June 2014 No/Low-Buy Thread - Hugs, commiseration and confessional

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About mid-way through the month and I have done... Not great but not bad. I haven't made any progress whatsoever on using up any of the makeup items I needed to finish, because I've been under the weather and haven't worn any. :/

I also went over my proposed beauty budget by $17 and change. However, I stayed $25 under my Bath & Body Works SAS budget so it evens out a bit.

I've been tremendously good about resisting some drugstore temptations, but will be caving on some new colors in my favorite indie brand, that were previously unannounced and unexpected.

I feel that so far my first foray into low-buy is feeling comfortable. I'm not too worried about how things are going and barring an earth-shattering release or event, I feel comfortable staying within my remaining (miniscule) budget. :)
it's ok to take your time-- makeup takes a long ass time to finish. I've working on the same blush 5 times a week for the last 3 and a half weeks and let me tell ya....the pan I hit has only budged a tiny bit. Makeup goes SLOW.

Good for you for resisting stuff and hanging in there in a comfortable place. 


Alright, so update - as noted when I started this month, although I am in a no-buy mentality, it is not tighly enforced because then I sabotage myself -- but have been able to not buy anything (hurrah!!)). With that in mind, though, my husband found a color tattoo ($7) from that all matte neutral collections maybelline came out with months ago and he got it for me. I am counting it as "my purchase" even though he got it, because I want to remain accountable. However, I consider it my responsibility but don't consider it breaking my no-buy, which speaks more to me about my own ability to control my self rather than any dollar amount. lol.

At the end of the month I will still count it in my verdict, though. 

Other than that, I'm still holding on strong.

Update on my june challenge under spoiler tag since it's kind of long.

Finding myself navigating towards certain items more and more this week, and totally ignoring others from my june challenge (sigh). I was supposed to be using these 2 tubes of concealer religiously but the problem is...I forget about concealer (is that bad?) and so rarely use it. Next week and the week after I will try to do my best, though. I also have been highly preferring the bronzey look of bad  to the bronze over the much lighter shade of barely branded. I will try my best to alternate every other day on those two, so they both get equal lovings. 

Blush has BARELY budged, but it's making progress (pan is all nice and round!), and I'm also trying to give my naked palette more love. using the color tattoos as bases rather than shadows on their own (which I still do when I'm lazy) has allowed me to be playful with my shadows and not feel like I need to restrict myself so I can use XYZ. These were today's bits: 


I also see a giant dip in my naked palette shade in Naked. Woop woop! It's actually really freaking powdery once I hit that "first layer" of shadow. =/ I have a feeling with constant use it should be gone in about a month.
This June challenge though is proving to be easier the longer I go on wearing the same shades, and there's actually a sense of accomplishment. I am already plotting what items to take into july and what new ones to add.
Everyone who's working on project pans, no buys, low buys, etc - let me know how it's going (i'm also looking at you, @@chibimorph )!!! I love hearing people's awesome project and perhaps my own can inspire someone else to join me ;D
ok, long ass post done now. 
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@@jaylilee I would say that my project pan is going well - today I hit pan on an eyeshadow I've been focusing on. I think I'm going to continue working on it for the next week or two in order to clear out the corner of the pan. After that I'm going to switch my focus onto an eyeshadow in a different palette for variety. My primers, foundation, highlighter, and powder I've been using on a daily basis (I only switch out the foundation on days when I'm going to be in lighting that makes it look glittery).

I think I'm going to start making some modifications to my Monday Club rotations because I'm getting bored of using the exact same products within a week - it's also a little frustrating that I have to wait so long before I reach each of my different palettes. So I'm going to continue doing the Monday Club but sometimes I'm going to do a "parade" within a category - for example, one week I might decide to use a different theBalm Instain blush on different days that week so I feel like I'm using all of them. The next week I might go through a palette rotation.

My low-buy is within the limit I set (kind of) - it's still a lot but much better than the last two months. All of the sales by indie companies are really tempting, though (and of course sales/GWPs in general). I think I'm going to set myself a low-buy rather than no-buy for July as well.


Of course, tomorrow is Friday the 13th, which means Meow Cosmetics is bringing back their Friday the 13th collection back for the weekend. Help.
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I have done a fantastic job so far resisting buying anything makeup related and haven't been tempted at all.  However, I went to that book sale I mentioned and... spent double my allotted budget.  I don't feel guilty about it, but I probably could have pared down a bit.  That said, in order to get to the book sale, I had to walk through a Burlington Coat Factory and was starting to get distracted.  As soon as I realized I was getting distracted, I told myself NO, stared straight ahead and walked right out the door without stopping.  So, yay for that!

I also played with some makeup today that I hadn't had a chance to mess with and that was really fun.  I think I'm going to have a blast shopping my stash!

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12 days into June with nothing bought and 9 empties!  Trying to keep this up, but using my nail polish hasn't gone great because I get too annoyed with it chipping from constantly taking off and putting on lab gloves.  Will keep trying, but might have to give up on using my nail polish colors as a summer goal :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I have so many that are so pretty and need my love though!!

I'm being tempted by a BBW candle order which isn't on my no-buy list, but I want to try not to spend money until my paycheck kicks in the week after next.  I keep reminding myself that the sale lasts until July and there is no reason to jump at a deal that isn't going to disappear when I can better plan for it and be guilt-free when I do purchase.  

So proud of everyone else's success stories! Hearing other people being strong in their no-buys makes it easier to tell myself that I can do that too.  

I have to run to Target tomorrow, and Shoppers Drug Mart has 20x the Points this weekend. It's going to take some effort not to wander into the makeup section for cheap drugstore thrills (only to end up spending $50, $60 easy!). 

It's 13 days in and so far I'm doing really, really well on my low-buy and project pan. I've only spent $10 so far on my first ever sub box (Birchbox), of which I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I just went to the mall today to pick up my previously mentioned free tankini top from Sears ('purchased' using Shop Your Way rewards points). I didn't have to pay tax after all. I also successfully walked through Kohl's and checked out their beauty area (The Balm, Lorac, etc. sold there), and will save up for the Lorac summerglo Palette :wub:   I also went to VS and smelled everything, will definitely purchase later but held strong. And of course stopped by B&BW but wasn't interested, still enjoy VS more actually. So far today, great strength and willpower shown. If only I had the same for summer movies (I just saw XMen and Magnificent, and 22 Jump Street comes out today, and Transformers is also on my 'must see' list). I'm hoping to continue working and adding a few extra dollars to my entertainment and beauty budgets so that I can at least to a little low-buy spending this summer. My birthday is in August and I have high hopes for my birthday money (used Xbox360, Kinect, and games - as such, this does not leave a beauty or entertainment budget available, so I have to work for it).

My project pan so far is great as well, though admittedly I have tossed 4 products that were either too old or dried out. I'm still counting them though, as on my first pass last month I thought they could still work for me. I'm slowly getting through my other projects, but should be able to make it to 10 products used this month if I'm lucky.

I messed up today and bought two polishes from the julep sale for a total of $4 and change.  But one of them is a gift and another I've been wanting for awhile.  I just feel stupid because  haven't been wearing nail polish and I've been conscious of that so why waste money on it even if it's just a little?  I can't decide if I'm more bummed I messed up or excited I got a color I wanted for such a good deal.  I keep telling myself it was under $5 but little purchases can add up too.  

Bright side: I checked out at the cosmetics counter of my walgreens today (was good and only bought the drink I went in there for, there are just fewer lines) and got a plastic baggie filled with about a dozen free samples!  They're all foils except for a men's body wash but still for absolutely no effort I'm really excited to have random treats!  

I have been doing pretty good for the past week. I resisted the Julep sale and a GDE flash sale. I do a reverse Monday Club you could say. Each day I try to choose a different eye shadow pallette, lip color, and blush than the previous day to keep things in a constant rotation. It helps to remind me of the different things I have and I never feel like I am in a makeup rut. I've also been making a point of going through my stash each weekend (since that is when I am more likely to shop) to remind myself of the things I need to use up.

Still resisting the julep sale 

But I've been bad this week 
Mom got a 3+1 L'occtian promo So I bought large hand cream ,small travel  hand cream with small perfume (peony set loved the smell  )  and lavender  bubble bath ( between my back and ankles I'm going to do a lot of baths this summer ) 
We don't have bath body and works and I don't like Laline hand cream . 
I also bought a dress on sale on asos , because back pains make it harder for me to wear pants that are not sweat pants 
I bought maple syrup in vitacost  after spilling the granola I used my last drops of maple on the floor . Only  bought some dessert essence chapstick since I keep losing mine , I resisted the lure of buying another nail polish to get to 50 $ to use a promo .  

i feel kinda dumb. i have a $60 store credit to Sephora. Yet, I broke my low buy to nab something on sale online! 

i'm also afraid of busting the budget for my summer swap partner. thank goodness for an excess of birchbox points, but still! gotta bring myself in a little!

i feel kinda dumb. i have a $60 store credit to Sephora. Yet, I broke my low buy to nab something on sale online! 

i'm also afraid of busting the budget for my summer swap partner. thank goodness for an excess of birchbox points, but still! gotta bring myself in a little!
The Sephora sale section has a certain set that is tempting me - but I just made a Rainbow Honey order so I'm trying to resist (my inner purchase-monster keeps telling me that I don't have most of the colors in the Sephora set though).

Back on doxycycline... :C My cheeks have been freaking out on me lately. 

I switched from every month to every other month for Dollar Shave Club!  I have two unused trays since May turned out to be *not* bare leg weather, and I had been planning on switching to every-other-month in a few months anyway, so I decided I might as well do that now since I already have a bit of a stockpile.  It's not much, but it's *something*.

OTOH, I've got a hellish week in front of me that will probably result in ten-hour days every day (and I should actually probably work eleven-hour days, but it's a *huge* challenge to get to work by 6am), and then the following week will be almost as bad, and I'm hourly, so I'll be getting a much larger check than usual in a couple of weeks, so I just *know* I'll be wanting to pick up whatever new Memeboxes come out this week because I'm a stress-orderer, and it's easy to justify the splurge when you're going to be getting a lot of overtime pay.

So I have fallen off the wagon but today I am proud of myself and I wanted to share.

In the Best Of Quarterly Boxes, they have the most recent Book Riot box for sale ($50).  I saw it and REALLY wanted it on Thursday.  I made myself take a few days to think about it and then today went to buy it.

Then, out of curiosity, I looked up the items in it on Amazon and figured out I could get all of them but the playing cards for $35 (also the notes from authors and Oyster gift card but I have no use for Oyster b/c I have no ipad or iphone, so that was useless to me anyway).  I think about it and realize really I have 2 packs of playing cards and don't need another. So I'm going to buy the rest for $35.

Then I realize I can really just borrow the 3 books from the library for $0 and get the other item for $15 ish.  I decided I really could get something I liked better than that item and needed more for $15.

So, I have 3 books on hold with the library and have spent $0.  I know this sounds silly but for me it's a big success.

I also resisted the Julep sale and a set that is on sale at Sephora that I've really wanted ( though I need to keep telling myself I have dupes for most of the colors)

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I messed up at Shoppers today. I didn't need anything besides cleanser, a Father's Day card and shampoo & conditioner, but I ended up buying 2 LE Essence shadows, a LE Maybelline Color Elixir gloss (I'm Blushing or something?) and L'Oreal Rose Elixir tinted balm. I guess it's not too bad as all together, it was probably less than $30 but I felt so ashamed :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> But at least I got points I can always spend on... more makeup in the future. 

With all the stuff I've bought in the last 3 weeks and have yet to really touch, I'm rather embarassed. 


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can i just has all the eyeshadow? i woke up today with an itch to wear mint and grey shadow (what?)... and surprisingly dont have either of those colors. So I was looking at some MUG shadows in said colors and then I thought "how often do you ever wear mint or grey anything?"

.... which is like never.

I have a bunch of NEON COLOR shadows that the only way I can wear them is to blend them into my crease....so what would be the point exactly of mint shadow? IDK. I swear I'm feeling the "withdrawal" coming on. Not that I will cave, since just looking at all my shadows gives me heart palpitations as is. I DO need to figure out a way to keep them, though. I think if I allow myself anything after september (the time when I will be able to buy anything), it will be a couple of z palettes. surprisingly, I hate blushes in palettes and prefer singles... but HATE singles for eyeshadows and prefer palettes. 

... I'm odd.

/random comment of today.

I used my Starlooks loyalty code for my summer exchange people, thereby not adding to my collection of *stuff*!  And I cut Dollar Shave Club down to every other month since I have two packs right now and had been planning on switch to every-other-month at the end of the summer anyway!  

I did order a Geek Chic Cosmetics lipstick in Truffle Shuffle and the Auryn collection, both for summer vacation memories reasons, but I had been planning on getting the Auryn collection this month anyway.  Truffle Shuffle will probably be worn only on rainy summer days and on the weekend of August 22nd when the theatre across the street shows that movie this year.  Unless the beer festival is happening that day.  In that case…  Actually, in that case, I'll probably still wear it.  I'll just go to Astoria that day.  I won't do the Truffle Shuffle in front of the house, but I can wear the lipstick!  

(On beer festival day, the parking lot of the bar across the street from me is filled with really crappy cover bands that are so loud that I can't hear anything else in my apartment even with the windows closed, and you *definitely* can't hear the movies in the theatre right next to the parking lot, so I spend the whole day Away, and I've been going to Astoria with a side trip to Tillamook -- cheese!  Although they were out of cheese curds last year.  I was very sad -- for the day for the past few years.)

can i just has all the eyeshadow? i woke up today with an itch to wear mint and grey shadow (what?)... and surprisingly dont have either of those colors. So I was looking at some MUG shadows in said colors and then I thought "how often do you ever wear mint or grey anything?"

.... which is like never.

I have a bunch of NEON COLOR shadows that the only way I can wear them is to blend them into my crease....so what would be the point exactly of mint shadow? IDK. I swear I'm feeling the "withdrawal" coming on. Not that I will cave, since just looking at all my shadows gives me heart palpitations as is. I DO need to figure out a way to keep them, though. I think if I allow myself anything after september (the time when I will be able to buy anything), it will be a couple of z palettes. surprisingly, I hate blushes in palettes and prefer singles... but HATE singles for eyeshadows and prefer palettes. 

... I'm odd.

/random comment of today.
I also prefer blush in singles and not palettes and eye shadows in palettes and not singles.

I also prefer blush in singles and not palettes and eye shadows in palettes and not singles.
i put my blushes through hell in my makeup bag and all over my counters, and in general prefer to store them as singles so its easy to grab and go... my eyeshadows, though, I prefer to mix and match them in and out of palettes. I put them in sturdy inglot palettes (they discontinued the round pan palettes but you can find them on ebay), and those palettes are SO FREAKING STURDY so I know it can take a beating.

June 15th and still holding strong...well mostly! I've purchased some stuff for my Summer Swap buddy and did end up with one GDE shadow for myself. But that's it! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I knew I have some Nordstrom dollars and went there to get some stuff for my swap buddy and found that I have $100 sitting there! That will be fun to spend...some for her and some for me! I did get the stuff I wanted for her, but I'm going to sit on the rest of the credits until I need something or really have the itch to shop.


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