How often do you wash your hair? forums

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this may have already been mentioned, but i will vouch for it. my hairdresser told me just to wash my roots and scalp and then condition the ends, and it makes a HUGE difference! i used to have to put a ton of goop in my hair because my hair is very fine. but now i am able to literally wash and go. besides your scalp, if you have long hair, the rest of your hair tends to be dry. has made a huge difference in my hair!

I wash mine twice a week, and do the scalp and heavy condioner thing (I have very dry hair).


I wash mine about twice a week and use organic shampoo for chemically treated hair. If my hair gets a little oily around my crown I just shampoo that part (ends don't get oily).

Its not good for you to wash your hair everyday, I had a habbit of doing this at one point, now I do it every 2 days or so, depending how much spray etc I put in the day before and the condition of it the next morning

I wash my hair 2 times a week since my haidresser told me to not wash my hair everyday, she told me that my hair type should never be oily! they were oily because i over washed them. She told me that you Have to let the natural oil penetrate in your hair, they gonna be dry if u don't .if they are oily at roots and i can't wash them i can put some baby powder at roots ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />!

Every six days. I don't think it is good for your hair to wash it every day. It takes a while to stop doing this but I did by gradually increasing the days between washing.

I used to wash my hair EVERYDAY, but have now found out that for my hair type (wavy/curly) it's best to wash it every other day. I do wet my hair in the shower and will slap some more conditioner on it and rinse it out, then follow with my regular hair products for my hair type. I find that my curl actually looks a LOT better! (go figure)

Really? I sure hope not!!

I use lotsa curl enhancing products in my hair (most are pretty *CG* friendly), and so I feel the need to wash my hair every day or at least, when I go out (usually every day), cos then it'll get poofey/frizzy (I gotta get myself a silk pillowcase!)

However, I usually only shampoo 2x a week max. The rest of the days, when I take a shower, I just rinse my hair with conditioner (co-wash) and then apply products, diffuse as per usual.

I wash mine about once a week, at most, if i wash it more than that it becomes dry and my sclp becomes flaky and hair frizzez and breaks and splits beyond hair doesn't produce much oil so i have to use a good dose of baby oil in my hair to keep it from drying out and getting frizzies and such and my hair has never been healthier...wish i knew about it years ago

everyday. technically i could do it every 2 days, but the roots get oily so easily and the ends dry so fast i feel i have to wash my hair everyday.

Every second day. I would LOVE to do it less but it just looks too oily and gross if I leave it.

I wash it about 6 days a week. I bought bumble&bumble hair powder for hopes that I could avoid the oiliness but I don't know how well thats going to work (I only briefly tested it out)... my hair does get very greasy though and will look awful if i wash it any less.

I really wish I could wash my hair everyday just because it feels cleaner. But, my hair is naturally curly and washing it everyday dries it out too bad. Plus, I straighten my hair and because of all the effort I put into that I try to go three days without washing but sometimes my hair just ends up being a grease pit. So after all that, on average I'd say I wash my hair every other day. I didn't mean for this reply to be quite this long...oops!


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