How many of you struggle with heels? forums

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Jan 4, 2007
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I was reading the 'trend alert' thread about marjane shoes that Daeron posted, and I noticed that quite a lot of you seemed to bemoan the fact that walking in high heels is so hard. Which got me thinking - how many of you actually find it difficult? how come there isn't a class in it at high school?

AND how did you learn if you DON'T have problems with heels?

I don't have a problem with heels unless they're not the right size but a lot of my friends seem to find it really, really hard. I think it's because they walk like they're wearing flat shoes. So,here is/was my walking technique:

thrust the hip forward of the foot I'm lifting (twist it forward on an angle)and bend the knee a little, and always put your toe/the front of your foot down first. It means that you're using your hips to balance and so you do wriggle your bum a little, LOL.

I think that's how I learnt? I actually used to walk up and down the kitchen in my mum's heels when I was little so I've had experience since I was around 4 years old, HAHA

I can't wear them. I look like a dork and there is nothing sexy about the way I walk in them. I can get away with low heels on boots but other than that forget it.

I only have problems if they are not the right size, or kill my feet, other than that, it's very easy for me.

I didn't "learn" per se. I am a gymnast and cheerleader, so I am used to having my center of gravity shifted, and even the slightest shift for others can throw them off. I started wearing heels when I was around seven, not legit heels, but high enough for a seven year old!

People who don't learn the difference between walking in heels and flats, and who have bad posture, will ultimately have a problem!

I don't have a problem wearing heels. I wear them almost everyday!
I can even run up stairs in them. lol.

Originally Posted by Solimar /img/forum/go_quote.gif I only have problems if they are not the right size, or kill my feet, other than that, it's very easy for me.
I didn't "learn" per se. I am a gymnast and cheerleader, so I am used to having my center of gravity shifted, and even the slightest shift for others can throw them off. I started wearing heels when I was around seven, not legit heels, but high enough for a seven year old!

People who don't learn the difference between walking in heels and flats, and who have bad posture, will ultimately have a problem!

I never thought of that! I was a gymnast for 9 years. I wonder if that ever played a role in helping me walk in heels? Interesting!
I said it before, I will say it again - THE STOMP!

Posture definitely helps - and yes absolutely the fact that people need to learn the difference between walking in heels and flats.

The stomp is great (watch runway models or ANTM). None of that heel down first - thats how people trip! Putting the whole sole down is the best way to get a sexy heel walk.

i'm getting better! i've been wearing my thin wedges around a lot, so i wanna move up to heels, but i need COMFY ones.

well... i love heels and have more heels than flats. BUT some heels I can walk in great, and the others not so much. I need to really perfect walking in heels because I love them.

Originally Posted by KellyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can't wear them. I look like a dork and there is nothing sexy about the way I walk in them. I can get away with low heels on boots but other than that forget it. LOL That's too funny, Kelly!! There are lot of women at work that continue to wear heels and some of them just can't get around without wobbling and their arms flying....
I've never ever had a problem with heels up to say 4".... have a good sized collection too... Figure it's all the ice hockey I've played!! Build up those ankles!! lol My wife can't walk in even 1" heels....

It isnt hard..but it sure hurts if you're going anywhere at all, even across the street..haha

I don't wear heels at all. I'd look stupid fumbling around and falling all over the place. My feet were not meant for heels.

I have no problem wearing heels but I prefer the thicker heels so I have more balance. Now, when they are really high and the heel is really thin I struggle a bit more because I feel like I am on the tips of my toes.

I use to wear heels all the time even to school, Now I have been wearing more sneakers and flats. But it really is so much more comfy to be in flats especially when you have to walk long distances

I don't have problems with heels at all, as long as it's it's my size and not wearing it for a long distance walk because it'll hurt my back.

I don't wear them at all. Only once in a blue moon will I wear my high wedged ones.

With practice I can wear them, but I find them so uncomfortable and I have wide feet so finding a pair that looks nice and fits is unbearable so I don't bother. One day I'll concur them... since I really love how it looks.

lol, so freakin' complex!!

i'll stick to flats forever.

I have so much trouble walking in heels, i walk so slow.


it took a long time for me to walk in heels.

now i can for like 15-20min. before my feet kill me.

i dont understand how girls can go shopping in them, cause i deffently cant.

lol depends on the heels as to if I could go shopping in them.. I wonder if being a gymnast really DOES make a difference because I did gymnastics for ages when I was younger.. hmm.. an interesting thought

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif lol depends on the heels as to if I could go shopping in them.. I wonder if being a gymnast really DOES make a difference because I did gymnastics for ages when I was younger.. hmm.. an interesting thought Lol, yes I find it interesting too!I didn't do gymnastic, but I did Aerobics and dance a LOT when I was teen.

No one really taught me how to wear heels before though, it just happened lol.


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