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Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I would most likely call her Dorothy Barker, after Dorothy Parker! I name my critters after writers, and I keep hoping I end up with one who clearly takes after her.

(Previous kitties: Ada and Hunter, after Ada Byron Lovelace and Hunter S. Thompson. Current kitties: Edgar and Oscar, after Poe and Wilde.)
I for some reason always name my animals after musicians. I have Bowie, and I had a cat named Grace (Slick), a dog named Otis (Redding), and I named two of my Mom's dogs, Marley and Ozzy. 

Originally Posted by irene- /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She's beautiful ♥

Our house isn't big enough but we make room and give lots of luv =)

Thanks for the name ideas! We'll try Andy and Ipsy to see if any of them stick. I've been calling her "vaquita" which means little cow in spanish because of her colors. We'll start off with a good name then it usually morphs into something else with all the baby talk.

I haven't tried searching on the ipsy site for the mystery items, how do you guys do that? Maybe I shouldn't ask & we should keep that top secret since ipsy reads this thread, just kidding tell me!! Hahaha
Ha! I do that. Bowie has become Bowstopher, Bowseph, Mr. Bowjangles, little Bowie boyfriend's Dad calls him Ralphie. 

Originally Posted by lissa1307 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

 thats funny, we just adopted another cat at xmas...a stray at my hubby's shop abandoned one of her kittens right at xmas, so she became my gift from him...and she doesnt answer to her name (mitzi..aka polish kitty) she only somewhat answers to kitten paws...however she greets me everyday to get her loves and sit in my lap. looks like we may be adding another kitten though, i found another litter at at shop(we cant catch the mother to get her spayed) and low and behold another litter of two, takes care of them for 8 weeks then drops one off and continues to take care of the we have decided to bring her home and she can stay outside here since its much safer than the shop. counting the impending addition that brings up up to 2 dogs(max a borador, jazzy the husky shepard), 3 indoor cats( mitzi, babycat(who by the way is huge and has extra toes) and tiger), 2 outdoor cats( alexander the great wuss(alex) who was indoors til he decided outdoor life suited him and he hates people,lol) and the new one(name tbd) and two rats( ratatooty(son's take on the movie, we just call her tooty) and daisy...i'm sure our zoo will continue to grow as hubby and i are both suckers for abondoned animals...
Contact your local animal rescue groups or animal control and ask to borrow a live trap. You can also buy one at a feed store for around $50. Put a can of cat food inside, set the trap and she'll go into eat the food and be trapped. You can then have her spayed or have an animal rescue group take her and have her spayed. Depending on if she's feral or not she might be adopted out OR released back. It'd be in her best interest. I hate seeing feral cats get pregnant over and over. Those babies deserve homes. This is why I've practically become a cat shelter because people always bring me strays. I have a mama cat and kittens that I need to find homes for.

Okay, I'm a little late coming to this doggy talk, but I had to share a picture of my lil monsters.

Gidget (Yorkie) is on the left and Bella (Shih Tzu) on the right. This is my first picture posting and I don't know how to do a spoiler, so I hope this doesn't bother anyone. This is a makeup forum after all!

Alright, alright. Since we're all talking about our animals now... I present to you Fitz. He decided to eat my food box, but you get the picture. 

Originally Posted by irene- /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lisa Frank inspired nails!


Originally Posted by alphaloria /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by jbrookeb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's my sweet Charlie showing his happy tongue. Found him at 3 weeks old under a trash can. Hubby started calling around looking for a shelter and left a message with one accidentally saying we were looking for a "kill shelter" for him. We had a great laugh about it over lunch and never heard back from them (thank goodness!).

I'm loving all the sleepy tongue pics!! Great way to pass the time :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh gosh. I have been having SERIOUS kitten fever lately (this is what I imagine baby fever feels like) and that second pic isn't helping any. Those little white feet...

IPSY, forget the makeup, send me a kitten! Wait, send me makeup AND a kitten!

I am such a sucker for kitties with white feet! My kitty, Zuzu, has socks and they were definitely a deciding factor in my going to the shelter to meet her. ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Originally Posted by JamieO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I for some reason always name my animals after musicians. I have Bowie, and I had a cat named Grace (Slick), a dog named Otis (Redding), and I named two of my Mom's dogs, Marley and Ozzy. 

Ha! I do that. Bowie has become Bowstopher, Bowseph, Mr. Bowjangles, little Bowie boyfriend's Dad calls him Ralphie. 
I named my dog Fitz with the full intention of having endless options for nicknames since I can add basically any name to the end of Fitz. Sometimes he's Fitzwilliam, Fitzgerald, my mom likes to call him Fitzhugh. When I get "disappointed" in him, it's his full name of Fitzwilliam Bartholomew. 

Bella knows when I call her Bella Marie Louise Lucille that I mean business! LOL

Generally She is Bellie Button or Bellarina and Gidget is Gidgie, Gidgie Woo or Weasel. Not sure why she is a weasel, but it stuck and she actually will come to it!

Originally Posted by BisousDarling /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I named my dog Fitz with the full intention of having endless options for nicknames since I can add basically any name to the end of Fitz. Sometimes he's Fitzwilliam, Fitzgerald, my mom likes to call him Fitzhugh. When I get "disappointed" in him, it's his full name of Fitzwilliam Bartholomew. 
To the rest of the world my cats name is Bouncer.  But at home I call him Whisker Biscuits. 

Originally Posted by lissa1307 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i'm sure our zoo will continue to grow as hubby and i are both suckers for abondoned animals...
Us too.  We have 5 indoor cats, the youngest 2 of which were kittens of a feral cat.  We trapped them, planned to socialize and put them up for adoption.  But they never really got social -- they've lived with us for almost 6 years and we can never touch one of them, although she will come and take shrimp out of our hands.  The other one is more friendly with my husband and lets him pet her, and she's recently warmed up to me a bit.  But we joke about DPZs (designated petting zones) because there are only a couple of places in the house where she is comfortable letting us touch her.  If she's any place else, she runs away if we come near her.  But we love them just the same.

Since everyone else is doing it, here's my furry crew... 

Lola Two-Toes

ZuZu Petals

ZuZu again so you can see her adorable socks ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Big Boy


This is my pup, Blue...or Boo Boo as I've been calling him lately...or Bluebird because he loves to jump off the back of the couch at my parent's house.  He's a Blue Tick Coon Hound/Border Collie mix...and veeeerrry hyper.  The boyfriend and I stopped in at a little town to eat lunch after a morning of hunting and they lady running the place had free puppies in the back of her truck.  After very shortly discussing it while eating our pizza, we walked to her truck and saw him and his brother.  We soooooo badly wanted both, but living in an apartment meant that was a no-go!  He's my *not so* little buddy...I'm glad we decided to take him home.   :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
And just think...our bags are more than likely already shipped...or close to it!  Hope our tracking numbers start going out on Monday.   :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ha! I name my cats after record labels (Nervous and Raucous) and my dogs after Rainbow Brite characters (Twink and Stormy).

I would most likely call her Dorothy Barker, after Dorothy Parker! I name my critters after writers, and I keep hoping I end up with one who clearly takes after her. (Previous kitties: Ada and Hunter, after Ada Byron Lovelace and Hunter S. Thompson. Current kitties: Edgar and Oscar, after Poe and Wilde.)
I for some reason always name my animals after musicians. I have Bowie, and I had a cat named Grace (Slick), a dog named Otis (Redding), and I named two of my Mom's dogs, Marley and Ozzy. 
She's beautiful ♥ Our house isn't big enough but we make room and give lots of luv =) Thanks for the name ideas! We'll try Andy and Ipsy to see if any of them stick. I've been calling her "vaquita" which means little cow in spanish because of her colors. We'll start off with a good name then it usually morphs into something else with all the baby talk. I haven't tried searching on the ipsy site for the mystery items, how do you guys do that? Maybe I shouldn't ask
Ha! I do that. Bowie has become Bowstopher, Bowseph, Mr. Bowjangles, little Bowie boyfriend's Dad calls him Ralphie. 
Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by alphaloria /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by puffyeyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

As cool as this month's bag looks, their june bag pin board is disturbing (at least all the glitter).
I got distracted by the leopard with his tongue hanging out. Dawwww.

That is too cute! I don't have a cat (or any pets) but your picture totally reminded me that I recently took one of my youngest (she turned one a few days after this was taken) with her sleeping with her little tongue out. I have a big soft spot for sleeping animals and babies <3

under the spoiler as well

ETA: whoops! I quoted the wrong post - I was trying to quote meaganola! 

She's a beauty!

Originally Posted by irene- /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That is too cute! I don't have a cat (or any pets) but your picture totally reminded me that I recently took one of my youngest (she turned one a few days after this was taken) with her sleeping with her little tongue out. I have a big soft spot for sleeping animals and babies <3

under the spoiler as well

ETA: whoops! I quoted the wrong post - I was trying to quote meaganola! 
She's beautiful ♥

Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Its great that your family has such love for animals! I wish I had a house big enough to have multiples pets.
Our house isn't big enough but we make room and give lots of luv =)

Originally Posted by JimmyJazz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You can name it Andy (A.New.Doggie.Yay!)
Originally Posted by mindcaviar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for the name ideas! We'll try Andy and Ipsy to see if any of them stick. I've been calling her "vaquita" which means little cow in spanish because of her colors. We'll start off with a good name then it usually morphs into something else with all the baby talk.

I haven't tried searching on the ipsy site for the mystery items, how do you guys do that? Maybe I shouldn't ask & we should keep that top secret since ipsy reads this thread, just kidding tell me!! Hahaha

Thanks ladies!

So many adorable pets in this thread (and I love all their names!) DH and I were planning on getting a cat after we were first married and I wanted to name it Gilligan :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> My girls all looove cats so we're thinking we may get one when they are a little older and we have more space. 
We sure do have an adorable collection of pets here on MUT! 

I also call my pets by random nicknames. Lola is also known as PoPo, Fuffer, Lolabert Humperdog (she has dominance issues), Wodles, Miss Ma'am, the list seriously goes on and on and on. ZuZu is also known as Creeper Peeper, Zuzycat, Bebeket, and she has her own theme song that we like to sing to her. Big Boy was pretty much nameless for the first 3 years of his life. We called him by a different name weekly until Big Boy just stuck. My son likes to call him Big City. 

Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Agreed...what a babe! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
lol! thanks Michaela!

Joining the pet train! D'artagnan "Artie", Cinderella "Bella or Mamas", Marie "Little Bit" and Sherlock "Bear".

The boys - "Artie" (left) & "Bear" (right)

Cinderella -

Marie "Little Bit"

What happens when I let them make a mess:

When I moved my sister ended up keeping our dogs but here they are :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

My middle baby Sadie 

Dexter hes the newest addition this is his " You have food but your not sharing with me, why? " face lol

and the oldest our Boxer Sarge <3
Loving all the animals pics! So cute!! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Wish I had a pet. Anywho, I'm more of a dog person, but I do like cats... downside, I'm allergic, so I usually can't be in the same room as one for long without taking my allergy meds, which isn't always effective.... :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Oddly though, it doesn't happen with every cat I get in contact with.

Also, I can't wait for the "core" bag to be released! I wanna know what the pencil and white bottle is!! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't have any pets : ( my husband is allergic. I wish we could have a kitty! I have two crazy babies though, they are kinda like pets since all they really do right now is play, eat, sleep and poop ; )

Loving all the pet photos!

Here are my furbabies: The orange one, Cauchy (ko-shee) and the black brat Miso.


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