Did you exercise today?

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2.5 miles every other day and 300 sit ups on days i do not run..lost 40 pounds in 6 months and more to follow...only problem is i had to deposit all my clothes in that free give away box..dropped at least 3 sizes so far...only plus is i have a new and current wardrobe...

Would any of you recommend using a bike in a gym for excercise. I hurt my knee once from running and ever since I have been really wary about it! I've wanted to try riding the bike for a while now but I don't know like how long to ride it for!

When you say exercise, what do you mean?   To lose weight?  Keep fit? Build muscle?  If I know I may be able to give some assistance.  Does your knee still give trouble though?

Hi, I'm new to these forums, but I figured I could help you out here laundry freak! I prefer to run outside then use gym equipment it just feels more natural lol. but like all work outs you want to help yourself and not hurt yourself. so i'd run a few laps and if at any point your leg hurts you should stop. also, it depends on what you're trying to work on. if you want to improve your endurance then you should set a set time of say 30 minutes and just run the entire time.  if you'd like to build speed i suggest running around a track, and when you get to the straight aways sprint your heart out for as long as you can, and then set a nice jogging pace and just keep sprinting on the long runs.  when you feel better you can increase the distance or the sped at which your run.

hope i helped!

I did the elliptical for 30 minutes today (I was short on time, woke up late). Yesterday I tried this new machine...the ARC trainer. Anybody heard of it? FANTASTIC. I just got a gym membership last week. I've been hitting it everyday except Tuesdays and Thursdays because I work and go to school on those days (17 hour days). I have bad knees, but I love cardio, and I have found that bikes and ellipticals are okay for me, if I use some resistance. Also, the ARC trainer (from their website) says that they work for people with bad knees. I need to do some strength training. I go to the gym with my BF though, and hate lifting weights with him. We're both too competitive, and he can lift much more than me. LOL

Yup!  I'm proud to say that I did (proud because I've been really bad at doing it lately).  I got my taxes done, so it was a 15 minute walk out and a 15 minute back to H&R Block.   Then I went back out again later and did another hour long walk with my music - so 90 minutes total walking for today.  Getting ready to do some crunches and push ups now, too.  If I could just keep that up every day, or at least a few times a week, I could probably lose the 25 lbs. I've been complaining about for the past few years!

I did! I went to the ice rink and skated for an hour. Normally I'll try to run and do a class that my university offers in addition to that, but today I just felt like figure skating and working on my routine for a competition I'm doing. I love skating! So much fun!

walked with my BFFL for 2.5 hours!!
 and bought some nail polish((:) do it witha friend people! its so much fun!

I´m currently doing the Tracy Anderson Method 30 day workout and just started phase 2 yesterday. I´m curious to see the end result as I really have high hopes

I have been off the exercise wagon for so long now.  I am actually having a very hard time getting motivated.  I have a brand new elliptical trainer in my garage that I can be using, but it just sits there taunting me.  Any ideas for some inspiration would be helpful.  Sigh...

Me too.  I even tried to post a walk/run challenge but since I posted the thread I have only been out once.

Motivation is one of those things that we each have to find in ourselves - also, what motivates us one day will not necessarily motivate you the next.  Its horrible, I know.  Have you made a list of goals yet?  The only one thing on my list to walk or run at least once a week right now.  Next week Im going to up it to 3x a week.  Im gonna have to start soon, I have races scheduled and Im WAY behind.

My weekly routine looks like this:

Monday: 1.5hr of martial arts

Wednesday: 1hr of crossfit

Thursday: 1.5hr of martial arts

Saturday: 2hr of martial arts

On a day that I don't have training, I do at least a 30min run or stair climb. Everyday I do a few sets of pushups....maybe 3 sets of 20. I also occasionally go to the playground down the street and do chin ups on the bars. 

Seeing as I'll be doing the Tough Mudder challenge later this year, I need to start increasing my workouts. Aiming to run 10km, 50 pushups and 10 chin ups without stopping by mid year. 

for the first time in months i finally went to the gym! Work has been so hectic and I dont have time to go after work anymore

this is actually my problem, I don't know when can I fit in "doing some exercise" on my hectic schedule. Or am i just making excuses? 
 newbie -- shunammite here. Now enjoying myself reading your posts.

I bought two 5kg (11lbs) dumbbells and a jumping cord yesterday. I did some dumbbell exercises earlier for different group muscles.

I prefer working out at home since I can do it whenever I feel like it. And there's enough info and a lot of good videos on the internet to be able to train at home.


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