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@@Shalott I have similar sentiments. My shadow collection is getting way too big too quickly, and the idea of so many sitting unused really stresses me out. I am generally okay at passing up the LEs. My only sub (right now, I have gotten others in the past) is the VC, and I think I am going to keep it. I love almost everything from NM. This month's theme didn't particularly do it for me, but I do like the products. I am doing a 100 day no buy starting January 1 but keeping my VC.

@@Shalott I have similar sentiments. My shadow collection is getting way too big too quickly, and the idea of so many sitting unused really stresses me out. I am generally okay at passing up the LEs. My only sub (right now, I have gotten others in the past) is the VC, and I think I am going to keep it. I love almost everything from NM. This month's theme didn't particularly do it for me, but I do like the products. I am doing a 100 day no buy starting January 1 but keeping my VC.
I feel almost exactly the same, except when I was reorganizing my storage unit tonight, I realized I actually don't wear my NM all that much - in fact, I wear Aromaleigh 95% of the time, and then add in i+ta or Hello Waffle.

So now I hate myself for not getting the Ephemera sub, and I am thinking I should let the VC go... maybe not buy so much from NM in all, since I don't seem to use it much. Gah, lots to think about.

Actually, before I post, I just realized - the only NM I use consistently is from The Winchester Gospels, and I am not even a Supernatural fan. :lol: Just made me think.

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I think I may cancel my VC too. I love them! But all the colors are so similar that I can't really justify having new ones each month. I only joined because I LOVE Tim Curry. So idk. I keep it in the hopes of an Addams Family one!

I have been thinking of starting a sort of system like @@meaganola where I rotate out colors and items for each month.  Either that or challenge myself to use a new shadow every day and gift any that just don't work for me.  I can see myself getting overwhelmed if I pick up all the LEs but I'm so new to indies, I don't have storage issues yet.  As long as I keep wearing them I feel okay about having lots of shadows.  I completely understand giving it up if you aren't using the products.  

I think eventually I will have to choose between keeping this one and Aromaleigh. Both because of budget reasons and because of practical reasons! So I guess these first few months, we'll see what I reach for most! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Currently, I set out a few shadows each night to wear the next morning. I think maybe I'll start doing that on Sunday and set out enough for the week! Might help me use more I don't reach for as often.

I have a bit of a ritual:  I wash my brushes and sort through my rotation box every Saturday morning (sometimes I'll do the rotation box thing on Sunday, but brushes *must* be washed on Saturday morning in order to have enough time to dry!), and then I roll with those things for the whole week.  My mornings are so horrific (up by 5:10am, makeup done and dressed by 5:30am so I can deal with kitties/shoes/bag and be out the door by 5:45am) that I need to keep things super streamlined and consistent, and I can't even change things up from day to day during the workweek because I get weirdly thrown if I switch colors during the week even if I get the stuff together the night before. 

Also:  MORNINGS ARE THE ENEMY.  This morning, I gathered up all of my elf smudge brushes (my favorite for packing color onto my lids!) and painted the handles bright pink (I don't know why I even own bright pink nail polish because I don't wear that color, but it sure came in handy for this purpose) so I can see all of my clean smudge brushes in the clean brush drawer at a glance without my glasses because even rummaging around in the clean brush drawer wastes precious seconds at ass o'clock in the morning.  A large part of my weekends seem dedicated to making sure my work mornings run smoothly!

I have a bit of a ritual:  I wash my brushes and sort through my rotation box every Saturday morning (sometimes I'll do the rotation box thing on Sunday, but brushes *must* be washed on Saturday morning in order to have enough time to dry!), and then I roll with those things for the whole week.  My mornings are so horrific (up by 5:10am, makeup done and dressed by 5:30am so I can deal with kitties/shoes/bag and be out the door by 5:45am) that I need to keep things super streamlined and consistent, and I can't even change things up from day to day during the workweek because I get weirdly thrown if I switch colors during the week even if I get the stuff together the night before. 

Also:  MORNINGS ARE THE ENEMY.  This morning, I gathered up all of my elf smudge brushes (my favorite for packing color onto my lids!) and painted the handles bright pink (I don't know why I even own bright pink nail polish because I don't wear that color, but it sure came in handy for this purpose) so I can see all of my clean smudge brushes in the clean brush drawer at a glance without my glasses because even rummaging around in the clean brush drawer wastes precious seconds at ass o'clock in the morning.  A large part of my weekends seem dedicated to making sure my work mornings run smoothly!
You give me so many ideas.  I love the color-coded brush thing.  

Okay, so here is the breakdown - I started buying indie shadows last July-ish. And I now have over 200 mini jars/full size jars, and countless baggies. In six months. If this rate keeps up, I will have to dedicate a room to indies alone by next July! :lol:

But I am such a lemming so if everyone is getting a sub, I want it too! Ahhh, the travails of a makeup junkie. Also I commend you ladies who wear the same shadows for more than two days in a row - I'd have a nervous breakdown if I did that!

@Shalott  Only having ten minutes to do your makeup while still mostly asleep *really* helps you just shrug and be able to roll with the same colors all week!  I don't recommend it if you can help it, but there is *no way* I'm getting up before 5am just to do my makeup.  I will apply loose pigment on a moving bus before I will do that. 

@Shalott  Only having ten minutes to do your makeup while still mostly asleep *really* helps you just shrug and be able to roll with the same colors all week!  I don't recommend it if you can help it, but there is *no way* I'm getting up before 5am just to do my makeup.  I will apply loose pigment on a moving bus before I will do that. 
You're my role takes me an hour to get ready in the morning no matter how hard I try to cut down on the time! Even if I do very little makeup, somehow something else expands to take up that time chunk and it still takes me a damned hour...and that's with packing my lunch and setting out my clothes the night before.

Luckily I don't have to get up til 7, but that's still pretty early for me, I'm a night owl by nature!

You're my role takes me an hour to get ready in the morning no matter how hard I try to cut down on the time! Even if I do very little makeup, somehow something else expands to take up that time chunk and it still takes me a damned hour...and that's with packing my lunch and setting out my clothes the night before.

Luckily I don't have to get up til 7, but that's still pretty early for me, I'm a night owl by nature!
I don't really have a choice!  I start work at 7am, and I wasn't given a choice in my shift**, which means I need to be there by 6:30 so I can get my coffee and breakfast together since *that* is not happening at home, and I take the bus because I am *not* paying $13 a day for parking, so I have to be at the bus stop by 5:55, and I have to make sure to allocate some time with the kitties (and make sure they're not locked in the bathroom and fish/chase them out from under the bed if they've snuck into the bedroom!). 

I am such a non-morning person that I have an extensive system of alarms and timers making sure I keep on track.  One alarm to wake me up enough to hear the second alarm to *fully* wake me up, a light on a timer to reinforce IT IS TIME TO GET UP, another alarm to inform me to GET UP NOW, a timer in the bathroom to get me out of there in fifteen minutes (in addition to makeup, this includes dealing with my hair, brushing my teeth, etc.), yet another alarm to tell me to find my shoes, and one final alarm to get me the hell out the door.  NO DISTRACTIONS ALLOWED!

**  I might be able to convince my boss to let me change to 8-5, but I frequently need a nine- or ten-hour day to get everything done, and given our computer system/processing deadlines, everything *has* to be done by 5pm because banks, so staying until 6pm isn't an option, so.  7am it is.

@Shalott  Only having ten minutes to do your makeup while still mostly asleep *really* helps you just shrug and be able to roll with the same colors all week!  I don't recommend it if you can help it, but there is *no way* I'm getting up before 5am just to do my makeup.  I will apply loose pigment on a moving bus before I will do that. 
Ha ha, I couldn't do makeup in 10 minutes if my life depended on it! When I worked mornings, I'd wake up ten minutes before I needed to leave for my shift, so that I'd have time for clothes and coffee, and I kept mascara, a cream blush and lipstick in my purse. Those, only because I'd get a reprimand if I were caught at work without makeup! (Still did it on extra lazy days, though) :ph34r: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Okay, I got mine today and figured I'd add my swatches on here. :)

Everything is so pretty and holy cow is Fringe Coat for Freddy sparkly  :wub:


Cute stocking :)


Lipgloss for Leatherface, Rouge for Reagan (love!), Fringe Coat for Freddy, Choo Choo for Chuckie, Mittens for Michael, Jammies for Jason.

(all on bare skin with a finger). 

I don't really have a choice!  I start work at 7am, and I wasn't given a choice in my shift**, which means I need to be there by 6:30 so I can get my coffee and breakfast together since *that* is not happening at home, and I take the bus because I am *not* paying $13 a day for parking, so I have to be at the bus stop by 5:55, and I have to make sure to allocate some time with the kitties (and make sure they're not locked in the bathroom and fish/chase them out from under the bed if they've snuck into the bedroom!). 

I am such a non-morning person that I have an extensive system of alarms and timers making sure I keep on track.  One alarm to wake me up enough to hear the second alarm to *fully* wake me up, a light on a timer to reinforce IT IS TIME TO GET UP, another alarm to inform me to GET UP NOW, a timer in the bathroom to get me out of there in fifteen minutes (in addition to makeup, this includes dealing with my hair, brushing my teeth, etc.), yet another alarm to tell me to find my shoes, and one final alarm to get me the hell out the door.  NO DISTRACTIONS ALLOWED!

**  I might be able to convince my boss to let me change to 8-5, but I frequently need a nine- or ten-hour day to get everything done, and given our computer system/processing deadlines, everything *has* to be done by 5pm because banks, so staying until 6pm isn't an option, so.  7am it is.
I think you are my hero. I can't go from alarm to car in less than 1.5 hours.  Not that I'm doing that many things, just that I move at the pace of a 90 year old zombie in slow motion in the morning lol.  I probably spend 10 minutes looking for light switches.  Pretty much everyday I get into my car and look at the time and think, what was I just doing for the last 1-2 hours??  

Ha ha, I couldn't do makeup in 10 minutes if my life depended on it! When I worked mornings, I'd wake up ten minutes before I needed to leave for my shift, so that I'd have time for clothes and coffee, and I kept mascara, a cream blush and lipstick in my purse. Those, only because I'd get a reprimand if I were caught at work without makeup! (Still did it on extra lazy days, though) :ph34r: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
This was me when I used to work the opening shift at Starbucks.  I'd get up at 3:30 for work at 4:15.  (This includes the 20 min drive time)  Mascara and lip gloss along with a hairbrush and clean clothes were all I did.  

Uggggghhhhhhh! lipgloss for leather face. Ughhhhhh I am so in love. I friggin love dark lips!


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