Should I have my daughters ears pierced?? forums

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My mom took me for my first piercing (lower earlobes) when I was 5 years old. From 5 to 15 years old I had 5 more piercings done w/my mom...she had to sign for them all. IDK what the big deal is. 

My daughter got her ears peirced around 6 months or so. She cried just a teeny little bit but it was no big deal.

I say if you want to, go for it!

So i confirmed with my mom that I didnt have a reaction to the metal and I did just fine with the piercings and so I think Im gonna wait a couple more weeks bf we really decide nething but Im kinda leaning more towards yes cuz then I know that I would clean the earrings and turn then and keep them healthy and not to have about if we wait til she can decide and then have her not clean them and turn them then they get infected. Oh and according to my mom she got my ears pierced at the age of 3 weeks...geesh mom lol.

I appreciate all the comments ladies.

Originally Posted by tawnyinthepink /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Why is this an issue?

Sometimes, when you are 'sitting on the fence' about an issue, its nice to get other points of view.  We don't always want to ask people we see everyday.  Fresh opinions always give you a better perspective. 

A few of my cousins had ears pierced before they left the hospital .. day 3 or 4 maybe.  ...that's when mothers stayed in the hospital for a week or more.  I was 6 years old and since my sister and I got them done at the same time, she was 4.

Originally Posted by perlanga /img/forum/go_quote.gif

^^^^ Interesting I didn't know that was a procedure done at hospitals.

I was born in the Philippines.  I suppose they did that there.  My cousins are a few of years younger.  I remember them being brought home with earrings already.

Yea its nice to hear other peoples perspectives on certain issues as this one. I wanna know others thoughts. I wanna do it but then again I want her to be to decide so like I said Im still on the fence about it.

Thanks, I would imagine that in some countries this would be normal. Do you know if this can be done by a pediatrician?

Ya know I never really thought about that if they could cuz if they could then Id feel better w them doing then going someplace else that I dont trust. Thats a really good question lol.

Throughout my entire family and most of the time many other people in Trinidad, have their ears pierced at a very young age.  Most times a few months old.  I have never seen any problems or know of any.  It's up to you, if she doesn't want it after she can take it out.  Very simple.

I agree that it´s best to have the ears pierced at the same time. I´ve always been a bit of a whimp, but desperately wanted to have my ears pierced at age 2 or 3. After the first ear was done I refused to get the 2nd one done, so it took another 2 years until I got the other ear done lol

The pain isn´t really that bad in general, but kids experience pain differently. And some kids handle it better than others. You´ll always have kids who fall down and laugh, and others who cry like the world is coming to an end. If you feel like your baby would start kicking, screaming and crying it´s probably better to wait. No need to turn getting your ears pierced into a possibly traumatic experience

You know I actually feel like babies handle it way better than than younger children. I've seen babies just cry for a few minutes, as opposed to younger girls that are scared and cry for quite a while. When I went with my cousin to get her babies ears pierced, there was a four or five year old in front of us that was scared and wouldn't do it. The mom was clearly upset and said "look at the baby behind you she's gonna get it done and she's not scared". The little girl didn't budge, but I heard the mom say it was the second time they went and the girl still wouldn't do it.

My girls have had thier ears done since they were 3months old. They always left them alone and never had any problems with them.

Even if you dress her in all pink and have hair bows in someone out there will still say how old is he? or isnt he cute! Had it happen with all 3 of my kids even though the girls were in pink and hair bows and my son was in blue from head to toe!

Yea thats what I dont want is for her to be scared later on in life if we decide to wait to get them done. I know that if we do it now that Ill be the one in charge of cleaning them and turning them and making sure they dont get infected but if we wait then she'd have to be the one to clean and turn them and make sure they dont get infected and I trust that I know Ill do it so I think we'll get them done here soon. Just need to find a place who has 14 karat gold or stainless steel earrings.

As a guy I would say no

Wait till he/she is 16 so she can decide for herself

But yeah who am I.. lol

Hi all:) I choose not to have my daughters ears pierced when they were babies.I have a 8 and 3 yr old daughters and I personally felt that it was barbaric to pierce a baby for the sake of someone thinking they were boys or just for vanity.I had family and some friends trying to nag me into doing it but I felt that I would give my daughters the choice if they wanted to get their ears pierced at an age that we felt was appropriate for them as individuals.My 8 yr old had said that she was ready to get her ears pierced and we talked to her about what would happen and how she would have to take care of her ears and clean them and so forth. This past Xmas she finally got them done as a gift from her dad and I'm soo glad we decided to do it this way. We all went together as a fam and it was very emotional for us as parents because this was her first big steps as a big girl,lol:) My daughter was happy she was able to make this decision and she has been doing a great job at being responsible and caring for her ears:) For our family this worked great and we are happy with our choice.As far as anyone thinking my girls were boys,lol i had them in pink all the time! Hope everyone's answers helped and good luck!

I had my daughter's ears pierced when she was 3 months old, and it went very well... she didn't even feel the first one go in, and the second one she cried for a few seconds.

I wish my mother had my ears pierced when I was little, because the older little girls get, the more scared they become. I wanted them pierced so bad but didn't work up the courage to get them done until I was 16. Oh, and yeah, I was a little girl who's hair didn't grow as fast as others, and was called a boy until I was 5. I remember I'd get tormented about it.  Every person that I've talked to about ear piercing says they always wanted it done but were to afraid the older they got. LOL! 

So yeah, I think there are worse things a parent can do to a child... I don't regret getting my daughter's ears pierced. She tells me all the time how much she loves them.

It's easy if they don't want their ears pierced to let them close at any time. 

Sry ladies, havent checked this section in a while. I havent gotten them pierced and I probably wont until shes able to decide. I guess we'll just see what happens.


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