How often do you wash your hair? forums

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Twice a week. My hair rarely gets oily because it's so dry and if I wash more than that it's a big pile of fluff.

Because my hair is very curly and gets dry fast .. i wash it maybe 3-4 times a week, i still rinse it and condition but i don't shampoo as often.

I wash my hair everyday however at the advice of my hairstylist, I'm going to start washing it every second day.

Since I have braids in, I wash once a week...but that too might have to stop because whenever I wash, braids fall out..cant walk around looking like a dog attacked my "hair".

::cough::..but yeah...once a week now.

Twice a week. If my scalp is even the slightest bit uncomfortable, I'll wash more often.

Every other day..sometimes hair really dry, plus I use funky colors so washing if often makes it fade entirely too quickly!

Where do I get the Bumble and Bumble Hair powder? Is there an alternative that's slightly less $$?

I wash my hair daily. I can't seem to skip a day. I have damaged hair, so I wash it with Redken Extreme so I figure the more I wash the more it will work. I'm not sure if that is correct or not, but I do wash daily.

One more question for everyone.... If I want to wash every 2-3 days what would I have to do?? Keep my hair dry since I shower or is it ok to get it wet just not use shampoo? Sorry if this sounds stupid....I just always wash my hair because it gets wet in the shower.
