Anna nicole has died... forums

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well i was actually a fan of ans..i was driving to yet another job interveiw this morning when i heard it on the radio, my heart went flat out, am so sad for her and her bub.... :scared:

OMG this so shocking and so sad!

May her soul rest in peace. I feel so sorry with her daughter.

I feel bad but at the same time......if she did kill herself....she was stupid about it.....if your going through depression and probelsm go get help..or something .....she had a baby a couple of months old...she should of thought about her not herself.....and no one knows who the babys daddy is.......i know that girl has family but nothing compares to her mother....its just shes gonna grow up not knowing really well how her mom was....and she wont be there for b-day partys..and her wedding and shit....

those kinda things affect someone....

its sad that she passed but it was stupid of her to do that!.....

i love anna nicole, what a sad story, poor girl.

when your depressed and in that state of mind you dont think rationaly, the pure fact that she was that desperate so to speak that she would rather kill herslef proves that....

i think people find it hard to fathom why someone thinks like that unless they are in or have been in that situation, its esay to judge and say she shouldnt have done that, its harder for people to try and understand something that they havent expeirenced, or are afraid of

I wasn't a fan of her, she needed to do what she needed to do but it's a sad thing she is gone, whatever happened. Poor kid.

It's funny how many people have said that! I actually don't think she was taking it anymore though. Hopefully the Med. Examiners will found out to COD soon :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

it definately wasnt trimspa. I dont even think she took those pills i think she probably had gastric bypass.

Anna Nicole Smith.

:angel:May God 's Heavenly Light:sunshine: Shine upon you and your beloved, Daniel

for all Eternity:angel:

Rest In Peace:icon_sad:

I was shocked to hear about her death. She had a lot of problems but the most important thing now is the baby. Her mother gone, brother gone and no idea who her real father is.

I found a few things that I posted on Digital and I'll share them here if no one is offended or anything. Please keep in mind these are all pulled from various gossip sites.







Video of this can be checked out here.




And the most horrible one to top the cake off....


Ya know--I think when you lose a child it may just hurt too much to live. So you just exist and it stays in the back of your mind all the time. Finially yo are comsumed with hurt and just die. So Sad

How do u know this?For everyone that's said Anna might have died from illegal drugs

has been confirmed not true

no illegal drugs have been found

I guess I need to say it again? It was just gossip that I read way before she died. People were saying that the lawyer had her on that stuff and the baby was taking it because she was born dependent on drugs. Just gossip!


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