I'm having nothing.... Had a large bag of pop corn at the movie followed by a hamburger forr a late Lunch.. Then had to run off and play hockey so I missed dinner.. And I drank about a gallon of water so I'm stuffed.. Think the family had chicken, baked potato and a veggie..
I'm have a large New York pizza and a half slab of ribs and a salad delivered and a bottle of champagne (split between me and my husband of course)... because pizza and champagne are a natural match.
Originally Posted by brewgrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm have a large New York pizza and a half slab of ribs and a salad delivered and a bottle of champagne (split between me and my husband of course)... because pizza and champagne are a natural match.
I havent drank since I was 17 so fancy drinks entice me
Originally Posted by brewgrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif hahaha... there is something really good about rinsing all that grease from your mouth with bubbly champagne. and the slight buzz is okay too
left overs from mexican food last night, then i took my cousin to the airport (reason i was gone a lot this week) and then from there went to denny's for coffee and a piece of carrot cake with a friend.