The Project Pan Thread for Makeup forums

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This is what I want to use up by the end of the year:

1. Harajuku Lovers Love

This is not my favorite but it was so darn cute. It's getting old and is a good fall/winter scent.

2. Physicians Formula Canyon Classics quad (hit pan on cream shade only)

I have way too many neutral palettes with these same colors and this is my oldest and only drugstore one.

3. Pixi Peach Concealer

Love this but found the NYX version that is half the cost. I'm almost done with this after over a year of daily use. Maybe it's been almost two years!

4. BareMinerals Ready Blush The One mini (hit pan)

I know it takes forever to use up a blush so I just want to hit about half an inch of pan. I have too many other full size blushes waiting.

5. Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner Rockstar

I like this dark plum color and have a couple other liners in similar colors. Yes, this is from the 15th anniversary set which was how many years ago?

6. Bite Lipstick Musk mini

Gave into the hype and bought this. It's not a good match for my skintone and the other end, Lychee is even worse. Both colors also settle into my lip lines so I just want to finish the one side. I use a plum colored gloss over it to make it more wearable.

7. Laura Mercier Faux Lash Mascara

Got this in a kit that was on sale. This one has a GIGANTIC brush that I can't control. I'll use it for the last three months of 2014.

Omg, I think my HL perfume is triggering my boss' allergies. I just noticed that he's standing outside my office door when he talks to me. I feel so bad. I just started using it and it's a stronger scent than I usually wear. I'm going to stop wearing it to work and only use it on the weekends or when I know he's out of town. I'm going to take it out of my project pan and add in L'Occitane Green Tea & Mint. It's my favorite but it's been discontinued so I've been saving it. But I should use it before it goes bad. That would be tragic.

It's been slow progress for me :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I've updated how I've got on below and will try to add a photo in the next few days!

These are the 10 items I wanted to use up: 

  • MAC Bronzing Powder in Golden - I haven't been using this much. I find it too shimmery, especially now that Summer has ended. I'll probably put it away for next Summer.
  • MAC Pinch O' Peach blush - getting there but still some around the edges which is getting really hard to pick up
  • MAC Hey eyeshadow - decent progress but still lots to go!
  • MAC Patina eyeshadow - hmm, I've only used this a handful of times
  • Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer - I've not needed to use too much concealer lately so not great progress
  • Clarins Instant Light Natural (there's about a third left) - As I started using this more often I started loving it again and don't want to use it up. Silly of me but I notice that I am 'saving it' more.
  • Jack Black lip balm (about a fifth left so not much longer to use this up) - Used this up! Will probably re-purchase once I use up a few other lip balms that I have laying around
  • Maybelline Baby Lips Cherry - Very happy that there is only about a third of this left
  • MAC Lovelorn lipstick - Not using this as much now that it's getting colder and I need more colour on my lips
  • Chanel Rouge Coco Shine Aventure - Used this up completely yesterday!
Another thing that occured to me during my decluttering preocess is that I'd really like to try to utalize my Costal Scents revealed palette. I won't call it part of the PP becuase it's barely touched and it would take me years to hit pan.  is easily my least favorite palette I onw. I don't know what it is about the colors in this palette but they just don't do it for me, the shimmer ones specifically. But since I own it and it's perfectly good, I'm going to challenge myself to use it as much as possible in the coming months.

I'm going to start project pan tomorrow :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> the things that I want to focus on are:

1. Mac bb powder in illuminating: I've hit major pan. Really like it...but need to finish it by December so I can make my once a year trek to mac for back to mac.

2. Mac bb powder in recharge: no pan yet, small dip. Need to finish by December.

3. Snail color control cc cream from memebox: about half way done. Like it but won't repurchase-just too many to use.

4. Mally eyebrow pencil and shader: pencil is almost done, should be gone in a month.

5. Urban decay sin primer: I've had it for about a year, lasts forever. Won't repurchase due to my primer stash.

6. Givenchy mascara: will toss in November-it's 3 months are up.

7. Mac lipglass viva glam 6: love the color, about half way gone. Would repurchase but need to use my stash first.

Those are the things I want to focus on :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


My Project Pan is pretty straightforward.

Almost gone (1-5 uses):

Stila Correct & Perfect Foundation

CG Professional Super Thick Lash

About halfway:

Stila Orchard Lip Glaze

Maybelline Fit Me Porcelain Pressed Powder

Try to hit pan:

Stila Happily Ever After Palette

The foundation is gone. It got a really nasty consistency at the end and what I used had to be washed off because it was peeling. I'm still using the mascara when I just want a *very* light coat, it's basically gone so I'll toss it soon.

I just dropped the palette on my tile floor...oops! It was already no good for travel, but now the mirrored top broke off and won't stay on. Lost some of the Kitten eyeshadow but the rest look fine. It's just going to continue living on my counter for a while; I love the colors but won't feel bad tossing it in a month or two now that it's completely un-tote-able.

I've been using the lip glaze a lot, but also the other two that came in the set - I love how they smell and I plan to use them all up by the end of the fall :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> The pressed powder may have dried out a bit? I'm not sure it's doing as much as it should be--I have to really push with the brush to get it out, but I'm slowly seeing more pan.

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I haven't updated in forever, but I am still working on some items from a Project Pan I started in July! I finished two lippies and should finish a third by the end of the week! (Two of them were minis). I was also working on an eye palette (starting from very minimal use) and I have hit pan on one shade. I've decided I'm going to finish out three months with that palette, so I'll wrap up my Project Pan on 10/22. I'll post final pictures next week!

im back! almost zero progress has been done on most of my items due to the fact that I haven't been wearing much makeup, BUT i can finally say I finished two mascaras and a bunch of other stuff, my eyeliner's getting smaller and my blush pan bigger.I also hit pan on my nyx eyebrow cake (the lighter color of the two in the dark brown duo). Only took me like 14 weeks...sigh.

Keep going you ladies! you're all doing great.

So in regards to my previous list of items to pan and finish, I ended up either giving away or tossing the products that I was most unhappy with. 
I am now going to be shifting my project pan towards some other products, with a few from the previous list.

 1. Benefit They're Real! Mini - I have a bunch of deluxe mascaras, and this is currently my only open one, so I'm going to continue using it for three months and then tossing regardless of it's completely finished or not. (I don't want to risk eye infection or anything!)
2. Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner in Zero - This was on my previous list, I believe. I STILL have not managed to use up this little one! I want to use it up because I have other black eyeliners that I would love to get to as well. 
3. Sephora + Pantone Universe Elemental Energy Palette - I bought this one a while back because some of the colours looked gorgeous!!!!! But when It arrived, I was not as impressed with the quality. I can manage to get the colours to work if I try. So, my goal is to pan a few of the shades. I don't have to pan all of them, but I will try to start by aiming for 2. This will take a while, because I have hardly touched this palette. 
4. Sleek Ultra Mattes v1 Palette - I love Sleek's quality. My issue with this palette is the colours themselves. I bought this palette at a time when I loved colour, but to be completely honest here, I mostly experiment with neutral eye makeup. (I'm a fan of dramatic lips, so I almost always wear neutral eyes. Plus I just love the neutral palettes so much!) So like the other, I want to attempt panning at least one or two shadows from this palette. (To start.) 
5. Estee Lauder Lipstick in Melon Shimmer - My grandmother gave this to me because she knows I love makeup. However, I am personally more of a dark-lip fan. But I feel bad that she got it for me, so I feel like I should use up at LEAST half of the bullet! So that's my goal for this one. 
6. TheBalm Bahama Mama - This is not my perfect bronzer/contour product, so I just want to use it up. I want to hit pan on it. I think I'll try to achieve this by using it to contour my neck and collarbones, because I don't like the way it looks when using it for my cheekbones.
7. Lakme Pure Rouge Blusher in Peach Affair - I'm not sure if I mentioned this one before? And I don't have the time or patience to search for my previous posts. This blush is okay. I have better ones. I want to hit pan on this at least. Maybe after that I'll decide on if I finish the product or just toss it. 

so I have these two eye shadows. L'oreal Infallible in Endless Sea, and MAC in Steamy. They're basically the same colour on me. Which one should I pan first? Steamy was $15, but the Endless Sea, imo, has way better pigmentation. I'm thinking about panning Endless Sea first, and then when it's finished, start using Steamy. I think part of me just wants to hold onto the MAC one more because it's MAC. And after I'm done both, if I ever am, I can re-purchase whichever I love more. (If I feel I even need this colour in my collection xD.)  What do you guys suggest?

Update to my project pan:

- Laura geller shine and sheild lip gloss got TOSSED! I have 2 more of these so why hang on to old gloss that could be expired? gone!

- Fresh rose lip balm treatment USED UP!

:D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

-Dr. Brandt BB matte (still working on it, almost gone!)

- Mini makeup forever lipstick in N9 (still working on it almost gone!)

- Bobbi Brown gel eyeling pot in violet ink. (this puppy is going to be in my life forever! so much product in there...)

- NYX blush in Mocha (just using up as much as I can before I buy a replacement. package is broken and I don't want it hanging around uncovered for sanitary reason...using it up every day!)

-yves st laurent touche eclat (slowly using this up)

Oh and also...that costal scents revealed palette I never use is getting sanitized and passed to my BFF. Not going to force myself to use it anymore when I am jonesing to use some newer palettes. I feel good about this decision.

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I've been reading this thread for a while and it's time I partipate.

1- benefit fake up. I like this but it does crease quickly on me, even with powder.

2- revlon photo ready concealer. This has gotten better the older it is but I prefer loreal true match.

3-maybeline radiant concealer. love this. But I have two back ups.

I have about 1/4 left of these concealers

4- trader joes facial serum. I use this as a primer. It's good and cheap. Would consider repurchasing if I didn't have a million other primers to work through. I'm almost done with it though!

5- cover girl stay fabulous plus makeup for ever matte velvet. I had 1/2 left of each or so and for some reason I mixed them.

6-bare minerals lash domination. Love this, but mascara should only be open for so long

7- Mac painterly paint pot. Love this but have a million eye primers I need to use up maybe about halfway through it?

8- the balm sexy mama powder. It's decent but I prefer drugstore powder prices. Mega pan on this one!!

9- physicians formula canyon classics. Great Neutral shades I can pair with anything. Barely used yet.

10-makeup for ever lipstick. The free birthday sample from Sephora. I've never finished a lipstick before and got the idea from someone on this thread to start with a small one. Brilliant:) this is has only been used 2x.


Okay! I am wrapping up a 3 month long project pan. I'll put all my pictures and whatnot under a spoiler for length!

Here's where I started (7/22):

Project Pan.jpg

And here's where I am now! Note that the Cargo blush mini ended up shattering :( and I didn't repress it well, so it went into the trash. And I removed the Color Tattoo from the project pan shortly after I started because I wanted to focus on the palette!


I actually finished this lippie up back in August (there wasn't much left):


And I've finished the other two lippies just in the last few weeks as well! It looks like there is some left on the Balm Stain, but that is just the plastic applicator. The darn Fake Up just won't die, but it is almost there. Probably about 2-3 weeks left on there, if I had to guess? I am sick of it!!

PP 6.jpg

Here's a close up of the palette progress:

PP 5.jpg

In general, this was a huge wake up call, especially for eye shadow. Eye shadow palettes are my weakness, and I had never really realized just how long it would take to get through them. I spent 3 months on this one and only hit pan on one shade! Granted I was starting from it being barely used, but still. I have 8 large palettes (not even counting singles, duos, and quads)...if I wanted to cycle through all of them evenly next year, I'd be using each one for ~6 weeks--half the time I spent on this! Anyway, it was really a wake up call to limit my eye shadow buying. 

I also learned that for my next Project Pan I am going to pick softer eye shadows.  :p Those Too Faced matte colors are SERIOUSLY stiff!

On the lip products front, I actually was pleased with my progress and am not feeling as stressed about that collection. They obviously don't last as long as powder products, but I realized that I can get through those products if I focus. Although I wonder if this would hold true for lipsticks, as opposed to balms and crayons?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a little variety through the holiday season. I think my plan will be to use the 9 (!) weeks left in the year to cycle through my eye shadow palettes and decide what to focus on next. And then my next project pan will start in Jan. 2015!

It's time for my 2 month update on my pan that palette (MUA heaven and earth) and I'm proud to say that I HIT PAN!!! As I said in my previous update the first shadow to show pan was the champagne color I use almost every day as a lid color or in my inner corner.

I'm definatly not sick of this palette yet, I still really enjoy using it. The past couple of weeks I've tried to create different looks using almost all of the shades, and I've gotten even more motivated to turn this in to a successful challenge :)


This is what I want to use up by the end of the year:

1. Harajuku Lovers Love

This is not my favorite but it was so darn cute. It's getting old and is a good fall/winter scent.

2. Physicians Formula Canyon Classics quad (hit pan on cream shade only)

I have way too many neutral palettes with these same colors and this is my oldest and only drugstore one.

3. Pixi Peach Concealer

Love this but found the NYX version that is half the cost. I'm almost done with this after over a year of daily use. Maybe it's been almost two years!

4. BareMinerals Ready Blush The One mini (hit pan)

I know it takes forever to use up a blush so I just want to hit about half an inch of pan. I have too many other full size blushes waiting.

5. Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner Rockstar

I like this dark plum color and have a couple other liners in similar colors. Yes, this is from the 15th anniversary set which was how many years ago?

6. Bite Lipstick Musk mini

Gave into the hype and bought this. It's not a good match for my skintone and the other end, Lychee is even worse. Both colors also settle into my lip lines so I just want to finish the one side. I use a plum colored gloss over it to make it more wearable.

7. Laura Mercier Faux Lash Mascara

Got this in a kit that was on sale. This one has a GIGANTIC brush that I can't control. I'll use it for the last three months of 2014.

Here's my progress. So far I hit pan on the PF quad highlight shade. The Bite Musk lipstick is almost gone. The UD Rockstar eyeliner is getting smaller. Pixi peach concealer is almost gone. I've been using the Harajuku Lovers even though it seems to bother my boss. I can't stop now that I've started! No pan yet on the blush. I've been using everything daily. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

Sorry I've been MIA for a while.

I've finished my avon ideal flawless pressed powder!

I've been using other blushes but still using and making progress on my Covergirl cheekers blush in pure plum. Major pan!

Hit pan on my NYC Sunny bronzer & it's moving along slowly but surely.

I got a little burnt out panning my unzipped palette but I'm still using it from time to time. No major progress to report on that palette tho.

Keep posting ladies! Love seeing all the progress and welcome to all the new people joining the project pan.

I finished a second lip product. Mini Posie Balm. I have not bought any of the items on my no buy list. I threw away some things that were either old or just did not work. I have been using my other items almost everyday but there is very little progress.


Here's my project pan for November/December:

  • Maybelline Age Rewind Concealers in Neutralizer and Brightener
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay foundation sample
  • Pond's BB Cream
  • Maybelline Color Tattoo in Inked in Pink
  • Revlon Balm Stain in Honey
  • Essence clear brow gel
  • ELF tinted brow gel
  • Physician's Formula Sexy Booster mascara
  • Physician's Formula mosaic bronzer

Most of these products are about halfway gone. I'm hoping to clear them out by the end of the year!

Pan that palette update:

I hit pan on Virgin, and the dips in Naked and Buck continue to grow. I have been neglecting this palette a bit lately, but I know I need to keep at it! I did buy Vice 3, though, so I think I might give myself a week off of Naked soon!

Working on:
- Too Faced Eye Love palette
- MAC Paint Pot in Painterly
- Tarte Lipsurgence mini in Lovely
- Smashbox Limitless eyeliner in Onyx

keeping these items in my Monday Club regularly as everyday makeup

ETA: I can't figure out how to flip the 2nd pic over lol whoops

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Here's my project pan for November/December:

  • Maybelline Age Rewind Concealers in Neutralizer and Brightener
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay foundation sample
  • Pond's BB Cream
  • Maybelline Color Tattoo in Inked in Pink
  • Revlon Balm Stain in Honey
  • Essence clear brow gel
  • ELF tinted brow gel
  • Physician's Formula Sexy Booster mascara
  • Physician's Formula mosaic bronzer

Most of these products are about halfway gone. I'm hoping to clear them out by the end of the year!

Pan that palette update:

I hit pan on Virgin, and the dips in Naked and Buck continue to grow. I have been neglecting this palette a bit lately, but I know I need to keep at it! I did buy Vice 3, though, so I think I might give myself a week off of Naked soon!
I just found a foundation by Victoria Jackson that I need to finish! It's about a year old, and I want it out of my collection, so it will replace the Tarte sample.


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