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Definitely would have to be the ever popular "hot bubble bath with music playing from my iHome."
How can a girl not feel relaxed after that? 

Once my Hubby gets home and we have dinner, I usually play on my computer(facebook, youtube, makeuptalk.) then I will workout. I feel so good after working out and it helps me sleep better.

I'm deployed right now, so I don't go to my home, but when I get to my room I like to get in some comfortable pants, maybe my pijamas, and then I turn my vaporizer with some soothing oil. I either read or maybe enjoy a movie. Sometimes I Skype with my family back at home. On occasions I put on a facial or some deep conditioning on my hair to keep it from damaging with these extreme weather (120+). On very special occasions I give my self a full "spa" treatment in which I play soothing music, I use different relaxing oils on the vaporazer, drink some tea, and apply my favorite products on my body, face, and hair, I give myself pedicures and try to keep my hands at best possible shape. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

To relax I pour myself a cup of moscato and sit in a bubble bath for about 1/2 an hour and listen to some music. I sit at a computer all day. I then read my son a book before he goes to sleep or watch a movie. If hubby is home he gives me a back rub which i look forward to.

After a long day, I go home, change into my pjs, and just lay in bed for a good 5 minutes. Then I turn on my tv and watch some Chinese drama, then shower and sleep! Super relaxing for me!

I work with young children all day, so when I come home and want to relax, I like to be in a quiet stress-free environment. Usually, this involves picking up a healthy but delicious meal on the way home (to avoid any extra stress from having to cook) and a short walk in the evening while it is cool outside. With my iPod playing relaxing music, I let my body loosen up from the day's stress. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

When I get home I take a nice, hot shower and really pamper myself beauty wise; I leave nothing out and make sure I come out feeling 100%! I have this exfoliating scrub with lavender that I love to use at times like this, followed by a moisturizing facial mask. While my skin is absorbing the mask's serum, I cuddle up on the couch with my hubby and read a good book. I love to read, but rarely have the time! Reading is a sweet treat for me because of that, and it really helps me to wind down at the end of a long day.

We should all take the time every once in awhile to treasure ourselves! <3

After a long day i unwind by a nice bubble bath. usually trying out new facial products while im soaking or doing my nails while im relaxing...nothing like multitasking!

I like to play with my 3 cats; I find spending time with them helps me to relax and unwind,and playing with them gets them exercise and releases excess feline energy.

After a long day I like to get into some comfy clothes, sit back with a glass of wine, and slather on some nice foot cream. Hot bath is optional ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I always tell my boyfriend my only 2 moments of complete relaxation at home are: 1) in the morning, when I'm doing my make-up; 2) in the evening, when I get home, I just sit down with my laptop and just watch my make-up guru subscriptions on youtube to see what's new and changed. He doesn't really like it but I feel those are the moments when I can catch a break!

I get home, water my garden, feed my fish, change into some comfy clothes and lay on my bed for at least 10-15 mins letting the stress of the day drain out of me as I meditate on all the positive things in my life!  That definitely recharges me for the rest of the evening.

What’s the one thing you do to relax after a long day?

 The one thing i do to relax after a long day is take a long hot bath while listening to my favorite songs then after i have movie marathon before sleeping. <3
This may sound counter productive, but it really does work.  I always feel great when I'm giving, there is a natural high in making another person happy.  So I set up a makeshift massage table complete with candles for ambiance, something nice to drink,  and put on an interesting audio book in the background as I give my hard working husband a massage.  All the stress from his day just melts out of his muscles and it makes me feel happy because I'm helping him to feel better.  Then we'll switch and he gives me one.  When we're both really relaxed and happy, we shower off the massage oil and have the best sleep that night, muscles loosened and feeling closer than ever.  It bonds us, it doesn't cost us anything really and we both benefit.  It's a wonderful way to wind down.

Sit on the couch playing games on my iPod while watching shows I recorded on the DVR (my guilty pleasure is Judge Judy and the People's Court).

My job is stressful, and I'm on my feet all day. I love coming home to find that my boyfriend has taken the time to make dinner. He is very sweet and a better cook than I am! 

After that I'll usually light a great-smelling candle, like vanilla or pumpkin spice, and soak in the tub for awhile. After that I put on some clean PJ's, cuddle on the couch for awhile with a movie, then drift off to sleep in my cozy bed. 

I think it's really important to unwind after your day, it's so good for your mental and physical well-being. 

Personally, it keeps me from going crazy during the busy week!

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