Glossybox August forums

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Mar 11, 2012
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Sunny SoCal
I didn't see an August thread so I thought I would start one.  Thought it would be nice to look forward to a new month since it seems so many people were unhappy with last!  Interested to see when the credit cards are charged and boxes actually ship!

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Saw this on their facebook. I'm currently canceled but now I am curious... darn it.
So was I...I gave in 

I just cancelled and now that it's done I don't regret it. I liked some of the products but I dont think for the price point they are worth it.

I'm giving it one more month. I love June's box but didn't like this month. Their customer service blows, so I'm really on the fence.

I generally try to allow 3 boxes to make my mind up about a service, and August would be my third, so part of me wants to stick around for another month...another part of me would hate to feel like I've wasted another $21 on a whole bunch of nothing special. I'm torn!

I feel the same way.  I really didn't like this latest box AT ALL but for some crazy reason I'm giving it one more.  I was going to do Loose Button but then I started looking at their past products and it looks really bad to me.  Assuming I end up cancelling GB after next month, what besides BB do y'all suggest?  It sounds like people like My Glamm?  I hate the name, but I can get over that.  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Gah, so tempting! I keep getting all these emails from them just as I keep trying to push them from my mind. As enticing as this seems, I'm going to have to will myself to pass on it. Maybe in the future.

For all those tempted, you can at least follow along here when subscribers get their boxes and if there is something you love the subscriber may not and you may be able to pick it up on trade!

I guess you have to weigh the excitement of something "good" with the disappointment you may feel in price, value,  time it takes, lack of customer service, billing etc.  Then make the decision!

I hope this month will "wow" me or else I'm canceling. I did not like my July box at all.

Wow, I love my boxes. But Im fairly new to boxes so Im probably fresh. Hey, when are the surveys supposed to be available? 

Im wondering if the diamonds are related to this


Obviously not the $250,000 one but maybe the $25 one? ahh a girl can dream

Their FB they  uploaded a photo for August hint stating one of those products are a hint in the next box!

This is huge for Glossy since they never ever give us hints!

So far my guess is that Red nail polish on the bottom and I have no clue what brand that is?!

Originally Posted by Jazbot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Their FB they  uploaded a photo for August hint stating one of those products are a hint in the next box!

This is huge for Glossy since they never ever give us hints!

So far my guess is that Red nail polish on the bottom and I have no clue what brand that is?!

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

WOW Illamasqua!?!? Can't wait. If we get Illamasqua then I won't feel as bad canceling SS and not getting the Deborah Lipmann polish!
Me 2! Can't believe they are giving out lipmann! I love illamasqua, I have a lip gloss & lip stick of theirs. Spendy!


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