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Originally Posted by monniej ok, so now i'm totally hooked. i've used the mama lotion every other day for a week, so that's about 3 times. i've already noticed that my skin is smoother. the dark spots are peeling away and my pimples are disappearing. according to the label you can use it on other areas as well, so i started using it on my bruised heel and my toes. from what i've seen so far it's was well worth the cost. i took some before pics so that we can see if i'm really making progress. i'll post those tonight. This is exciting, I can hardly wait to see your before and afters! I get paid today, so I'll have to splurge on this.
ok ladies, these are my results so far. remember i've just used the mama lotion 3 times. let me know what you think and please be honest, i can take it!

my pics are really crappy - i wish i could show the originals. anyway, the first pic is the after and the 2nd pic is the before. i still have to post the before for pic three.

this is the before for pic 3

i do see marked improvement on the chin, but there's still a ways to go on the cheek. all in all, for just 3 applications i'm happy so far.

thanks so much for the updates, girls!

monnie, i can DEFINITELY see a difference! thanks so much for the pics!

WOW, for three uses the results are definitely improved!!

For three days, that's really good! I wonder how different your skin will look in a month from now; it should be quite dramatic! Let's hope anyway.

I just ordered a sample of this, email them if you want at skincarerx and ask them for a sample instead of buying it outright for 45$ I cant wait to try it i wonder how long it takes to see results

thanks for your input ladies. the third pic is right after i washed off my makeup for the day. when i got up this morning that cystic pimple had almost disappeared! totally amazing how quickly this stuff works. i still have the dark spot, but the pimple is almost gone.

i would say that you should only use every other day. anything that works this quickly has got to be very strong. i didn't experience the peeling to a great degree. it's more like a flaking, but totally manageable. i use the mama lotion in the evenings after i wash my face. i very small amount just in the areas that need help. i let it dry completely before following with my moisturizer - maybe 15 to 30 minutes. today i felt comfortable enough to go out without my liquid foundation - just concealer where i needed it and powder. this is big for me!

Originally Posted by monniej thanks for your input ladies. the third pic is right after i washed off my makeup for the day. when i got up this morning that cystic pimple had almost disappeared! totally amazing how quickly this stuff works. i still have the dark spot, but the pimple is almost gone.
i would say that you should only use every other day. anything that works this quickly has got to be very strong. i didn't experience the peeling to a great degree. it's more like a flaking, but totally manageable. i use the mama lotion in the evenings after i wash my face. i very small amount just in the areas that need help. i let it dry completely before following with my moisturizer - maybe 15 to 30 minutes. today i felt comfortable enough to go out without my liquid foundation - just concealer where i needed it and powder. this is big for me!

yayyyyyyyy! thanks for the info!
hi, just wanted to give a tiny update. This works like a dream on reducing/flattening the size of cystic acne and its gentle, very gentle feeling to me. I'm on my period and usually I get massively painful recurring zits on my chin and this stuff seems to be keeping them reduced in size (like it didn't come to a full size or maybe even half size of what they normally become) and they aren't painful at all. I won't say anything about redmarks yet because many of my red marks have been there for years and I honestly think some (30%) of it might be deep permanant scarring so I will wait at least month. I do have a good feeling about the other 70% but it may all be in my head so I will wait for significant change.

monnie i definitely see a change! that's awesome.

is it ok if you put it on your whole face or are u supposed to just put it on the scared up areas? i have pale skin and all and dont want it to get lighter or worse or soemthing you know? I have scars here and there but lots like maybe 25 varing sizes and on my face and stuff and so can i put it all over and it will work like that? or should i like spot treat, please help!

Originally Posted by Susie22 is it ok if you put it on your whole face or are u supposed to just put it on the scared up areas? i have pale skin and all and dont want it to get lighter or worse or soemthing you know? I have scars here and there but lots like maybe 25 varing sizes and on my face and stuff and so can i put it all over and it will work like that? or should i like spot treat, please help! I apply to almost all of my face and to be honest today i woke with a 'whiter' face, which really made the redmarks stand out a bit more. But this occurred when I applied it two nights in a row and my skin is a bit dehydrated. When I do it every other day as directed and my skin is hydrated, when i wake up my face is more glowy and brighter [in a healthy way], but not whiter (if that makes any sense)
Please let me know if answered your question or not. If not, I will try to explain further

i use it as a spot or area treatment. maybe once the lower part of my face matches the upper, then i start using it all over. i'll be posting updates on my progress later this week.

I feel so bad today i went to a friends house and her little brother was like you look different, your makeup is weird :S im already so self contious and all and i have acne/a nd scaring and i try to put makeup on so its not noticable but maybe i put on too much and once he said that i felt so bad, i know hes a little kid but they tell the truth, so everyone else thinks i look bad but just wont say it
maybe im too sensitive but i almost cried cause at that point i really hated the way i looked i just wanted to go home i felt so bad, its just that im sick of looking bad wihtout makeup so i keep putting on more so you cant see anything and then maybe it just looks worse cause then u can tell im wearing makeup, i dont know waht to do
I really want this mama lotion to work fast so i can wear less makeup, and feel ebtter about myself, but until then i think im going to stay home..

Originally Posted by Susie22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I feel so bad today i went to a friends house and her little brother was like you look different, your makeup is weird :S im already so self contious and all and i have acne/a nd scaring and i try to put makeup on so its not noticable but maybe i put on too much and once he said that i felt so bad, i know hes a little kid but they tell the truth, so everyone else thinks i look bad but just wont say it
maybe im too sensitive but i almost cried cause at that point i really hated the way i looked i just wanted to go home i felt so bad, its just that im sick of looking bad wihtout makeup so i keep putting on more so you cant see anything and then maybe it just looks worse cause then u can tell im wearing makeup, i dont know waht to do
I really want this mama lotion to work fast so i can wear less makeup, and feel ebtter about myself, but until then i think im going to stay home.. Oh i'm sorry. I know how you feel. And I hate foundation so I'd love to never have to wear it agin. But the good news is this- You do notice a difference fairly quickly. It will make a difference. I've had for less than 2 weeks and my little brother says they are easily less noticable and not a single one of my spots is red anymore; they're instead varying degrees of pink (which IMO is better than red, lol). I know its fading them but I also know the rate of fading may slow down. My concern is actually if the product reaches a 'plateau of effectiveness' ... like will it seem to stop working after a while... something which happens with skin care products... for me anyway. When that happens i will switch to something else for a couple weeks and then go back to this. I recommend this to anybody when it comes to any skincae products. And also I'd just like to add this has been the most effective of the products i've used- more than the chemical lactic and glycolic acid peels.
Originally Posted by korina981 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Oh i'm sorry. I know how you feel. And I hate foundation so I'd love to never have to wear it agin. But the good news is this- You do notice a difference fairly quickly. It will make a difference. I've had for less than 2 weeks and my little brother says they are easily less noticable and not a single one of my spots is red anymore; they're instead varying degrees of pink (which IMO is better than red, lol). I know its fading them but I also know the rate of fading may slow down. My concern is actually if the product reaches a 'plateau of effectiveness' ... like will it seem to stop working after a while... something which happens with skin care products... for me anyway. When that happens i will switch to something else for a couple weeks and then go back to this. I recommend this to anybody when it comes to any skincae products. And also I'd just like to add this has been the most effective of the products i've used- more than the chemical lactic and glycolic acid peels. i have to agree korina. this lotion has produced faster results than anything else i've ever used. i do still have to be patient (which is a problem for me) to get to the level i want, but slow and steady wins the race! so far i'm very happy and would recommend this product to anyone that has scarring, pigmentation and even cystic acne issues! i'll be posting week 2 results later tonight.

Wow, i've never heard of this but i'm glad to know of it. I would like to try it as a spot treatment.

Keep posting pics....I like seeing the progress!

it does work good, all of my scars/marks are now pinkish not red, and there is a little dryness but that is probably cause i used it 3 nights in a row:O i was just so excited and wanted to see results fast lol well i wont be using it for a few nights, then ill try to just do it every other night lol its working well though
i wonder how long it wwill be until all my marks are gone
atleast i have hope noww and that makes me feel better about myself cause i know ill look alot better in a few months because i really belive this stuff will make it all go away within that time

ok ladies, this is week 2 of our progress report. so far i have had six applications of the mama lotion.

pictue one in the before. picture two is the before and picture three is the after for picture 2.


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