What is your ethnic background?

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Feb 1, 2006
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I am English, Welsh, Irish, Portuguese and Metis -( French Canadian and Native/Aboriginal Canadian).

What a great mix! I bet you get some really interesting responses here. I'm originally from Bangladesh, was born in Calcutta, India, and adopted by my parents, pa from Wales and ma from Liverpool.

hehe, I am 100% polish, although I know there were some chechs and russians in my deep origins.
I am a mix of Welsh, Mexican, and Kickapoo Indian(which cracks me up b/c it sounds hilarious...haha kick a poo! Hmm, perhaps my ethic background helps explain my fixation with poo.)

I'm a little bit of everything ... :icon_chee

German, English, Irish, Arabic, Sioux, Apache, and Cherokee Indian. I know there's a few more, but I can't think of them.

1/2 Native American Choctaw & the other 1/2 is Irish/Scottish. What a mix. LOL

I am new here. I am Latin (born in Azerbaijan, but parents are from Latin American countries)...I have been in the states for almost 11 years now.

I'm Irish & Indian (Cherokee & Nanticoke) not sure on the %

not sure of all of it. I do know that my grandpa's mother was Blackfoot and her mother was Cherokee. I was also told that one of the grandmothers came over from England. I've got olive-ish skin and high cheek bones but my sisters have really fair skin.....maybe they bought me somewhere????

I'm half Irish and half Italian. Don't really look like either - at least I don't think so. From either of my pics (my avatar and my profile pic) what does anyone think that I look like?

I'll tell you I'm half African-American, half Puerto Rican. However, my mom was adopted and doesn't know her real background. My father has Puerto Rican, Cuban, Panamanian and Tijito Indian (Puerto Rican Indian) in him... Oh, and his father was from Spain! LOL! So, I'm a nice big HUGE mixture LOL!


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