4 razors a month, and $6 is cheaper than what I've been paying for 3 razors!


i bought something...but it's only for $5....but still...i think i'm going to revise my low buy rules. it's now going to be:

$100 for march, including all my gift cards (i have $15 at ulta, and $30 at sephora), so $55 cash..and i already spent $5. so i only have $50 left for the rest of the month!

I finally cancelled my second birchbox account. I should have done it last month but I could never find the cancel option on the website so I finally sent them an email this morning. Not gonna lie- I'm a little thrilled to be getting two this month! Otherwise for this month I really shouldn't buy a single thing! I highly doubt I will run out of anything. Not sure if I can be that strong so my limit is $20

Here's a thought for the religious among us: now about trying a no buy for all of lent? 
 That seems pretty ambitious... considering that it would start on this Wednesday and isn't supposed to end until Easter... 4/20!

I think I'll try out the challenge. I guess that means I should make the 1-2 purchases I was thinking (I really need more concealer). Based on last year's dates for Chic Week, I should also just catch the end of that and be able to buy a new foundation from Sephora >.<

Well I've already gone off track with my no-buy plans for March, but here are my plans for the rest of this month: -no-buy for the remainder of the month unless I run out of something (I can't think of anything I could possibly run out of, but I thought the same thing last month until I ran out of nail polish remover and had to go buy more, so it is possible I'm just not thinking of something) -I am allowed to have my birchbox sub (which is prepaid) and can purchase from the store using points only (but I think I will continue to save my points for a while) -I need to get my hair cut and colored so that is has been close to 6 months since my last hair cut and even longer since I got it colored. I keep my hair pretty natural but I really feel like I need to do something with it because it's looking pretty drab these days. -sell stuff on ebay. I have sold some cosmetics in recent months but I'm sure I can find more if I really dig into my stash. I'm also planning to sell some scrapbooking/stamping stuff. Getting some good tips from the ebay forum here. -If I like Julep's April collection I can order a box for April. It's my birthday month and I am allowing myself a few "treats" next month. But will only order from Julep if I am truly excited about the products, and will skip if I'm iffy about it (which seems to be most months). There are other places I can spend my bday money if not with Julep! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Good luck to everyone this month!

Here's a thought for the religious among us: now about trying a no buy for all of lent?  :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  That seems pretty ambitious... considering that it would start on this Wednesday and isn't supposed to end until Easter... 4/20! I think I'll try out the challenge. I guess that means I should make the 1-2 purchases I was thinking (I really need more concealer). Based on last year's dates for Chic Week, I should also just catch the end of that and be able to buy a new foundation from Sephora >.<
This is a good idea! I didn't really do anything for lent last year (or the year before) I'm not very religious but I think this would be an extra motivator! That said I will probably pick up a skincare item before wednesday that I think will really help with my flakes and dryness I've been struggling with recently.
ooh I am joining in, I am actually on a permanent "no-buy-unless-I-run-out", but I did purchase one eyeliner of the new collection essence came out with and I am very happy with it. It's a berry colour and looks great smudges along the lashline, a bit more intense then just brown.

but not buying ANYTHING until easter sounds good. I haven't been wearing makeup lately at all because I was sick(had a kidney infection) and I realised I really don't need to wear makeup. The stupid thing is, my everyday makeup doesn't even include eyeshadow, while that's what i own most of!

I'm trying to do a no-buy for all of March because my finances are shot for the time being. I keep missing work because of the weather. I take the bus to and from work, which I cannot do when the windchill is -10°F or lower. So, for March, I'm not allowed to buy anything that I don't absolutely need. My goals are: No Eyeliner. No Lipstick. No Nail Polish. I do not buy other makeup. I can buy personal items if I run out, but no shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, etc. until I use up what I have, which is gonna take months. Edited to add: I have been buying about 5 lipsticks a month, lip liners, eyeliners, and nail polish when I feel like I need it, and it really adds up.

I switched jobs and I can't get my budget figured out. I usually know down to the penny what I can spend each month. But till I start getting the new paycheck I am out of sorts.

Success story: Went with my cousin to purchase makeup (I'm like her personal makeup guru) went to mac, sephora, nordstrom, lush, and ulta. I had only planned to buy a couple masks from lush but they were sold out (damn you lush!). So all I bought was an ecotools brush and a deluxe sample of a smashbox primer at ulta. I guess it was easy to resist bc I was enjoying helping her pick out things? Anyways, I'm proud of that.

Success story: Went with my cousin to purchase makeup (I'm like her personal makeup guru) went to mac, sephora, nordstrom, lush, and ulta. I had only planned to buy a couple masks from lush but they were sold out (damn you lush!). So all I bought was an ecotools brush and a deluxe sample of a smashbox primer at ulta. I guess it was easy to resist bc I was enjoying helping her pick out things? Anyways, I'm proud of that.
thats awesome, way to go!
Success story: Went with my cousin to purchase makeup (I'm like her personal makeup guru) went to mac, sephora, nordstrom, lush, and ulta. I had only planned to buy a couple masks from lush but they were sold out (damn you lush!). So all I bought was an ecotools brush and a deluxe sample of a smashbox primer at ulta. I guess it was easy to resist bc I was enjoying helping her pick out things? Anyways, I'm proud of that.
Good for you.
Starting my 6th month of low buying. At first it was tough but after a while it becomes normal and the urges to spend are not as frequent or as strong as they were. In February the only makeup I bought was to replace my MAC pro longwear concealer and Etude House eye primer after I had used them up. 

For this month I created a list of rewards for each makeup product + personal goal combination that I finish. (for example: one MAC eyeshadow for hitting pan on an eyeshadow in addition to cleaning out my closet for donations) I don't have a massive collection to begin with but money is *tiiiight* since going back to school and I need something to focus on instead of lusting after new products all the time. 


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