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I love the idea of the Seed Ballz. I just accidentally thought they were fudge before I opened them and found out otherwise...

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So after I posted my review I got a comment from someone that must work for Conscious Box.

I mentioned in my review that the value is low and almost equal to what we paid. And since I found so few products that I was genuinely interested in Im not sure I'd have been happy if I had paid for the box. I don't think it would have been worth it to pay almost $20 to find out about the products I liked when I could buy all the full-sized versions of those products for not even $15 total. And this is what they said:

I don't know. What do you guys think? I don't think I said I don't value the work, I think monetary value and the value of the service are two separate things... :/

Guess I can't keep everyone happy. At least I was honest.
Wow, that response is surprising. Do they want you to gush about it because they sent it to you for free? You were just stating your honest opinion.


Originally Posted by Caryatid /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love the idea of the Seed Ballz. I just accidentally thought they were fudge before I opened them and found out otherwise...

I was wondering about the shipping for the Mystery Box too. On Organix Soul website it says they will ship 10 days after the offer closing date. Which I hope means "soon".

I've been thinking about the popcorn in my box - I'm obsessed with it now - and a few of the other products I like. I'm now on the fence on whether or not to subscribe for three months or not. If they send out similar products like the popcorn then I'd be a happy camper.

I love the idea of the Seed Ballz. I just accidentally thought they were fudge before I opened them and found out otherwise...
Omg you poor thing!! I agree about the popcorn. Soooo good. I even googled to see where I can get it in my city.
I was sooo excited about Conscious Box. I actually paid for a subscription and April was my first month. My box was shipped to the wrong address so I had usps forward it. Then it was lost in transit. So after talking to Conscious Box I was told they would send a replacement. So, I received a replacement yesterday but it only has half of the items that I was supposed to be getting this month and the few I did get were soaked with the planet cleaner. I am so disappointed. Hopefully the last email I sent will get through to them and they'll find a way to fix this because I am not a happy customer right now. 

I ranted too soon. Jesse sent me a Mystery box to make up for the trouble I had. They make is so hard for me to be mad at them.  
 As long as they keep up their awesome customer service, I see no reason why I'd ever cancel my subscription with them. 

My brother and I received our shared Conscious Box today! We got the Mystery Box.

I kept:

Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Sensitive (I got this in my first box, too; totally happy to receive again) 0.25 oz

Badger Lip Tint and Shimmer (it doesn't state the size or shade, but it's about the size of my thumb; I have very small hands, though)

Java Juice Liquid Coffee Extract, 0.5 fl oz

Good Kind Natural Coffee Creamer (powder) 0.2 oz

Climb On! Intensive Skin Repair (this is the bar version, looks like a little round soap but is supposed to be a great moisturizer; originally designed for rock climbers) no size listed

My brother kept:

Kind bar in Almond & Coconut (full size)

Quinoa & Sesame bar (I'm sorry, I don't remember all of the brands) full size

Hand Purifier, pump (didn't see the size; looks like maybe 3 oz? smells like a combo of herbs and licorice)

The same fudge that was in the April box

Natural pastilles, supposed to help with cough and headache (2 pc)

Kombucha tea packet

Sleepytime tea packet

Hmm...I'm sorry, I think there were two more items, but I cannot remember. He's asleep like a sane person, so I cannot ask him right now.
My brother and I received our shared Conscious Box today! We got the Mystery Box.
I am awaiting the same mystery box. I hope they aren't all the same as I was really looking forward to getting items like the cleaner and salve.... :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Originally Posted by Scawolita /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am awaiting the same mystery box. I hope they aren't all the same as I was really looking forward to getting items like the cleaner and salve....
I received mine the other day and can say they are all different. I saw someone who got 21 items while some people didn't even get the 10-20 stated in the advertisement (only receiving 9 samples a piece). I myself got 12. 10 of the items were the same as the blogger who got 21 items. Most of the samples I got were repeats from the April box, with the exception of 2 drink mixes, a fruit/nut bar & a cinnamon air freshener.

Originally Posted by sleepykat /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My brother and I received our shared Conscious Box today! We got the Mystery Box.

I kept:

Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Sensitive (I got this in my first box, too; totally happy to receive again) 0.25 oz

Badger Lip Tint and Shimmer (it doesn't state the size or shade, but it's about the size of my thumb; I have very small hands, though)

Java Juice Liquid Coffee Extract, 0.5 fl oz

Good Kind Natural Coffee Creamer (powder) 0.2 oz

Climb On! Intensive Skin Repair (this is the bar version, looks like a little round soap but is supposed to be a great moisturizer; originally designed for rock climbers) no size listed

My brother kept:

Kind bar in Almond & Coconut (full size)

Quinoa & Sesame bar (I'm sorry, I don't remember all of the brands) full size

Hand Purifier, pump (didn't see the size; looks like maybe 3 oz? smells like a combo of herbs and licorice)

The same fudge that was in the April box

Natural pastilles, supposed to help with cough and headache (2 pc)

Kombucha tea packet

Sleepytime tea packet

Hmm...I'm sorry, I think there were two more items, but I cannot remember. He's asleep like a sane person, so I cannot ask him right now.
I remembered another item my brother kept, but I still think I'm forgetting one:

 The natural fudge that was in the April box.
I actually like that this box wasn't full of lots of cards like the April one.
Originally Posted by sleepykat /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I remembered another item my brother kept, but I still think I'm forgetting one:

 The natural fudge that was in the April box.
I actually like that this box wasn't full of lots of cards like the April one.
 Okay, two more:

 An energy drink powder packet

A nutrient drink powder packet
I am very satisfied with the complimentary mystery box Conscious Box sent me to make up for the issues I had with shipping this month. I received a lot of repeats of Aprils box as well as other items, totaling a whopping 17 items. Thank you Conscious Box for all the patience and hard work being put into what you do. 

I ordered three of the mystery boxes because I thought they would each have fairly different contents, maybe with a few repeats.  But, the three I received were pretty much the same, although different from sleepykat's box listed above.  I don't mind, though, because I love the Conscious boxes.  I love trying all the different items, and I love that I am learning to live a more sustainable lifestyle.  My three boxes had 16 or 17 items in each.

Oh I like that box! Sure most of it are small packets but the fact is you get a LOT of stuff.


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