Homemade Skincare Recipes and Masks

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These posts are amazing you guys really know your stuff. I remember I put toothpaste on a pimple for a few minutes when I was 13 and it dried up right away. I thought man I wish I could know more secrets to get awesome skin with stuff from my house without braking the bank. Thanks forgot all the great info these are gentle enough to do with younger girls who want a pampering night with mom or the big sister there natural ingredients and everyone can find a mask or a face wash that makes them feel like they spent an evening at the spa!

Desert Bath Salts

5 drops yellow food coloring

4 drops musk oil

3 drops jasmine fragrance or essential oil

3 cups Epsom salt

1 cup baking soda

2 tsp. glycerin

Earth Bath Salts

½ cups Epsom salt

1 cup baking soda

½ cup rock salt

½ tsp. vitamin E

2 tsp. light oil (sunflower, almond, etc.)

20 drops patchouli essential oil

15 drops cypress essential oil

Green food coloring

Mix thoroughly

Ocean Bath Salts

1 cup Epsom salt

1 cup baking soda

4 drops blue food coloring

3 drops jasmine fragrance or essential oil

4 drops vanilla

2 tbs. glycerin

Mix thoroughly

Bath Oil Balls

¼ cup baking soda

2 tbs. citric acid

2 tbs. sweet almond oil

1 tsp. vitamin E oil

¼ tsp. fragrance or essential oil

Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Add wet ingredients slowly, while mixing form into balls. Let them sit on wax paper overnight until hard.

Thanks a lots to all for ur useful tips!!! I hope someof it works to improve texture of my skin

Perk Me Up Facial

½ cup oatmeal powder

½ cup bran

¼ cup cornmeal

1 tsp. zinc oxide

Mix together with a bit of water until it forms a paste. Massage into face then rinse off.

Wonder Glow Mask

1 egg yolk

1 tsp. warm milk

1 tsp. honey

Mix thoroughly apply to face and throat, let sit for 20 minutes then rinse off.

Minty Mask (for tired skin)

1 tbs. ground or powdered spearmint

1 tbs. oil

1 tbs. honey

Whip until fluffy apply to skin.

Here's some fun facials and masks!

Perk Me Up Facial

½ cup oatmeal powder

½ cup bran

¼ cup cornmeal

1 tsp. zinc oxide

Mix together with a bit of water until it forms a paste. Massage into face then rinse off.

Wonder Glow Mask

1 egg yolk

1 tsp. warm milk

1 tsp. honey

Mix thoroughly apply to face and throat, let sit for 20 minutes then rinse off.

Minty Mask (for tired skin)

1 tbs. ground or powdered spearmint

1 tbs. oil

1 tbs. honey

Whip until fluffy apply to skin.

Papaya with Punch

¼ ripe papaya

4 tsp. green cosmetic clay

1 ½ tsp. aloe Vera gel

Puree all ingredients then rub into face, let sit 10 minutes then rinse with cold water.

Georgia Peach

1 ripe peach peeled and pitted

1 eye white

Whip ingredients apply to face and let sit for 30 minutes then rinse off.

Mask Peel

1 packet unflavored gelatin

½ cup fruit juice or herb infusion

Heat to melt gelatin as per package instructions with the liquid of choice. Apply to face when almost set and peel when completely dried.

Strawberry delight

½ cup very ripe strawberries

¼ cup cornstarch

Mix together to forma paste, apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes.

Veggie Delight

1 tbs. cucumber

1 tbs. parsley

1 tbs. yogurt

Whirl in the blender until fluffy apply to skin.

My fav toner/spritzer pick me up

1 part rosewater

1/2 parts witch hazel, aloe vera juice (each)

5-10 drops of each: pepperment oil; white oak bark extract, grapefruit seed extract

a capful or so of glycerine

Shake well before use and apply with a cotton pad or ball. I keep some in a spray bottle that I store in the fridge and carry with me through out the day to use before I blot or repowder.

You can adjust it based on your skin type. My skin is wicked oily, so the formula above works best for oily skin.

For dry/combination skin, add more glycerine and omit the white oak bark extract

The witch hazel, grapefruit seed, white oak and pepperment extracts are natural anticeptics that are awesome for controlling oil and killing bacteria

The glycerine and aloe insure that the skin doesnt get too dried out and produce more oil.

The rosewater helps the skin retain the moisture and just smells yummy.

You can find just about all the ingredients at your local health food store, but you can get the aloe, witch hazel and glycerine at wal mart in the bandade/peroxide isle.

The Asprin mask posted above is GREAT. The Acetyl-slicylic Acid chemically exfoliates, and then the grains make a great mechanical scrub afterwards. I'd never felt my skin smoother. Also, if you have a tiny jar or similar (think baby food jar) it's very handy to mix some scrub up in advance. If you get uncoated asprin, it disolves quicker, but the coated kind will stick to your skin better.. be prepared to have little white bits all over when you use an asprin mask though.


1 tbs. of an infusion of comfrey leaves... OR...

1 tbs. of a decoction of comfrey roots (see below)

1 tbs. lanolin

2 tsp. sweet almond oil

2 tsp. water

2 tsp. cod liver oil

Melt lanolin and almond oil in a double boiler. Add water and allow to

cool. Mix in cod liver oil and comfrey. Apply gently to face and rinse

off after 5 to 10 minutes. This is a rich moisturizer that boosts the

water-holding capacity of your skin and helps plump out wrinkled areas.

Infusion: This is a beverage made like tea, by pouring boiled water over

plants and steeping to extract the active ingredients. The normal amounts

are about 1/2 to 1 ounce of plant to one pint of boiled water. You should

let the mixture steep for 5 to 10 minutes, covered, and strain the infusion into a cup.

Decoction: This preparation allows you to extract primarily the mineral

salts and bitter principles rather than vitamins and volatile ingredients.

The normal amounts are about 1/2 ounce plant to 1 cup water. Bring

ingredients to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for up to 4 minutes.

Remove from heat and steep the mixture with the cover on the pot for a few



1/4 mashed ripe avocado

1/2 mashed ripe banana

2 tbs. plain yogurt (not low-fat)

1 tsp. wheat germ oil

Mix all ingredients. Apply mixture to face and leave on 10 to 15 minutes.

Rinse with tepid water.


Mel, I've merged your skincare recipe threads with "Homemade SkinCare Recipes & Masks" sticky thread.

I have discoloration from the sun on my cheeks because Im on birth control pills. Will the lemon remove those spots as well?

woooow...i love this topic:inlove:

here are some more useful and easy recipes

1. Squeeze an orange and, using your fingers, pat the liquid on your face. The juice will evaporate quickly and leave you with a radiant glow. Plus you'll have the benefits of the antioxidant vitamin C.

2. Mash half a banana and rub it into patches of dry skin. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse well. Your skin will be baby soft. BONUS: the potassium in the banana will help erase the dark circles under your eyes.

3. Snip off the foot section from an old pair of pantyhose and fill with one cup uncooked oatmeal. Now carefully tie the "oatmeal foot" to the faucet of your tub (you want the water to run through the oatmeal). Now fill the tub and soak away your dry, itchy skin.

4. Blend 2 cups crushed macadamia nuts with 2 sprigs fresh mint and a half-cup of honey. Mix into a paste and rub over your body to exfoliate dead skin. Rinse and pat dry.

5. Mash a ripe mango with one tablespoon plain yogurt. Add 2 egg yolks and blend. Work the mix into your hair, then cover your head with a shower cap and leave in place 20 minutes. Shampoo thoroughly. It's the ultimate hair conditioner!

me and my mom tried the avocado mask....it was great for her skin since she has dry skin, but it's a lil too oily for me...

One of the many threads I keep meaning to read, and I finally have! Thanks for the tips!

Thank you for the recipies ... i will try those which suit my oily skin >> hope they'll work with me


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