Hammock Pack

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Apr 23, 2014
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Here's a thread to discuss Hammock Pack, a newer lifestyle subscription service. I subscribed for three months and enjoyed the boxes I received (September, October, and November 2012). http://hammockpack.com/

i agree, looks fabulous. Holding off for more reviews from you ladies!

That looks like a fantastic box :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'll wait to read everyone's reviews before subscribing though.

I kept hearing people talk about Hammock Pack so I had to go look at the website!  I immediately fell in love and subscribed right away...I currently am subscribed to several subscription boxes and am most excited for Hammock Pack!!!

For me, here are the pros and cons:


  • Erin, the owner of Hammock Pack, does a good job of selecting items to reflect each monthly surprise theme. The boxes I bought were Camping (September), Leaf Peeping (October), and Italy (November).
  • The items in the packs are sampled from small business/Etsy sellers which is cool.
  • She does an excellent job with packaging - each box is presented in a way that reflects that month's theme with thoughtful little details.


  • Unfortunately, the price is a bit high for me right now. I can only justify either Popsugar or Hammock Pack, not both.

Overall, I liked trying out the products received and would consider re-subscribing in the future.

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For me, here are the pros and cons:


  • Erin, the owner of Hammock Pack, does a good job of selecting items to reflect each monthly surprise theme. The boxes I bought were Camping (September), Leaf Peeping (October), and Italy (November).
  • The items in the packs are sampled from small business/Etsy sellers which is cool.
  • She does an excellent job with packaging - each box is presented in a way that reflects that month's theme with thoughtful little details.


  • Unfortunately, the price is a bit high for me right now. I can only justify either Popsugar or Hammock Pack, not both.

Overall, I liked trying out the products received and would consider re-subscribing in the future.
can you send pictures of the boxes you got and whats in them??


Here are a few pics so you can get an idea (posting as a spoiler so this post doesn't take up a lot of room). I have full reviews on my blog below that I'd post here if they weren't so long :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Let me know if you have any questions!

September - Camping theme. Favorite items were some fun skincare/bath items and s'mores!

October - Leaf Peeping theme. Favorite items were a yummy candle, body lotion, and Vermont maple candies.

November box - Italy theme. Favorite items included some excellent biscotti and some cute earrings made in Italy.

Ooh is it too late for January? I'm going to sign up when I get home. I do hate that they charge shipping. They should just build it into the price. It makes me feel better, at least to think I am getting free shipping! That fox magnet is PRECIOUS!

Originally Posted by AshJs3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ooh is it too late for January? I'm going to sign up when I get home. I do hate that they charge shipping. They should just build it into the price. It makes me feel better, at least to think I am getting free shipping!

That fox magnet is PRECIOUS!
I signed up yesterday and unfortunately the cutoff for a January box was 12/31.  So your first box would be February!

This looks really interesting I am going to go read up on it some more! I am really interested to see if they have a referral program of some kind!


This looks really interesting I am going to go read up on it some more! I am really interested to see if they have a referral program of some kind!
Let us know what you find out. I am trying to cut down my subs but may have to try this one out.
I have subscribed to every Hammock Pack except the first one, which I missed.

IMO, the customer base is probably not large enough for the owners to be giving out discounts and freebies.

With that said, I totally think the box is worth the full retail price, and IF you like opening a large size box FULL of the highest quality items, all with a very fun theme, then just try it once. IMO, there's a possibility that the quality and fun will outweigh that of another sub costing the same or a similar amount... I have switched and swapped out my subs many times because I find something new and really GREAT or because the quality of an older sub goes way down.

Hammock Pack is my most FUN subscription of all,  and it's very high quality full sized products. NO cards to have to redeem elsewhere either. As you can see from the thread with everything we have tried, I've tried almo

st everything ( I forgot to list  Fancy Box, Conscious Box, and a few more which were not good fits with my prefereces, LOL).

I caved and decided to try it just for one month :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> $30 is kind of a lot for a sub (they charged me extra $5 for shipping), but I'm still looking forward to it. After all, I don't think I'd be able to decide whether I like it or not by simply looking at everyone's pictures. Like if I was to judge December's Popsugar box only by the pictures I would probably never want to subscribe to it, but I've been using my cups and tea every single day since I got them and the soap is great too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

TL;DR: Nothing beats first hand experience! ... or that's what I would like to say, in reality I just don't have any self control :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got the Nov box and was really disappointed. Maybe it's because I only received one of the brownies in my box (they were super delicious!) so I am still a bit peeved, but I didn't think that particular box (2 biscotti cookies, a magnet, a pair of fabric earrings, and a small yet delicious brownie) was worth the 30 bucks. compared to what you get in the popsugar boxes.

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Here are a few pics so you can get an idea (posting as a spoiler so this post doesn't take up a lot of room). I have full reviews on my blog below that I'd post here if they weren't so long :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Let me know if you have any questions!

September - Camping theme. Favorite items were some fun skincare/bath items and s'mores!

October - Leaf Peeping theme. Favorite items were a yummy candle, body lotion, and Vermont maple candies.

November box - Italy theme. Favorite items included some excellent biscotti and some cute earrings made in Italy.

thanks for posting they look great!! your blog is so cute too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Originally Posted by cmello /img/forum/go_quote.gif

thanks for posting they look great!! your blog is so cute too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
No problem - glad to be of help! And thank you! 

Originally Posted by jse050575 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What is the link to your blog, JessP? I'd love to see!
The link is in my signature bar (under the gray line) at the bottom of this post 


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