The best mascaras... forums

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I think this topic is one that is debated by a lot of people. I have really sensitive eyes too and the ones I recommend are DiorShow, Max Factor LP and MAC Zoom lash.

i swear i have 1 of the most sensitives eyes ... and i wear contacts ...

... i like 2000 calorie paired w/ LP

Please let us know if you find something that works for you.
Good luck!

all of the maybelline mascaras are great and the almays too

and when you wear them you dond feel them at all

Thank you so much for the comments, and yes, I’ll let know if I find something that works for me. Thanks again.
I answered a similar question of this kind a while back. My first question is, are you allerigic to nickel??? are you allergic to anything other than gold jewellery? if you are then you are allergic to nickel, thus black mascara contains nickel to give them the rich colour, so I suggest going ot the near by pharmacy and asking for low nickel mascara...

I bought Diorshow and I like it, it didn’t make my eyes watery. Thank you everyone for your comments.
Originally Posted by Blue_Copper Thank you so much for the comments, and yes, I’ll let know if I find something that works for me. Thanks again.
Thank you.
If you have sensitive eyes, you might want to try Almay's Thickening mascara in the white tube. My mother has very watery eyes and she can't wear waterproof since it makes her lashes itch. She has been using this Almay stuff for years and it's working great for her.

I honestly love Great lash! You have NOOO idea how much I have searched for just the perfect mascara. HE including. I think great lash is the best however.

Hello... I've been searching for a few days for mascara. I've searched through these forums and also through reviews on other sites. I'm Asian with long eyelashes, but they're pretty thin. My eyes get watery sometimes... it doesn't get watery enough to look like I'm crying, but it's enough to make mascara run. I've been looking for something that volumizes, doesn't smudge, holds a curl, and is waterproof. I've tried a few from bobbi brown, mac, and a few drugstore ones but didn't like any of them. I've read that the diorshow adds dramatic volume and that the shu basic gives a more natural look. I wouldn't mind getting both, but I've also seen shu uemura precise volume mascara waterproof. I haven't seen much about this, has anyone here tried it?

Also, I've been thinking about getting these from Has anyone tried returning used things at sephora or know of a place that sells these items but has a accepts returns on used items?



I've only used drugstore brands, and that's probably all I'll continue to use. So far, my HG mascara is Cover Girl Lash Exact. The only other one I'd use is Maybelline Lash Discovery. I haven't tried MF Lash Perfection yet though, which I hear has the same brush as CG.

Drugstore - cover girl exact lash

Department Store - prescriptives falsh eyelashes

After using cg exact lash I couldn't possibly justify paying $20 a tube for prescriptives. I prefer the exact lash it lasts all day and really separates my lashes. I love it. I even bought a tube for my mother because she refused to try it and she called me today to tell me how fabulous it was!

My fave mascara ever! is Maybelline Lash Discovery.

I initially bought it just for the little lower lashes,but I found the small brush can seek out everysingle lash and so I get tons of long pretty lashes.

Originally Posted by doe My fave mascara ever! is Maybelline Lash Discovery.I initially bought it just for the little lower lashes,but I found the small brush can seek out everysingle lash and so I get tons of long pretty lashes.

I use Maybelline Lash Discovery Water proof too and I use it because it gets every single lash because the wand is small. My lashes are short, sparse and straight. Lucky me!

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