How many times a week do you go to bed without washing your face?? forums

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Oh goodness, I thought I was the only one that slipped up and didn't wash my face every single night. 1 to 2 times a week.

I DO NOT go to bed without washing my face EVER. If I go to bed wearing makeup or just not washing my face in general...I wake up feeling oily and extra extra dirty - plus I break out like mad - and it disgusts me.

I make sure I wash my face every single night. I use acne wash then moisturizer, then an anti-age 'formula' even though I'm 18. Hopefully the anti-aging thing will save me now before I get older.

I shower at night. So i usually scrub my face in the shower. I guess that kind of counts

Usually about 2, but that's only recently...

I used to be terrible at washing my face before bed, then my skin would break out, I'd cover it, go to bed, make it worse... argh. Vicious cycle.

Now I'm pretty anal about my skincare, unless I'm really tired (read as: drunk) or I genuinely forget.

I can't say never because there would be times when I'm just too tired, but I hardly go to bed without washing my face. When I do I make sure my makeups are off so I won't feel as guilty as not washing my face x_x. It is my habit now to take off my makeups the first thing when I get home, INCASE I fell asleep.. somewhere.

about once or twice a MONTH, that makes it 1/2 time a week, those are the times when I'm doing things on my bed (reading, watching TV) until midnight and too tired/sleepy and lazy to get out off bed to wash my face

I don't wear foundation so it may not make as much difference, but I sometimes think my skin looks better when I don't clean my face at night, so I don't really worry about it. (I use face wipes or makeup remover, not soap or cleansers.) I can't sleep with mascara on, though.

Okay....this is where "true confession" comes into play. I HATE that I do it, but I go to bed several times a week w/o washing my face. Why? One reason is because I read on one of the email newsletters I get that if you DO NOT wash your face before going to be it CAN be a good thing. Why? Because we probably have moisturizer under all that AND we have other things on top....and that it can be a barrier to our skin in a GOOD way by keeping oils that can cause breakouts, etc.

I'm not too sure I believe all that....but I bought into it anyway...maybe it's just laziness...I'm not too sure. Another reason is that my boyfriend stays the night many times and HEAVEN FORBID he would see me with a totally BARE face w/o makeup, eyeliner, etc!!
So, some of MY reason is ....I don't know....pride, a self-confidence issue?....I'm not too sure. I just know I have not had the 'nerve' to wash my face when he's staying over. It may be that I want to try and wake up looking just as good (almost) as I did when he saw me the night before....and here we've been together and very close for 3 years now. I just haven't been able to do that yet. BUT, I can go to the pool with him with a totally bare face....go figure!!!

NOW....I have a question. Have any of YOU girls have had that same issue?....not washing your face because your guy was staying the night? Come one honest. We ALL have our insecurities with all this hype about we're 'supposed' to be beautiful ALL the time. (DAMNED the media anyway!) Let me know if any of you have done the same thing.

I can't stand to go to bed without washing my face. If I sleep with any mu on, my eyes get swollen and I wake up with lil bumps all over my cheeks and chin, even with mineral.

I try to always wash my face abd out cream on it 5 days out 7. There are acouple of days I am on the evening or nite shift and don't wear much mu so when i get home I just fall on the bed.

i can't sleep without washing off my makeup either. no matter how tired i am i just can't get comfortable with eyeliner, foundation on my face.

I used to be really bad and fall asleep on the couch a few times a week. Then when I would wake up I wouldn't even think about washing my face because I would be half asleep. I realized how bad this is for my skin so I made myself a promise. Since then I try to wash my face and do my whole nightly skincare routine earlier in the evening before I get really tired. So far it's worked for me.

I guess it can slip one or two times a week, but in general I try to remember to wash my face before going to bed. But sometimes I'm just too tired ...

Also, I don't use make-up every day anymore, and that has improved the condition of my skin.

i also don't want to say "never" because that's kind of embarassing

but i usually just wait until i shower in the morning. i don't use foundation on my whole face, just in a few spots because my cheeks are a bit pink. i've never had a pimple, and although my skin dosen't look perfect, it's smooth anyway.


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