Homemade Skincare Recipes and Masks

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Chocolate ... preferably dark, semi-sweet. It doesn't do a darn thing for your face, but you'll experience a glow after eating the leftover mix.

Kathy (who should never post this late - my mind takes a left turn around 1am)

Herbal Toner

This can be kept in a fridge for up to 5 days in an airtight container

and costs little to make.

Simply boil 1/2 a cupful of herbs in 600ml of water. Take off the heat and leave to stand overnight. Strain off and put into a jar/bottle

Different herbs have different properties.

For dry skin - parsley and fennel

For oily skin - lavender, sage, thyme or peppermint

For normal skin - balm and spearmint.


Pumpkin Papaya Mask

1/2 ripe papaya

1 cup pumpkin

1 egg white, beaten until frothy

1 tsp honey

Skin and seed the papaya; mash with a fork until soft.

Stir in the rest of the ingredients until mixture is smooth.

Apply to face using a circular motion.

Rinse off after 5 minutes.

Thankyou! thank you! Thank you noori! i tried ur egyption mask and my face is so much better,which one of these masks are purely for oily skin and open pores?

Beauty Tips

Clogged Pores This is a great deep cleansing scrub! Mix four Tbs. of plain yogurt with two Tbs. of grated orange peel. Massage into skin for three minutes. Rinse with warm water. The yogurt is an exfoliant and the orange peel will extract dirt and oils.

Elbow Fix To remove the discoloration from your elbows, just cut a lemon in half and rest an elbow in each half for 10 minutes. The acid in the lemon juice breaks down the dark patches, so they wash away.

Terrific Eye Cream Before bed apply unscented castor oil around your eyes. Plastic surgeons use this on their patients after surgery!


Normal to Dry Skin

Blend 10ml aloe vera gel, 15ml olive oil, 10ml rosewater and two drops rose essential oil and decant into a bottle. Massage into your skin and remove with water or a muslim cloth. Keep in the fridge, shake before use and use within five days

Oily/Combination Skin

Scrub and peel a 50g chunk of fresh soapwort root. Put it in 1 litre spring water, along with 25g dried herbs (mint, sage and rosemary), bring to the boil, and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool and strain into a pump-dispenser bottle. To use, massage two squirts into dampened skin and rinse.

Sensitive Skin

Place the petals of six marigold flowers in a bowl with 10g cocoa butter, 20g beeswax granules, and 100ml sweet almond or extra virgin olive oil. Gently heat by putting the bowl in a pan of hot water until it has all melted. Keep on a low heat for five minutes, then sieve and transfer into a sterilised jar. Seal when fully cooled. Gently massage into the skin to melt away make-up.

Make your own toner

Boil down balancing sage, toning lemongrass, or calming lavendar for 25 minutes, strain the liquid and allow it to cool. Decant into a spray bottle and use as a facial spritz whenever needed.

Make your own exfoliant

Blend oatmel with a thick oil like wheat germ oil, and add a raw egg yolk. Gently rub the mixture over your face and rinse.

A face dunked in cool whole milk and left on your face for 20 minutes will give you a gentle chemical peel.

Dead sea mask is really great. I purchased one in TKmax , how lucky Am I , but now it's out of stock and i don't think you can get it from Tkmax anymore. I still have alot but really don't know where to purchase it again . I also don't know where to buy oatmeal too ? Can I buy it in supermarket ?

Kishh: anytime hun! so glad that was helpful for you

and as for oily skin, well.. im not really sure cause my skin is not purly oily, it's combo to oily, and anything with yoghurt, cucaumber, rose water and sage would work perfectly for uus.

and Ooh, you have to try the dead sea mud mask, works wonders for oilier skins, u only have to mix it with yoghurt and cold water, stay away from honey and thick stuff, milk would work with u too but doesnt give the results that it does to a drier skin..

HTH, and welcome to makeuptalk (f)

i did an avocado and olive oil mask just now. my skin feels great. that might have something to do with taking a cold shower because of the pilot light being out tho, too. anyway, i found the mask recipe on an olive oil health benefits site. just mix up the two, whatever ratio, just enough of both to stick and make a nice thick mask. added a couple drops of lemon juice, and put it in the fridge in a tight container. also, i have been using the molasses, yeast, and acv mask at night. found the recipe on here, under the headline, "the most magical skin recipe"

i have to say, my skin is clearing up and looks very smooth and soft. it feels great. no more bumps when i wash my face. doncha hate that?

For a nice natural and simple scrub, use a tea spoon of raw brown sugar on damp skin, scrub gently till it start to melt, rinse with cold water. the result is AMAZING :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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