Circular Swap Round 4: Intro1 forums

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OhEmGEE I just opened THE BOX. 

My camera is charging so Im going to take pics tomorrowz~

Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm so excited!!!! I can't wait to go through my stash!!

I'm totally interested in doing a couple rounds as well~

::Wish List::

Eye shadows (cream or pressed)

Lip products

Cute hair accessories 

Eye liners

I got a ton of stuff to add and I can't wait!!!
i have a ton more stuff i can add too if we decide to go around again!  i'm def down for that :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have not disappeared, but due to my work schedule changing, I will not be able to make it to the post office till Monday night. Good news: I got more things to add to the box. I have poor lighting in my room and I am wide awake during the middle of the night, so I will try to get pictures up on Sunday when I get home from work during the day~

Sorry about the delay!!!!!! 

Okie Dokie here are some piccies!

What I received::

What I took::

What I'm adding::

What I also took because my mom came in a saw the stash lol::

I'm going to send it tomorrow after work~

Only 1 more person until it gets to me
.  Fighting the overwhelming urge to call dibs on stuff... I'm such not a patience person But I'm loving all the pictures. really hope we do 2 rounds.

Got the box...yeah...there's no way in hell that's going to fit in a flat rate box... I'll see what I can do though. Lol...

Originally Posted by katlyne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got the box...yeah...there's no way in hell that's going to fit in a flat rate box... I'll see what I can do though. Lol...
hahhahaha right?? It got too big... maybe if you remove the shoebox and glossybox? 

If/when we go the second round we may have to limit the box size to a large flat rate... hahaha

I'm glad it got there sooner than next Monday (which I had doubted when they first told me...) I hope you get to use the coupons lol!

I'll make sure I use them! That is too good a deal.

hahhahaha right?? It got too big... maybe if you remove the shoebox and glossybox?  If/when we go the second round we may have to limit the box size to a large flat rate... hahaha I'm glad it got there sooner than next Monday (which I had doubted when they first told me...) I hope you get to use the coupons lol!
Originally Posted by katlyne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll make sure I use them! That is too good a deal.
I used to work with a guy and his girlfriend works there! I saw her the other day and she handed me and handful lol 

I'm thinking about getting Benefit products!

Haha A Large Flat Rate! Do they make Extra large? We might need that one by the time we get to a second round! ;-) 

I didn't think i could fit everything when I had the box into a flat rate box - so i have no doubt you can't!!! at least not with everything being well packaged!

Going through and taking pictures. I can tell you already that I'm adding way more stuff than I'm taking out so far. Lol. Also. To whoever put that Chocolate Bunny soft lips in there: OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU. It smells so good

What I'm adding--not sure about those bronzers down in front. They would look amazing on someone darker, but if you're anything lighter than like the 3rd or 4th shades in foundation, its going to be ORANGE. On my inner arm its oompa loompa on the back of my tan hand its a lovely brown color.
Seems some of the other groups are maybe tryig to swap boxes with another group for the 2nd round...thoughts???

Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would love to keep the box going whether it's between ourselves or switching with another group.


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