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I don't really have any updates.. Still struggling to stay consistent, but todays a new day. I am starting off fresh and clean and will keep trying. I would say the weight gain is definately from your period. I know I always feel extremely bloated around that time. Good luck getting started again today! My boyfriend asks some of those questions too and like if there is a choice between coke and dr pepper he will drink coke because he knows I hate coke but he knows I LOVE LOVE Dr Pepper. He said that way I won't be tempted. I'm trying to cut out all the soda, but its hard sometimes.

well i haven't been eating so healthy either, i recently got in a huge fight with my parents and am in the process of moving i'm kind of depressed and anxious. i haven't had time to work out either
but i do plan to stay with it! as soon as i get settled in. don't feel bad jen, about binging during your period-i'm guilty too. it's soo hard not to. my doc told me that you're moody during your period and sad, and your body craves carbs b/c carbs have something that makes you happy..the key is to indulge in healthy, low cal carbs, like popcorn.

You'll get back into it soon! Everday is a new day. I try not to always wait until Monday to start over. Things will calm down and you will be able to get back on a better routine, kam..

I'm 5'6 1/2"-5'7", and I weigh about 125 pounds (last time I checked). My overall frame is a cross between average and skinny, but I have some extra fat that I dislike which is placed directly onto my midsection (stomach and hips) and having thighs that are a tad smaller would be great as well. However, my main concentration is losing the stubborn fat on my stomach. I know you can't spot target where you'd like to lose fat, and I've read that the place where you usually put on weight is the place that it's hardest to lose weight from... so this will prob. be VERY hard for me. Oh, and I'll add in my love for mostly ALL food minus veggies and a couple other things... I DESPISE veggies, and I'm aware that I should learn to like them, but I caaaannnn't!
I do love food though, and I eat a lot
I exercise on the treadmill mostly every day, unless I have an INTENSE dance class that day. I walk on the beach during the spring/summer because I stay at my beachhouse a lot at that time during the year. I've always wanted to cut out the crap, but I love food so much that it's SOOOO hard for me to do that. This time, I'm realllyyy gonna try. If I just drop some of the "crap" I love that I have, I know I would lose some weight! I'm not all that concerned about the number on the scale, I just want my stomach to be one that I can feel comfortable having on my body. And if my thighs were a bit smaller, my size 3/4s would get on a lil more easily. So basically I am just gonna try to eat better and keep up the exercising.

Originally Posted by KimC2005 My boyfriend asks some of those questions too and like if there is a choice between coke and dr pepper he will drink coke because he knows I hate coke but he knows I LOVE LOVE Dr Pepper. He said that way I won't be tempted. I'm trying to cut out all the soda, but its hard sometimes. that's sweet/supportive of your boyfriend! i used to think it'd be hard to give up soda, but now it actually makes me sick. i got over it quickly!

Originally Posted by kam_621 well i haven't been eating so healthy either, i recently got in a huge fight with my parents and am in the process of moving i'm kind of depressed and anxious. i haven't had time to work out either
but i do plan to stay with it! as soon as i get settled in. don't feel bad jen, about binging during your period-i'm guilty too. it's soo hard not to. my doc told me that you're moody during your period and sad, and your body craves carbs b/c carbs have something that makes you happy..the key is to indulge in healthy, low cal carbs, like popcorn. i'm sorry you got into a fight with your parents and you're depressed
i hope everything is okay. that's a great tip, though. i'm gonna buy some popcorn next time i go food shopping. thanks! i hope you're okay

Originally Posted by KimC2005 You'll get back into it soon! Everday is a new day. I try not to always wait until Monday to start over. Things will calm down and you will be able to get back on a better routine, kam.. i always start in the beginning of the week, too! today's sunday, so i'm starting again.
okay, so let's see how good i can be this week!

how's everyone doing?

Today has been a good day. I still haven't done any exercise, but I might be able to get to that later in the day. I have been drinking a ton of water since I started that water challenge. I live in the bathroom now
I'll update more later this week

Originally Posted by prettybabi11492 I'm 5'6 1/2"-5'7", and I weigh about 125 pounds (last time I checked). My overall frame is a cross between average and skinny, but I have some extra fat that I dislike which is placed directly onto my midsection (stomach and hips) and having thighs that are a tad smaller would be great as well. However, my main concentration is losing the stubborn fat on my stomach. I know you can't spot target where you'd like to lose fat, and I've read that the place where you usually put on weight is the place that it's hardest to lose weight from... so this will prob. be VERY hard for me. Oh, and I'll add in my love for mostly ALL food minus veggies and a couple other things... I DESPISE veggies, and I'm aware that I should learn to like them, but I caaaannnn't!
I do love food though, and I eat a lot
I exercise on the treadmill mostly every day, unless I have an INTENSE dance class that day. I walk on the beach during the spring/summer because I stay at my beachhouse a lot at that time during the year. I've always wanted to cut out the crap, but I love food so much that it's SOOOO hard for me to do that. This time, I'm realllyyy gonna try. If I just drop some of the "crap" I love that I have, I know I would lose some weight! I'm not all that concerned about the number on the scale, I just want my stomach to be one that I can feel comfortable having on my body. And if my thighs were a bit smaller, my size 3/4s would get on a lil more easily. So basically I am just gonna try to eat better and keep up the exercising. you posted as i was typing my earlier post, so i missed it! sorry!
i'm sorry your belly's hard to get rid of it, but if you keep trying (come here for motivation!), i'm sure you can do it! good luck and keep us posted

kim, i gotta work out a little later, too, and i've been peeing all day because of the water challenge, too LOL

Hey Jennifer, can we make the support thread a sticky??

Does anybody have any updates how their progress is going?? I think sometimes we have to get downright mad about not exercising and about not eating better. I think that is what gives us motivation to exercise and eat better.

Kristin - hope u feel better soon hun

I am sooo lazi. everytime something comes up i make an excuse that i can't go to the gym that day .. and i will wait until sunday to start going to the gym ... so .. basically ... i end up going once a month .. .LoL

well .. today i decided to do that thing where i don't eat after 7pm
My b/f decided to surprise me by taking me out for chinese @ 9:30pm
! I had to eat so much cuz it was a buffet and i hate having to pay $10 and not eat anything and i didn't want to disappoint him ....

anywho ... now when i look down @ my toes... i can't even see my toes .. cuz my belly is so big LoL . ...(1st time my b/f saw me after i had just finished dinner... he asked me if i was pregnant, cuz i'm usually so tiney Lol)

hmmm ... gonna have to ditch that not eating after 7pm thing

I know what you mean LVA! I try not to eat after 8 PM.. But sometimes that is really hard! I have really been sticking to it for the most part though. I don't know that it has helped, but we will see! I am trying to be more motivated! Ugh, it just takes work and time and effort.

kim, i'm gonna check with the other mods to see if it's okay to make a sticky. thanks for the suggestion!

i DO get mad at myself, but it doesn't make a difference

kim, sorry to hear that. i always come up with excuses like, well, you can't waste food/mood, so let me just eat it... but it's so bad! you need to stop! LOL

oh, and i can't do that no eating after 8 thing. i stay up late and i'd die. i do make sure i eat veggies, though, or something healthy/low carbs.

i have no updates right now.

Haha.. My late night snacks ARE never healthy. It's usually like ice cream or candy or something like that, so I had to stop eating after 8.. I'm not quite disciplined enough to tell myself no to those things if I eat after 8! I exercised today, ate healthy, and drank LOTS of water!! I feel pretty good today, besides this headache from h*ll!

Ok I need to join this thread, I've put on a fair bit of weight since october or so, and i really wanna lose it all and then some within the next couple of months. I think the main the reason i've put on weight is i went through a bad patch last year with my ex, then started uni, so i went from comfort eating to partying and drinking. It really bothers me because its now beginning to show, like i know its not just in my head, even my mother has commented on it
and also because i used to be really healthy, always exercised and ate well, and now im addicted to loads of junk.

But in the past few days i've avoided soda and got back to water, which was my first step. I'm going to try and stock up on healthy foods tomorrow so i can make a proper start with my diet on thursday or so, and I've dragged out my rower machine and cycle machine to my bedroom, and i've ordered a new trampoline, and i've also got a yoga dvd im gonna try and use. Also being back at home means i should walk my dog everyday
I've also bought a few packs of vitamin pills.

So, i'm really gonna try and make a go of it, wish me luck! My main goals are really to lose weight, tone up, get my skin a bit clearer, and to generally improve my health, so i'll use this thread to keep me going.

blah! i haven't posted in here in awhile...

coconut, good luck! how are you doing so far?

any updates from everyone else?

i haven't been eating well at all, or working out. i keep saying i'll start once i start working which will be this or next week and i'm pretty sure i will. it's just i'm home all day doing nothing and when i work, i'll finally have something to do and keep me from eating, even though i'll be working at a restaurant, but i look at food so much there, i get turned off!

I've been doing everything 1/2-a$$ed. Everyday is a new day. One (or a dozen) slip up is just that. I still try to continue even after I've fallen.

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

I am STILL wanting to lose weight. How is everyone doing?

I'm not doing a darn thing, but I'm ready. I've been packing and looking at pics of myself pre 2003 and I was HOT! Now I've got a big intertube around my waist and I"m ready to get rid of it. It's time to put that AbLounge to work.

Has anyone ever used the book 8 Minutes in the Morning by Jorge Cruise and seen success??

glad you bumped this back up!

i plan on starting my diet when i start my new job in 2 weeks. sounds stupid, but if i sit home all day and do nothing (like i do now), i lose my motivation, so i'm so excited! i can't wait to lose all this disgusting fat.

i've never read that, mel, but good luck and keep us posted!

oh, and i made this a sticky

Blah.. I dont even wanna talk about how I am doing.. I really really need to start again soon!

Originally Posted by KimC2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Blah.. I dont even wanna talk about how I am doing.. I really really need to start again soon! start in 2 weeks with me
Okay. That sounds good to me! Are you gonna be doing any particular diet or just eating healthier? My little sister is wanting to do Weight Watchers and wants me to do it with her. I am just not sure if I have time to go to meetings or not though.


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