PopSugar Must Have December 2014 *May Contain Spoilers*

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I think I am confused. With the 1 month $15 off code it makes the box $25. With the 6 month $75 off it makes each box $23. But with the 3 month $25 off it makes each box $28? Does anyone else find that odd? Or is my math off? It just makes more sense to me to do $35 off the 3 month to make each box about $24.

Oh well, I guess I can add it to the list of things I don't understand about popsugar.

I can't get the box, I wanted to use coupon code but... there new fabulous site won't let me order, because it says address error. The info is already saved, however they seem to find some mysterious unknown error. Grrrrrrr I really hate them, after every thing they have done. Now add this to the list. I should just give up on them I guess.

Went ahead and picked up my Dec gift box with the 15$ discount code, and then used my visa gift card my mother in law surprised me with for my bday...so free for me basically. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  

Did they just stop charging tax on CA orders now?  Or are they just too lazy to fix the glitch?  Any time I've mentioned it to customer service they've just ignored the issue.  

Thank you, thank you for the code! I got a December gift box. It's such a great deal for 6, but I used to have a sub and a few of their boxes this year I could have lived without. I prefer the option of being able to skip a box when I want. Could not pass on at least the Dec box at $15 off though. I hope it's a great one!

OK, I'm such a sucker! I resubbed with the $15 off code for December on Friday.

Now I have ordered ANOTHER December box with the half off code! I hope it's a good box. My intentions are to give the spare one to my sister for Christmas (hopefully it will arrive by Christmas).

@@kgus22 Thanks for the link! It's a good box! I'm trying to decide if I want a second box this month, cause $20 is such a great deal!

Great box! I wish I had waited for the 50% off code, but I'm not going to get a second box.

I caved. That scarf is perfection. I'd pay 19.98 just for that--the rest is just gravy! 


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