What did your mother teach you about make up?

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My mom taught me nothing! She doesn't wear/need makeup (lucky her) I first started wearing makeup in 9th grade. It was horrible id pick foundation that was too dark and i ended up looking orange. If it wasnt for youtube id still be looking orange.

My mother did not teach me anything about makeup either.  It's a shame because from a young age I was always interested in it.  As a kid I used to play with my Grandma's makeup, my Grandma was always so nice she would always let me put on her good stuff.  I loved it.  I do remember when I was little I liked nail polish and my Mom used to paint her nails and my nails at the same time.  When I was probably 13, 14, 15 my Mom would buy me makeup kits for Christmas and I was always so happy.  She just never showed me any tips or tricks.  

  In her defense though, I always had good skin and never needed any coverage.  Back then (I am 28 now, so it was some time ago when I was just starting out) it was just the basics: eye shadow, mascara, concealer, lipstick, lip gloss.

  If I ever have a daughter I will certainly show her makeup and how to use it.  I won't say she has to use it, but will just show her the option is there if she wants to.

I'd say what I learned from my mother about makeup is how not to do it. Her thing seemed to be much eyeshadow with no primer, neon pink blush applied liberally, and the wrong shade of foundation. My stepfather knew more about makeup than she did. I was not interested in makeup until about a year ago anyway. Seeing her all made up kinda put me off it. As for skincare, I have oily skin and breakouts. I learned early on to pick my own products for that because whatever she bought to wash my face or treat my pimples would make it worse.

While my mom did not teach me anything about make-up, she was really supportive when I did start experimenting. Even when I wanted to wear black lipstick and Egyptian eyeliner with body glitter type stuff on my cheeks, she still would walk out the door of the house with me. I cannot think of a single thing I wore or tried that she did not support me in. There were a few times when she pointed out something I was considering wearing was probably not appropriate, but I do not think she ever blatantly told me I could not wear something.

I will say that I am thankful I did not get into full face make-up as a teen as I think my skin is probably healthier for it (given that I would have known nothing about applying it properly, or more importantly removing it properly).

Now, we are both exploring make-up and skin care more. She is definitely into much more subtle looks than I am, but she likes chatting with me about my new stuff and trying things. I made her some of my DIY lavender and brown sugar scrub and gave it to her last time I visited (she lives in TN and I am in MI).

I learned most of my make-up knowledge through YouTube and groups like this one. If I have a daughter, I will probably help her with a skin care routine if she is interested once I explain what it is for, but beyond that I just want to be supportive of what she wants to try. My mom may not have taught me make-up stuff, but she did teach me that gentle suggestions and allowing kids to explore and learn with you is a lot more effective than pushing them into things ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I forgot to say this as well: I learned a lot from dancing and doing theatre. Obviously stage makeup is waaayyy different than everyday makeup, but I did learn how to properly apply different forms of makeup, especially foundation as that's always the base, especially with stage makeup!! I honestly learned the most about picking colors and application from one of the stage moms who is a professional MUA and would always teach a "lesson" about makeup for each and every show.

NOTHING(!) other than if I touched her makeup as a kid she would throw me out of the house!  (I'm trans BTW!
)  Seriously, she went to high school in the '50's and her makeup hasn't changed since.  I could probably teach her a thing or two. 

1. Less is more

2. The makeup is only used to enhance your own natural beauty

3. Remove all of it every night before bed

4. If someone says "I love your makeup!" you are wearing too much of it

5. Never worry about going bare-faced, God doesn't make mistakes.

     My Momma is so cool:)

nothing. my mom never really wore anything other than eyemakeup, and even then, it was only eyeshadow(2 colors at most) and eyeliner(no mascara, but she usually got eyeliner on her lashes on accident, so you couldn't tell anyway). I've actually gotten her to wear makeup. I didn't have good skin in sixth grade, ok skin in the rest of middle school, ok skin all the way through to 12th grade, then I started my job at a fast food joint :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> and then during the summer it got alot better, then I started college and my face is terrrrriiibbbbllleeee I blame stress. and my mom has bad skin too, so its hereditary as well :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm never going to get through this :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />( but anyway. when I expressed an interest in wearing makeup, she showed me a website about how to apply eyeshadow, and my dad paid for my makeup, she just took me to the store. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My mom taught me how to use make-up. She taught me how to pick colors that were flattering to my skin tone, use foundation with sunscreen, always curl your eyelashes before applying mascara and to wash my face every night.

My mom was an Avon Lady and from very small I had lots of cool stuff to play with. She was a Diva with make up. She loved great red lips and told me that's the most important thing. Pretty lips and eyeliner. So her and I were similar. I think she made me the makeup junkie I am! Lol.

Nothing really, when it came to makeup all she did was use eyeliner, mascara, one color eye shadow all over the lids and powder foundation with some lipstick. When I got in junior high she handed me a black eyeliner and that was it and then high school she took me to walmart and bought me I believe it was the covergirl powder foundation and that was it, no tricks or tips. As i've gotten older i've been the one teaching her about makeup and introducing her to the high end brands that I've come to adore.

My mom taught me to wear as minimal makeup as possible. When I was young, she heavily discouraged makeup, saying it was going to ruin my skin if I started too early. So I actually never started using makeup until college, when I was away from her.

My mum taught me not to wear too much, to be subtle, especially at school.  Which is funny, as she let my younger sister go to school looking like Avril Lavigne ;/

Nothing. Unfortunately my mother is not the make up type. 

Which is fine, I've learned what I've learned thought plenty of trial and LOTS of errors. I'm happy to say for now I think I have it down.

However for a non-make up wearer my mother did teach me and by me the proper soap for my face. Doesn't dry out the skin and reduces breakouts.

my mom didn't ever really wear makeup, but the one thing she taught me was that to always carry a bright-ish color of lipstick with me, because if I'm out and about without makeup on, and need to look good in a pinch, to pop on some lipstick, because it provides a focal point for your face and brightens you up right away. now i've amended that to have mascara & lipstick with me, just in case.

honestly, though, my mom really didn't need to wear makeup, she looked so much younger than she was, even right before she died, she looked 10 years younger than she actually was.

wait: she did always tell me to never go to bed without washing my face & applying a good night cream. that's proven invaluable to me, over the years.

My mom taught me two valuable lessons:

1. With Miami's humidity, waterproof mascara is mandatory.

2. It's important to have a good skin regimen. "You can't expect a masterpiece on a rough canvas," she would say.

My mom grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania, and they didn't even have plumbing up there yet when she was growing up! She's never been interested too much into beauty related things. The most she has done was wear red lipstick! I'm only 16 right now (17 in May!), and I have taught my mom more about makeup than she has ever taught me! 

My mom didn't teach me much but I guess more than some of you got from your moms!

Taught me the basics:

-Take it ALL off before bed

-wash your face

-use lotion (moisturizer) even though I have oily skin

She took me to a clinique counter when I turned 13. I felt so happy and fancy (lol).

Now, she still loves clinique but for fancy or fun stuff, she usually asks me to do her makeup. =]


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