The Official ANTM Cycle 8 Thread *MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* forums

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I want Natasha to win, but I'm secretly gunning for Renee, cause I think she'll make the better model.

guess I'm just confused!


ahhhhhhhh i'm so happy Jaslene won, i wanted her to win since the begginning, latinas represent, woohoo!

The last 3 mins were cut short so I had to come here to find out who won LOL!

I wanted Natasha to win so bad. Jaslene was too big headed the entire time and KNEW she was going to win, I didn't like her and if I saw her CG ad, it woldn't make me want anything on her face!

Geezm I sound mean LOL! I am not, of course. We can't always get what we want, booo haha. In all honesty, I didn't like either of them 100%, I was rooting for Renee!

You guys should be happy for her, this was her dream and for you to hate her for it is mean (don't hate me :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ). I didn't want Renee to win, but I would be super happy for her cause she also kind of deserves it.

yea i agree as well as far as the "Jaslene was too big headed the entire time and KNEW she was going to win, I didn't like her and if I saw her CG ad, it woldn't make me want anything on her face!" shoooo i would be actin like that too if i knew i had it in the bag, i mean who wouldnt? lol but i didnt think she was acting like that all ! As far as Natasha, i dont know there was something weird about her, dont know what it was but a lil not normal lol, oh well everyone has their opinions ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I liked both natasha and jaslene as long as it wasnt renee because i just thought she sucked. I cant stand Jaslenes voice/accent ughhhh.

Im glad Renee left. Her OLD looking face was in shock when Natasha's got her name called out. Bah ha ha.

But my girl Jaslene won! Woo Hoo. She didnt seem big-headed to me. It was obvious she was the only good one there (besides Natasha) out of the whole bunch.

That's just how we LATINAS ROLL!

I was so happy when Renee was sent packing. Whoo hoo! I was tired of her old face.

I was rooting for Natasha. I think she handled the skirt situation like a pro. Jay Manuel was interviewed in People and he talked about ANTM. He sounded like he didn't agree with jaslene being the winner. And I agree with him.

Hmmm, I wonder who Mr. Jay wanted to win?

I'm not sure I agree with the choice of Jaslene either, but am happy for her, cause she wanted it real bad!

I honestly thought that it would be Renee and Natasha at the end...shocker!!!

Poor Jaslene was so nervous when they first walked into the judging room, I almost cried when she was the winner ( not really ) because you could tell how badly she wanted to be a model and I'm happy for her. I'm also excited that we'll be seeing Natasha on Tyra's show as a correspondant!

Jaslene was my favorite, because she has this crazy connection with the camera that makes you look at her. And honestly, I think she'll do well as a model, maybe better than any past top model winners, because she does have that high fashion/runway/editorial look. We probably won't be seeing her on Glamour, etc., but because she has such an untraditionally beautiful face, I think the snooty couture ppl will like her, lol.

Personally, I never liked Renee, because she was a b**** through the first half of the show, picking fights and saying completely unnecessary things to other models. It just rubbed me the wrong way when she whined about other girls winning the first few challenges, claiming they had an advantage and the whole thing was BS anyway. What kind of attitude is that?

I am SOOOOO happy that Natasha didn't win!!!! GOSH! I FREAKING CAN'T STAND HER! She is so SLOPPY... ugggghhh... I'm so glad Jaslene won... I originally wanted Dionne to win... I thought she was hilarious! She always made me laugh.. But Jaslene is good too. Horay Natasha went home!!! She can go home to her creepy old husband and they both can be sloppy together.

I think the last three girls, no matter what the outcome was, could go home and start doing modeling in their respective "specialties". There are plenty of mature-faced women who make a good living being a catalog model, and plenty of editorial shoots for girls with nice full facial features, and I'm sure Jaslene will totally stomp with it when it comes to the high fashion end. I think they all went away with something, even if only one of them got to win ANTM.

I agree with you Meh! Wasn't it interesting that all of the judges thought that Renee photographed "older" than she really was? That's what happens when you hold all that bitterness, envy, and anger. It comes out on your looks! Natasha had the "phony" gene. She was definitely two-faced.

Good luck to Jaslene. Look forward to seeing the cover girl adds. Second time around. Just shows persistence pays.



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