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Nov 6, 2005
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In an interview with Look Magazine, Angelina Jolie said that Shiloh was an oucast in her family, because of her blonde hair and blue eyes. Um....wouldn't Zahara be an oucast too, because she doesn't look like the others as well?
She said, “She looks like Brad. It’s funny because she’s almost going to be the outcast in the family because she’s blonde and blue-eyed. I felt so much more for Madd, Zahara and Pax because they were survivors. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. But I’m conscious that I have to make sure I don’t ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable.â€
Hmmm...why don't you try treating them all the same? Ever thought of that? Isn't that parenting 101? Shiloh's needs are food, sleep, love and attention. That's the same needs as the others. DUH! Right now I'm pretty sure the kids are just being kids and aren't worrying about who's different and who's not. That shit comes later.

Source: Dlisted | Be Very Afraid
Haha. Seriously, what's wrong with treating them all the same?
Ah wells, this made me chuckle.
I LOVE Angelina, but I hate the comments she makes about Shiloh. Remember when she called her a blob? She is always making comments about how she doesn't mean to, but she ignores Shiloh's needs... because she feels Shiloh is so privileged. That's sooo not cool. Shiloh is SO beautiful. So is Zahara. I'm with y'all... treat them equal.

Wow, she really looks like Brad! I haven't seen her since that first pic on People magazine.

That is a horrible thing to say. She needs to remember that everything she says is written down for eternity and that her child may one day read this stuff that she is spewing. She is such a beautiful baby.

I think shes just saying what all parents are too scared to say - Favoritism exists with parents and children. That is a fact. You can love em all the same if you want - but you never treat them the same.

Originally Posted by Saje /img/forum/go_quote.gif I think shes just saying what all parents are too scared to say - Favoritism exists with parents and children. That is a fact. You can love em all the same if you want - but you never treat them the same. 1000000000000% correct. I have three kids, I have the same love for them, but I can admit that I favor my youngest son, AKA Pickles. Especially being that I spend more time with him ect. But yeah, I wont judge her on that. I honestly think that anyone with more than one child would agree. Now, I don't favor one over the other concerning facial features and all that. Now she is just strange for that one
awwww poor thing!!!! i always see them out with all of the other kids 2gether w/o shiloh.. that's not right! she's going to grow up to hate her sisters/brothers and hee parents!!! i feel bad!

Do these children, who were adopted as infants REALLLY know how bad they would have had it? I mean, if she adpoted a ten year old, I can see how she might feel the need to treat him different....but they were like 2 when she adopted them , how much of those two years will tey actually end up remebering

Originally Posted by Saja /img/forum/go_quote.gif Do these children, who were adopted as infants REALLLY know how bad they would have had it? I mean, if she adpoted a ten year old, I can see how she might feel the need to treat him different....but they were like 2 when she adopted them , how much of those two years will they actually end up remebering actually i do think they will know where they came from and how bad they could of had it and how unfortunate the other kids have it because i think angelina visits those country alot and brings her kids with her, i dont belive she will let them forget where they came from.theres 101 ways to read into what she said and everyone is gonna form there own opinion but i dont belive for a second that she doesnt love them ALL equally.

Shiloh's a cutie, but Zahara's the absolute cutest of all of the kids!

Originally Posted by Aprill /img/forum/go_quote.gif 1000000000000% correct. I have three kids, I have the same love for them, but I can admit that I favor my youngest son, AKA Pickles. Especially being that I spend more time with him ect. But yeah, I wont judge her on that. I honestly think that anyone with more than one child would agree. Now, I don't favor one over the other concerning facial features and all that. Now she is just strange for that one
I try to not have a fave, but I think it's certain things that cause it to happen. I asked my mom about whether or not she favored one kid over the other, and she said "No. There's just something about each child that you love more about the one child than the other." I think she was telling the truth to some extent, but I bet I was the fave LMAO! j/k!
I don't see anything wrong with her speaking how she feels. I also don't see why people should care either. I understand where Angelina is coming from when she says that Shiloh is quite priveleged from the start...but i don't think she's about to start treating shiloh like crap because of it either.

I dont know why its such a big deal that they "arent photographed together" (which I also find quite funny because I see a lot of pictures of Shiloh with the parentals and her sibs)

But if we play around with that idea, lets be honest, Shiloh, out of all of them would be the paparazzi magnet being the biological spawn of two very intriguing actors. When these guys are in school, with their adoption being so publicized, and a lot of kids today being amazingly bred bullies, who would be easier targets - the adopted ones or Shiloh?

Or what about a reverse? If they favored Shiloh more because she is their biological child - would we be writing articles and talking about how horrible she is to her adopted children?

Angelina may be reading a little too far ahead into the future - but I honestly see her concerns/issues as legitimate.

Or she just has an amazing marketing or PR person telling her to say all these things so that we as a society keep her and her family filthy rich and talked about and continually obsessed with her kids - to make them grow up to be the future socialites of Hollywood (very Truman Show-ish eh!). Because, come on, you are nobody unless you are talked about.


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