Seriously - What's With All the Blonde Jokes?! forums

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maybe where you live in canada people cant talk about thing like this openly. I live NEAR San Fransisco if that means anything, lol. Also a lot of my friends are from the ghetto, grew up poor w/nothing, and people in those ares its seems (to me at least) is humor is what keeps them going from day to day, or keeps them up when they're down.

My bf is Mexican, his best friend is black. If I called him a (insert bad black name here) he would just laugh at me and call me a (insert bad asian name here). Its probably harder for all white families to accept/be able to do this. My father is mexican and a bunch of other things, while my mother is japanese. And i'm a bunch of other stuff they're not cuz i'm adoped. But since I grow up in the most racial diverse place in the united states that might be why.

I guess it just depends on your oppinion... I would never think to call a black person the N word down here without getting my ass kicked really bad and that would happen.... Even if I was good friends with him im pretty sure he wouldnt appreciate it.. I just dont think anyone would joke around with a black guy here and call him that no matter how close they are. There is other jokes you can say..

And same with blonde jokes. The odd one is funny, but again there is a line... Saying them over and over and over again just like fat jokes can be hurtful sometimes... All blonde jokes are revolved around them being stupid.. So its like someone keeps making jokes about me and calling me stupid.. The first one is funny but after about 10 I get a bit mad.

Ok, people! simmer down! Easy partners........LOL Jokes are jokes, some people are offended while others laugh. We, here on MUT, DO have a Jokes forum present. What we DON'T have is a 'Jokes with no blonde jokes' forum.

My suggestion is that if you in the slightest bit sensitive to jokes about hair color, then please don't read the jokes forum. If you do read jokes there, you JUST MAY see blonde jokes there.

Jokes with a teeeeny weeeny bit of racial overtone can also be kinda funny(even white honky, overbite, beer belly jokes...yes I'm white), but I think we all should take them in stride when in the jokes forum.

I edited Angel's last post about black slang names and Mexican slang names. She bypassed the filter by putting exclamation points in there. Those are there for a reason...please don't bypass them on those. You can bypass them on other words, but not those pls.

I say, let it roll off your shoulders and forget it. It's no biggie. When I opened this thread, I thought I would see something like this: "What's with all the blonde jokes people, ok ok ok I'm blonde and loving it" or something.

Let's move on...I'll close this soon.

Just have to learn to laugh at yourself, and take things in stride. Haircolor is just haircolor, nothing more.

Lol... I was basically saying there are no hard feelings. We all know it's simply a discussion... not a flaming fight. :tee:

Ya Tony no worries man :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I think its good for us to have debates. Things never get out of control.... sometimes its nice to have a debate rather then shut it down right away. Its nice to hear what people are thinking, I never in any way mean to hurt anybody or get mad in anyway... I am just simply expressing my oppinion. Just like with Jessimau *Sp* With the annorexia after it was closed I PM her and apologized and we were friends :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So nothing is ment by it, just a good friendly debate..

Also Tony I think she was referring to jokes period ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I dont think she was referring to them just on MUT.

I think people need to relax and take a chill pill. Honestly, jokes are jokes. If you can't handle it, then I guess don't read it. I understand if someone wrote the joke targeting you, then ok it gets personal. I wouldn't even care if someone started singing the song "chinese, japanese, dirty knees, look at these!" and making slanty eye faces while singing it to me. Lord knows I heard it throughout elementary school long I even laugh at asian jokes and I'm asian myself.

So yea, ofc I get the usually I'm white washed, I'm a twinkie (yellow on the outside and white on the inside) and a sell out. I don't take it to heart. I just laugh it off. You want some pork flied lice and chicken rings with that? mi luv yu long tyme! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Speaking of which, I went to buy something at MAC last wk and this MA was a blonde ofc. She was ringing me up and she was asking for my name. Then she asked for my name a min later, and I gave it to her again. She said "oh duh! you just told me a min ago...sometimes I really can be a blonde" Now that's what I call a cool chick. Being secure about yourself and joking around.

Just like people think asians are smart in math. I totally hate math with a passion. Took me 3x to pass math 101 in I disproved that theory. yes, I'm mom told me that my whole life. Hmmm, people say I laugh a lot and don't take things personal. Shrugs. Who knows, maybe I am a re-re? or maybe I just don't give a sh*t what ppl think :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

All good points. I think we have just decided that some are sensitive and dont like jokes which is fine and some do... Nothing can change that so lets all be happy people now :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

aww. sorri , u were offended hun. It's just jokes and being asian , and living in a small town where i grew up and work w/ plenty of Caucasians , I hear asian jokes on a daily basis. But they are just jokes and i grew up w/these ppl so i know they still love me

I'm sure there are tons of blondes here, blonde jokes are just funni. They are in no way true to me when i read them. As a matter of fact, most blonde jokes are funni to me ... cuz i can relate to it. I'm ditzy and my b/f never stops reminding me ... but that's the way i am :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I get what you guys are saying about "don't read the jokes" on here if you're sensitive. But I think, in general, "dumb blonde" is more than just a collection of jokes. It's a stereotype.

I'm naturally blonde. I've seriously had conversations with people before where their jaws have dropped and they've said things like "Wow...that was deep!!!!" As if they are totally shocked and expected me to be completely clueless (this includes teacher's assistants at my university).

I think a few light-hearted blonde jokes here and there is fine if they are not malicious in nature. However, once the jokes start piling up, or once they start becoming more mean-spirited, then they are just reinforcing the stereotype that blondes are dumb. And that can be quite damaging (and discouraging). Honestly, once you hear it over and over and over again, it's hard not to believe that there's some truth to it. Even if it's a lame blonde joke and you know you should know better.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest. And I was referring to all blonde jokes, not specifically the ones on this forum.

I think as long as everyone on MuT respects one another, there won't be a problem. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And everyone here seems to be pretty respectful.

well I dont take them seriously I know that physical caritaristics dont reflect what a person is like,

I see what you are saying TY. My reply pretty much came from the old days on MUT. When we first got the site open, it was on the heels of a few other sites that were overloaded w/ drama and idiots. While we will still keep the drama to a minimum, I understand if we keep our cool , debate and disagree maturely, then we'll keep things like this open.

I'm blonde. Blonde jokes don't really bother me, just because I know they aren't to be taken seriously. My band director in high school used to make fun of me for being blonde all the time. He knows I'm not stupid, I know I'm not stupid so we could laugh about it.

If you know you aren't stupid, just laugh about it, or if it really bothers you if people are saying it to you then tell them you would like them to stop because you don't think it's funny.

::shrug:: I understand where you are coming from, they used to bother me.


i posted a lot of blonde jokes on here and guess what?? im blonde. LOL. I really dont take them seriously and u should do the same.

i think if anyone's upset with them, don't get upset with MuT: get upset with the person who created blonde jokes to begin with!! he's probably dead now, though.
