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My favorite way to relax is to snuggle up in my bed and take a refreshing nap. Sleep is the best relaxer for me.

I liked MizSpa's facebook page.

My favorite thing to do to relax at night is to eat ice cream in bed while watching my favorite shows, then fall asleep listening to my favorite songs on my ipod.

The restaurant I work at is very busy and demanding, both physically and mentally.

At the end of the day, I like to surf the webs, burn rosemary oil to relax, and pamper myself, usually

in the form of skin care.

After a long tiring day, I love talking to my boyfriend on the phone or through skype. I only see him 2-3 times a week because of our crazy schedules. He's the one who tells me that even things are going rough, everything will be okay in the end.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! Good luck to everyone :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I love to snuggle with my dog, truffles! No one is nicer to me than she is! After a long, tiring day, she's always happy to see me ;]

I take a reaaaalllllyy long bath. I use some amazing spearmint bath soak and light a scented candle.

After a long day of work I like to do 2 things, one is come home to my boyfriend and have a nice dinner(and maybe some FroYo(frozen yogurt!))! OR I like to hop on my laptop and look up swatches, find new blogs to follow, or hop onto (MUT) no joke :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I love finding new inspiration, especially because I have my own blog to uphold. There's nothing like coming home to a boyfriend and your fav. hobby(makeup) to make me relax.

The one thing that I do after a long, tough day is to read a book! I would just curl up on a comfy chair with a favorite classic book, something like the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes or Pride and Prejudice and just get lost in the words and interesting stories. Sometimes its very hard to read for pleasure and I love being able to relax by reading.

The one thing I do to relax after a long day would be...go online. Simple enough. It doesn't sound very "relaxing" but it's how I unwind. Since we are so connected nowadays, and with everything at my fingertips I can practically take a vacation from my computer. Sometimes when I get so into reading articles, watching shows, editing photos, or playing games I lose all sense of time. And that totally takes my stress away! 

i have two ways i relax depending on how much time i have at the end of the night.

one would be to get into my pjs, put on a movie and relax in bed with my kitties. The 2nd one is too put a face mask on and browse online mostly on makeup sites and pinterest, maybe with a glass of wine :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I relax by resting on my bed, a nice glass of lemonade on the nightstand, and either a good book, or a TV show, if there is anything decent on.

Another thing I do, depending on if I am hot or sore, is a rest in a warm bathtub. Like most other people, I don't have a jacuzzi, and a nice bubblebath does the job just as well.

It is all situational for me. Usually, if it is a day off, I go the first route. If I work that day, I go the second. Either way, they are both win-win situations for me, and get me nice and relaxed for a nice night sleep. Nothing more relaxing than that for me, not at all. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I love to watch "guru" videos on Youtube! I work on my feet all day long, and I don't usually have the time to read magazines, so at night I like to watch the videos so I can catch up on what's new in makeup without having to hunt down a magazine or leave my house.

I can sit and relax and it's like watching TV but better!

If I've had a long day at work the first thing do to relax is to turn on the music... possibly Disney tunes, maybe some Bob Marley, sometimes even Miley Cyrus. Once my tunes are on I kick it to the bathroom and shower the day away. My absolute relax time is blow drying my hair. It requires no real though process, I can zone out and it's soothing to me. Once my hair is blow dried and silky smooth I automatically feel better!

Spending quality time with my husband and children is the best relaxant in the world for me.  The joy and laughter are so relaxing.

I would take a nice relaxing bath with lots of great smelling bath salts and essential oils :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I relax after work by laying in my airconditioned room, watching desperate housewives and painting my nails :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

After a long day, I love to draw up a nice hot bath, add some lavender, and turn on some music and just tune out the rest of the world. 
I'd lay down in the bathtub with warm jasmin-scented water while listen to the easy-listeing music.

:) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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