Oil Cleansing Method

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I really like my MAC Cleanse off oil.. but I do wash my face still after I use it. It's great for taking off all traces of makeup.

People don't seem to realise that it isn't oil itself (Or dirt, for that matter) that gives you shiny skin or breakouts, but the way in which your body disposes of toxins and hormones and the glue created from waste excreted through your pores, which in turn, creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Otherwise, children would break out if they touched dirt or oil or their faces touched yours. Skin works from the INSIDE out. Oil cleansing isn't any more dangerous for breakouts than any other change of routine you might face. If anything, its less so.

So let me get this straight with the OCM you use a mixture of caster oil and a carrier oil, rub it into your face, steam, then wipe it off.  No soaps or cleansers needed.  This is what the ancient Romans used to do!  

It makes sense that if you strip the oils from your skin with cleaners then your body will kick into over drive to replace them thus using oils to soften the clogged pores and sebum- jojoba and caster oil are supposed to have antiseptic properties.  I also read that jojoba oil is not really an oil but a wax that has a melting point at room temperature and is the closest "oil" that matches the skins natural sebum, very cool.  

I am confused as to how many times you can do a deep cleansing.  One website I read up from said that you are not supposed to OCM too much but harshes on using regular cleansers.  I guess I will try using a caster oil mix a few times a week and use just straight up jojoba oil + a warm wash cloth the other nights.  The site said that nothing is needed in the morning since the OCM purifies the skin and balances it at night.  

I love the OCM and use it everyday - I choose to use pure Jojoba Oil and I think it does wonders. My skin feels clean and soft after I've finished and not the slightist bit "tight". Plus it is a light oil, it doesn't feel heavy and take a while to wash off. You will need to use a wash cloth though - I prefer to use a muslin cloth which also acts as a mild exfoliant.

I would also like to experiment using Coconut Oil - one day I will!

I have eczema and coconut oil gave me a terrible reaction.  Coconut oil also clogs pores so keep that in mind if you are still thinking of trying. 

Originally Posted by MissSensuous /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love the OCM and use it everyday - I choose to use pure Jojoba Oil and I think it does wonders. My skin feels clean and soft after I've finished and not the slightist bit "tight". Plus it is a light oil, it doesn't feel heavy and take a while to wash off. You will need to use a wash cloth though - I prefer to use a muslin cloth which also acts as a mild exfoliant.

I would also like to experiment using Coconut Oil - one day I will!

[SIZE=12pt]I don’t think you can go wrong with Jojoba, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]the only other oil that is good for my skin type is grapeseed oil. [/SIZE]

you can get most of them in the super market. I know that caster oil is usually in the pharmacy and jojoba in the natural sections. Other oils can be found in vitamin shops and specialty natural stores.

its not a cure all and you need to be careful from what I read if you have broken capillaries or rosacia with the steam. I have tried it and it does get off makeup and leave my skin feeling clean but not tight.
I have broken capillaries. But it's not bad. Are these oils bad for it?
Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil are not bad for skin. Castor oil by itself can be drying so you'd have to mix it with other oils.  Look at the ingredients in your favourite face cream, you'll find oils there too. 

Originally Posted by mcarazee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have broken capillaries. But it's not bad. Are these oils bad for it?

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil are not bad for skin. Castor oil by itself can be drying so you'd have to mix it with other oils. Look at the ingredients in your favourite face cream, you'll find oils there too.

Quote: Originally Posted by mcarazee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have broken capillaries. But it's not bad. Are these oils bad for it?
Cool thanks :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Just recently, someone told me about OCM, I'm 46 and although I had pretty clear skin althrough high school / adolenses, at 36 it changed. I was told by numerous dermatoligists that I have "Adult Acne" which I've been battling for about 10yrs. I have tried everything (at least it seems that way) topicals, Accutane, which was great until I stopped taking it. I'm tired of it all and ready to give in and let my face do what it wants, escpecially after throwing away so much stuff that "should do the trick".  So after reading up on this and everyone's posts, I'm going to give it a shot . . . . . what do I have to loose ? Here's hoping for the best and fingers crossed . . .  wish me luck ! 

I hope it works out for you.  You may have to tweek your oil combination to get the cleansing you need.  My skin had been oily and dry alternately.  My skin would get oily thru the day, when I cleansed, it'd be dry.  I don't get that anymore, I've been using this method for almost 3 yrs now.  I'm 43.  

Originally Posted by GhinnyGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just recently, someone told me about OCM, I'm 46 and although I had pretty clear skin althrough high school / adolenses, at 36 it changed. I was told by numerous dermatoligists that I have "Adult Acne" which I've been battling for about 10yrs. I have tried everything (at least it seems that way) topicals, Accutane, which was great until I stopped taking it. I'm tired of it all and ready to give in and let my face do what it wants, escpecially after throwing away so much stuff that "should do the trick".  So after reading up on this and everyone's posts, I'm going to give it a shot . . . . . what do I have to loose ? Here's hoping for the best and fingers crossed . . .  wish me luck ! 

Originally Posted by mcarazee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have broken capillaries. But it's not bad. Are these oils bad for it?

broken capillaries aren't effected by any products. if you've got 'em, you've got 'em.  you could use soothing/calming products to reduce redness but that's about it.  Oils/emulsifiers won't have an effect.  So worry not!

i have never ventured into homemade products, but are you guys emulsifying the oil after you rub it into the skin?  With most oil cleansing products, it's what you are supposed to do.  Since oil attracts oil, the water sweeps everything up without spreading it,  completely washing off the oil traps you've created on your face.  I don't know if homemade mixtures have that property, or if the cleansers you purchase have an added vehicle to it.  

I see that Boscia has a cleansing oil, and someone already mentioned Dermalogica's Pre-Cleanse (great product and well worth the 35 bucks, by the way), but Lancome also offers a cleansing oil and i'm sure many other skincare brands offer them.

someone asked if you cleanse after the oil...and depending on your skin type/skin conditions, it may be beneficial.  Regular cleansers have added ingredients that target your specific concerns and they definitely work best after cleansing with an oil-based cleanser (which just makes sure you are stripping the skin of excess oil and dirt).  

I use a castor oil and jojoba mix to remove makeup and dirt from my face.  I had added polysorbate 20 to one batch but I didn't like how it felt after I removed it.  I generally use a gentle microfibre cloth to remove most of the oil and my makeup.  Most times I just wash my face with a cleanser afterwards to remove the rest of the unwanted oil.  When my face feels dry, I just use a 50% witchhazel/50% rosewater mix as a toner to remove the rest of the oil and dirt.  That stuff works awesome without leaving my face feeling dry.  

[SIZE=10pt]Oil cleansing method is definitely a great skin care you can give to yourself! It will really make your skin healthy and supple to touch even if you have the oily skin. I've been doing this for the past two years and it never fails me.[/SIZE]

I love this too! I'm a skin care maniac, and I've never found a more effective way of cleansing. I use store bought skin care oils, which emulsify when mixed with water. You massage them on dry, then add water, it emulsifies, then rinse. My favourite at the moment is Dermalogica's Precleanse! 


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