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I have very mixed feelings about this. I can see lots of pros and cons. BUT, in todays society, straight marriages are just as screwed up.:clap It would be nice to see stats on gay couples--too bad the union hasn't been around enough to see who gets divorced. I'm sure there are a lot who have stayed together until the end. IMHO, they are no different, and encounter the same problems as straight couples--they may have more since their union is taboo to a lot of people.

Love whoever you want to love.:icon_love

I'm with ya. It's as controversial as abortion. It has political and religious and moral debate written all over it.

I think it's a degregation of society. I mean it puts marriage down 6 levels, in my opinion.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not anti gay by any way, I just like traditional values between a man and a woman. It's my humble opinion.

Tell me why it's a degredation of society? If 2 people love each other then why can't they form a legal partnership? Remember, what is happening in the UK is separate to the church and is a civil partnership.

whoa, now we're going to have a debate. :clap

I truely believe that marriage is upheld as a sacred union between a man and woman, because of religion. I cannot name one religion that honors the union of gays. It is looked down on. However, on the flip side, a person being gay is no more of a sin than the cuss word I said 10 minutes ago. All I have to say is, if I was gay. . .I would want to be free to form a union with someone I truely love. I know gay couples who are way more stable that most straight. I really don't care if they marry. It doesn't affect me in any way.

And...OT...I'm not afraid for my kids to be around gay people. This is life, I can't protect them from the world--eventually they will have to live in it, I'd rather them question me about it first than find out in a misguided place. It's not like they're going to start making out in front of your kids! Off topic, but a lot of relevance. Gay marriage scares a lot of parents.

Oh I didn't say anything about people who love each other. Just the fact that marriage is degraded if gay people are allowed to marry. If it's not recognized in a church, then I see no problem with it. I have no problem with Gay people and how they love, I am sure they do just like I do. It's just that marriage is sacred between a man and a woman.

This subject is ultra controversial.

Oh, I see that it's been talked about before here. I absolutely love what reija has said it very well here

as for what reija said about gay people wanting "special treatment", i personally think they just want equality, which they are entitled to imo. also, if society wasn't so unaccepting of gay people, there needent be any gay marches etc, because gays, lesbians and bisexuals would be considered just alternate orientations, not abnormal as they are mostly seen today.

also about what people would think in school if the kid had two moms, that again is just peoples judgments and narrowmindedness and i dont think thats the outlook society should try to please, they should rather try to evolve and teach their kids to accept the differences mother nature has created. just my opinion.

Hmmm, I'm not really one for gay marriage either when I saw on the news i kinda thought, 'whatever next...'

I for one and VERY EXTACTIC about the step towards equality of the human race....What if Short men were not allowed to marry tall woman or different blood types can not marry the same blood type...

and The dont get me started on that.. I just would not put all my marbles in the hat of a church that in its own preaching say " do not worship any other image/item/staute" but yet all you see in church are figures of saints with candles around it....Very hypocritical dont cha think...Well Anyway Just My opinion....

Back to the fact that that my brothers and sisters can get the same respect like me being apart of the human race I am Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY for them !!!

Oh and P.s ... God created all and he does'nt make mistakes.....I love him more for making me open minded and love everyone..Thank you God :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I COMPLETELY 100% agree with what Reija said. That's exactly what I feel about the subject.

I 100% agree with what you said!!! Personally I don't think gay marriage should be legal anywhere!!!!

It's nice to see a lot of countries legalizing it. I was really surprized and happy that Canada legalized it this year. It about time the US caught up as well- it might be known as a "powerful" country and very quick when it comes to wars, but when it comes to issues like these, it's as backward as any stereotypical third world country. Whatever happened to keeping religion and state separate? Basing ethical decisions on religion is discriminatory- not everyone is Christian, but everyone has to follow the law.


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