Snooki's Upcoming Beauty Products forums

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Apr 19, 2011
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Snooki has 3 beauty products/lines coming out to add to her collection of goodies (she already has a line of slippers, flip flops and sunglasses). 

Snooki perfume - With notes of beach flower “a natural tannerâ€, seaside driftwood “to remind people of the Jersey Shore†and kiwi - Nicole’s favorite scent - the fragrance fulfilled a lifelong wish for the petite reality star, who has wanted to create her own perfume “since before I was famousâ€.  $45 for a 3.3 oz bottle.

Tanning Lotion -

And finally she will have her own line of nail polishes, nail decals and false eyelashes.
Are you a huge Snooki fan?  Will you be buying any of these items?
I never saw her 'appeal'.  She makes me cringe and I wanna show her to my kids as an example why they should stay in school.  She's a bad Italian stereotype.

I've never watched the show and have only heard horrible things about her.  BUT the packaging is cute. 

Geez, will we EVER be rid of that "Jersey Shore" crowd? 


Originally Posted by GirlyEnthusiast /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ewww. I always imagined Snooki smelling like a combination of pickles, tequila and penis. I'll pass :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Now THAT is funny!  

I love Snooks, I think she's hilarious. I'm keeping an open mind - her perfume might be awesome, but it'd be embarassing to tell people what I'm wearing if I rocked it. I have no shame in picking up the nail polishes & false lashes, though - if they don't look like cheap Hallowe'en party favours. I love the bottle though.

Honestly when does the horror end? Why is she coming out with a perfume when no one is going to want to buy it. She's trying to be an italian Paris Hilton it seems. Can you say FAIL!

Honestly when does the horror end? Why is she coming out with a perfume when no one is going to want to buy it. She's trying to be an italian Paris Hilton it seems. Can you say FAIL!
She's not actually (fully) Italian. She's just as American as Paris is. And if one wouldn't refer to Paris as a 'Norwegian-American Zsa Zsa wannabe' than, I fail to see where or why Ms. Polizzi's ethnicity (whatever it is) would be a factor.
She's an a bad Italian stereotype.  Paris Hilton is what?? 

Originally Posted by Maris Crane /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She's not actually (fully) Italian. She's just as American as Paris is. And if one wouldn't refer to Paris as a 'Norwegian-American Zsa Zsa wannabe' than, I fail to see where or why Ms. Polizzi's ethnicity (whatever it is) would be a factor.

Its crazy that someone thinks she is a marketable brand to invest on this.   It probably does smell like that...LOL!  

Originally Posted by GirlyEnthusiast /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ewww. I always imagined Snooki smelling like a combination of pickles, tequila and penis. I'll pass :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Is it bad that I really want all of it but only because 1) the packaging is way too cute and would look amazing on my dresser or counter 2) I obviously have a beauty product shopping problem

The bottles are cute except for that Snooki label on it!  Then you'll get a bunch of questions from everyone that sees it.  I wouldn't wanna have to keep explaining that I bought it for the bottles.  I'm not sure my friends would believe me and I'll NEVER live it down *shudder*

Well I guess good for her that someone is willing to invest in her......Sad for the rest of us.

I'm not interested at all, I think the packaging is too busy and kinda tacky, rather then cute. I am sure it will sell though.


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