Contest - Giveaway: Win 1 of 3 Sets of 23 Obsessive Compulsive(OCC Makeup) Lips Tars ($299 value each) - closed forums

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What does make up mean to me? 

I feel with makeup I can transform myself everyday sometimes twice a day however a want. Whether I want to wear my tribal face paint look or just look natural. Even if I want to me a tiger faced girl walking around my schools campus or even just going to work with neon green eye shadow, makeup lets me transform however i want. 

And yes, i do go to work with neon green. Yesterday I went with a deep navy. XD

Hello there MakeupTalk,

I've been reading about these Lip Tars and so want to try them. I have not used OCC before, but am thrilled they are a Vegan company. What make-up means to me is being able to express myself in another media. I'm bold and outgoing and I like to reflect that in my looks.  Some of my favorite products are the BareMinerals Matte foundation and MineralVeil. I have two favorite independent brands, Inaz Cosmetics and HiFi cosmetics.  Also, I enjoy using false lashes from Model21 Lashes to really add the extra flare. 

I do 'like' OCC and MakeupTalk on Facebook. Thank you for holding this contest, fingers are crossed!


Make-up is the world to me. It brought me out of my shell, I am a very shy person when I don't know people, but when I have my make-up bright, I get people to talk to me. It makes me happy. People call me Rainbow now, for a good reason!

What Make-up means to me is the ability to create different looks and styles. It could be anything from everyday make-up,movie make-up,club make-up, its fun to create it all! Plus you have different bands of make-up that can help you create such said looks. For me I love to use Almay foundation, I've have such sensitive skin that this brand helps. For eyeshadow I love any brand that has vibrant colors. Lips Glosses are the best for everyday wear. Oh and the Brushes! They make you feel like artist, even if can't design skyscrapers, paint master pieces, but with the right brush and an awesome eyeshadow palette you can add a little happiness to the world. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> basically the way a kid feels in a candy store is how i feel when i walk in to a place that sales make-up. My eyes Light up and i get this rush of adrenaline to create beautiful make up.

To me makeup is a way to transform yourself into someone you are normally unable to be. On days when I feel really down, I like to exaggerate my makeup with bold and bright colors. Once i see the final look I immediately feel ten times better. Makeup can totally change your outlook.

Make-up lets me create bright, bold, colorful looks that show off the skills I've learned from watching the guru's on YT. I love how just this past weekend I was out with my husband, walking around the mall waiting for our movie to start, and we walk into a beauty store and I got several compliments on my make-up from shoppers and staff, it makes me feel skilled when I get those compliments from professional make-up artists. I love the art of make-up and knowing that it can be freedom from the same old, boring, day to day routine. I get excited when I get ideas for new color combos or if I try to recreate a look in a magazine.

But most importantly when I do have my make-up on…. I definitely notice that I walk with my head a little higher, make better eye contact, establish more of a presence, and have a little more confidence in myself. Make-up makes me feel beautiful inside and out.

Makeup means doing what I love. Making people feel beautiful!

Makeup means the world to me. Mostly it means my livelyhood and career. As a makeup artist I get to uuse the face as a canvas for creativity. The possibilities are endless with makeup and it's ever changing trends. The collection of occ liptars would just make my whole year! I love to do abstract and high fashion looks and the limitless pallet that lip tars can create are the perfect addition to my kit.

What Makeup Means To Me? Makeup is whatever I desire to add to my face for that extra pizzazz, pop, and sexiness! Makeup is fun and exciting because I can add my own personal style to my makeup face of the day (MFOTD). I work FT and I'm a student so I'm usually pressed for time. I must have mascara, oil of olay moisturizer, and a few of my OCC lip tars handy each day.I love to mix and match the OCC colors. A little goes alllllday! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

First off when i saw this on twitter I FLIPPED OUT haha

Makeup means so much to me! It lets me show my personality and use my creativity in ways that other things just can't. When I was in high school I was so insecure, like horribly insecure. I didn't wear makeup and honestly didn't care about how I looked out in public at all. It wasn't until my senior year that I watched a makeup video on youtube and everything changed. I have developed a love and passion for makeup and beauty. I fell so deep in love that I have decided to make it my career. I just love how makeup can make someone feel so good about themselves. I did makeup for a friend of mine when i was first starting out and after I was done she said how beautiful she felt. This is why I love makeup and this is why I will continue helping people feel confident and beautiful for the rest of my life :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Liz <3

Hmmm.... what does makeup mean to me.

Well, over the past several years, I've been dealt a whole lot of personal health issues which are never the same two days in a row. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed. There are days I CAN'T get out of bed. Then there are the rare but fabulous days when I feel great and the world is my own. No matter what kind of day I am having, I can count on the time I take for MYSELF.... NO ONE ELSE.... to pamper myself, to pretty myself, to sexify myself so I can feel good on the inside even if I'm not feeling so good, period.

It's my therapy. It's my drug! It's the one thing I can truly say I am extremely knowledgeable about. It's fun, it's serious, it's an escape, it brings me back to reality. Just like when you were a kid and didn't feel good--you always knew things would be better if you could color with the 64 pack of crayons with the built in sharpener. My makeup is my box of crayons, my face is my coloring book, and the sky is the limit with my imagination!!


With makeup creativity is endless. Not only can it be worn as an art but also as a confidence booster. Makeup is a form of self expression whether in art form or everday wear. I don't limit my self to any particular rules when it comes to applying makeup. I am drawn to everything from dark smokey eyes to bright bold looks. Makeup is a way to help anybody feel beautiful, even if they are already beautiful it has a way of giving you little something extra :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Thanks so much for an opportunity to try these out..lip tars have been at the top of my wish list. I have read so many awesome reviews on them & currently I am in a lipstick craze!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> & good luck to all the beautiful ladies (& gents)!! Following both FB pages!

Wow, what an awesome prize from OCC and makeuptalk!

Make up, to me, means fantasy, mystery, transformation. It allows you to be unique and customize your face!

Makeup to me means confidence self esteem creativity imagination trial and error really. makeup for me is a way i can forget about everything else and just focus on that moment when im creating an artwork whether it be on myself  or someone else, to me its a mixture of colours and techniques used to create your most desired look. also means that you take the picture out of your imagination and make it your own artistic creation. even though im young makeup is my life anything in my life revolves around makeup finding new ways to wear it or use it. makeup has given me a hole new level of confidence .makeup to me means life itself. like watching a flower bloom.  

AGH I can't deal with the SHEER AWESOMENESS of this contest!  Lip Tars are light years ahead of the many icky tubes of MAC Lip Mix I have.  I can already see myself locked in the bathroom for 3 straight days getting my Mad Scientist on...mixing and concocting the most perfect shades!  My mouth is actually watering. 

Warning:  This post is extremely nerdy!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ahh what does makeup mean to me?  It sort of means everything really...

M- Memories.  My most influential life events involve exactly what kind of makeup I was wearing when something big happened in my life.  Wedding?  It took me 2 weeks to mix the perfect shade of  no-smear red lips.  Birth of my daughter?  My false lashes and full face didn't budge for 3 days in the hospital.  The nurses thought I was crazy.  I will always remember how the makeup made me feel, and how that contributed to the special happiness of many events.

A-  Advancement.  There is no better feeling than learning a skill, and then growing and nurturing it until it is uniquely your own style and signature.  Learning makeup application for me never ends, as I constantly learn from other artists, regular people, everyone.  Honing this skill taught me patience, creativity, and freedom to make my own rules.  Having the confidence and skill in makeup helped me advance my life and career, and still have fun while doing it!

K- Kickin' Butt!  Makeup is an instant confidence booster.  My "game face" consists of perfect application and bold colors.  I wouldn't dare attend an important meeting, interview, or event without my own version of kick butt makeup.  Just part of the every day uniform!  I can kick butt every day in my own creative, colorful way. 

E-  Evenings Out.  Most ladies wouldn't dare leave the house for a nice evening out without some substantial thought to the overall makeup look.  I can attest to this because I apply makeup to ladies going out on the town almost every day!  How can one possibly attend the newest Vegas club opening without a fierce smoky, glittery eye and lacquered lips??  When I was little I always knew my Mom was going out for the evening when she pulled out that iconic bottle of Giorgiou and shiny red Estee Lauder lipstick (obviously the 80s!)  Nothing says "special night out" like makeup.

U-  Understanding.  Though we all have our own perfect idea about how one's makeup should look, I have learned to think of makeup as a tool for freedom and creativity.  This means I had to really take the time to understand that women use makeup to express themselves, and if that means letting someone rock a line of black eyeliner in their crease rather than a soft blend of warm tones, then so be it!  It wouldn't be my choice as it is harsh and there are many more flattering things she could do instead.  But it is what she loves to see, and I understand that makeup shouldn't really have rules unless one is being filmed or photographed.

P-  Passion.  I feel like as one grows older, less and less becomes exciting and new.  It takes more drama and bigger things to spark a passion sometimes.  In my 20s, the only 2 things that really drove me in life were makeup artistry, and the band Velvet Revolver!  I am passionate about everything having to do with makeup and the industry.  It sparks a passion in me to create, to teach, even to write about it.  It's rare sometimes to find something that can fulfill you for most of your life, and I know makeup has made me a passionate artist.  Though Velvet Revolver may now be broken up, I know I'll always have makeup (and of course my husband and little girl!) to spark that fire in me.

T-  Teaching.  Education has always been a super big deal to me, and there isn't much that makes me happier than helping someone learn makeup. It could be teaching about undertones, how to apply false lashes easily, how to contour one's face, or even how to cover up a scar.  They seem like small things, but these tiny answers can really change someone's life.  It makes me so happy to educate someone and see the happiness on their face as they accomplish a new skill.

A-   Attitude.  I don't know about most people, but my attitude directly correlates with my makeup.  It's another form of expression for people I think, and attitudes can change as quickly as makeup.  If I am happy and slept well the night before, I am fully done up without a lash out of place.  If I am tired and/or crabby, perhaps my false lashes failed to make it onto my lids that day.  Makeup can also help change an attitude.  Feeling icky?  Maybe sweep on your most decadent shade of berry lipstick and see if it transforms you just a little bit.  It can also give you that little spark of edgy attitude you may need some days.  You know Beyonce's alter ego on stage, Sasha Fierce, would never step out without perfect makeup.  It's all in the attitude.

L-  Life and Love.  Since I was a very young girl I have been fascinated by makeup.  Little did I know many years later I could actually make my own career in it and love every second of my life because of the opportunities to which it led.  Makeup is definitely a very huge part of my life as my career and creativity lives in it.  It also led me to love, as I re-located for a better career opportunity and met my husband because of it.  It seems such a small thing, maybe even superficial to some people, but to me makeup is all about life changes and love in many forms.

K-  Kaleidoscope.  Remember when you were a kid and picked up that cardboard tube of crazy color patterns?  I feel like my insane makeup kit is my grown up version that. It's a literal kaleidoscope of colors I can play with and mold and change every day!  I may already have 25 versions of "pink" eyeshadow, but I will always buy more because the next one will be ever-so-slightly different, and I can create something new again.  Makeup is always growing and changing into something different, whether it be formula or pigment or texture.  Having that ever-changing kaleidoscope of color makes me an excited little kid again!

Makeup means freedom to me. I am visually impaired as a side effect of a condition I was born with. I was almost completely blind as a child, but  many years and surgeries later I have some vision. It's not the best, but it's more than enough for me. I remember the day I got to see colors in full vibrancy for the first time. I fell madly in love wth all the possibilities. I like the freedom to express that makeup gives me.  I like that I can change the way I percieve my own image. I find it intriguing  that something as basic as yourself can be altered to trick the eye. I find that amazing because when you close your eyes and get to know a person without ever seeing them there really is no change. There's no illusions. You are simply who you are. I like that makeup lets me feel like I am who I want to be even if for only the moment. It is up to me if  am going to be strong or if I can be daring. I find that how you see yourself is directly related to how you approach your day. So, something as small as wearing mascara can make you feel beautiful. We all know that when we feel beautiful we are more confident therefore more successful. But, even more than loving ow makeup can change me, I love how makeup can make me more.  I love that it makes all of the best parts of me so much better. After all, while every girl needs a day now and again in someone elses heels, in the end no one is a better "i" than ourselves. I always aim to put the best me forward and makeup helps me do that.

Makeup for me is my chance to be creative and create something. I've never been able to draw or paint, or any of that stuff. But with makeup I get to create something new and different every day!

Make up means different things to me depending on the day. But mostly its a chance for me to be creative, its also a chance for me to learn new things everyday. Make up can also be my therapy, my relaxation time, my ME time. Make up also gives me a chance to connect with like minded people and connect with people on a special level. No one else can relate to my make up addiction like the people I've met on here :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I hear the word make-up and I can't help but smile. My boyfriend says I light up when I go to the make-up store. Make-up is such an artistic expression...the beauty in the array of colors that are at your disposal. I am known to be a worry wort but with make-up there is no fear of using a daring color, I can actually be out-spoken with my make-up usage. Make-up is an inspiration of possibilities...

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