Homemade Skincare Recipes and Masks

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Woww so much info.Thanks.I love to use honey and brown sugar as a scrub.

I have psoriasis and my skin loves the honey scrub and also when I do the banana, honey ,oatmeal mask as a moisturizer.

i got this tip from a member of a french forum i sometimes visit, and i tried it yesterday.

to remove all your eyemakeup, take a cotton pad, and put 3 drops of warm water (warm is the key) and 3 drops of sweet almond oil. gently put it on your eyelid, wait a few seconds then take it off and gently "wash" your lid with it.

i was wearing a heavy coat of e/s and mascara, mine being pretty hard to take off. everything disappeared in a matter of seconds. i was so impressed i tried it also on my face and it does a good job too. not mentioning you get the moisturising properties of sweet almond oil.

Egg white + yolk mask work well for me. My skin is a little tight afterwards but it looks clarified

These are awesome suggestions. The petroleum jelly and socks thing work GREAT on dry feet as well!:wavey:

thanks! I've been looking for a way to fix my ugly elbows since like forever, i'm going to try it right now.

The BHA content in the humble aspirin pill is a powerful agent against blemishes, and using this as a scrub/mask will leave you with smooth, even skin. It is recommended to use this once a week, but you can increase the frequency of use if necessary.

Step 1: Take 6 uncoated aspirin and break each into halves. Put in a small cup or a lid.

Step 2: Add 3-4 drops of warm/hot water, and use a stick to smash the aspirin around. If it's too dry and doesn't dissolve, add 1 drop of water at a time until it forms into a thick white paste.

Step 3: Spread thickly onto your face. Leave for 10-15 minutes. You'll know it's ready when bits of white powder start falling off your face.

Step 4: As you wash it off with warm water, gently massage it into your skin. You'll feel your skin to be very smooth and even.

Step 5: Pat face gently dry. Apply your usual moisturizer. Your skin should be feeling radiant and soft!

mashed potaoes with fresh milk is my favourite homemade mask as it brightens my skin( but I'm too lazy to do it regularly :")

Moreover,I usually use the toothbrush for children to exfoliate my lips, then put on petroleum jelly before going to bed.It makes my lips soft even in winter ^^

i've used the aspirin mask before., it's where you blend about 8 aspirins with water, it will come to a scrub type of consistency. you rub all over your face, leave there for about 25 minutes. then rinse off. i have seen little improvements. while i was using this method i had very bad acne also.

Idk if anyone postted this, but be careful with strawberry on your teeth!!! The acid can get rid of stains, but it can also get rid of your enamel if you use it often--not good! This can cause even more yellowing and tooth damage. I use baking soda on my teeth every once in a while to whiten them, it cleans the junk off without eating away at the enamel.

some of these are really fascinating. I would never thought of using strawberries to whiten teeth, and seedless grapes for wrinkles.

Sugar-Honey hand "balm"

1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp honey

Mix together and apply in both hands like a cream giving a massage. After 2 minutes, rinse with water.

That's really good for your hands.

These are great! Thank you so much.

I'm always looking for healthy things I can make from what I have on hand. Since I'm breaking out horribly right now, I'm going to head to the kitchen and start mixing. Will let you know what works!


Wow Some of the recpies are good im going to give them a try for sure ...im allways looking for new things to use on my face lol



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