"Pale is the New Tan"

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Thanks for posting this! I've always been insecure about being so pale, and people used to make fun of me.

I've just now learned to embrace my paleness, and I think it looks GREAT and helps to make me look unique!

i love being pale. wouldnt change it for anything. plus, i like to think that in another 30 years my skin will look younger than most, because i never go in the sun!

Originally Posted by miss_apple_tart /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have naturally fair pale skin and on top of that I am anemic...so I am pretty pale. My skin will not tan and even if it did, I wouldn't want to. I like my fair skin and I am so tired of being told that I need to tan.
Tanning looks ok on some people granted, but all too often I see these bleach blondes who obviously spend way too much time at the tanning booth and I think it looks silly, especially in the Minnesotan winters.

So i will say it; I'm pale and I'm proud!!!

I live in wisconsin and people here are obsessed with tanning a lot of them even have tanning beds in there homes...i think its so dumb because its wisconsin irs only warm here for three months out of the whole damn year. Even in summer it doesn't get that hot. So we have a lot of "orange" people around eek.
People tend to make comments about how pale i am(not in a good way), but i love my pale skin

it's better than looking like this


i think the look on the kids face about sums it up

It looks like she has on some kinda suit or something..

I think I look better with a little bit of a tan, but I only tan a little bit before summer starts. I cant afford to keep up with a fake bake tan and I don't think it looks natural on me. But, a little bit of brown color looks better on my skin. I look extremely dead without a little color. I have pictures to prove the difference

I am really pale, so i spray tan about 3 times a fortnight. i love my spray tans in summer especially. however in winter i cut back to once a week....or sometimes just go pale but use a bronzer. i hate feeling like i am pale.

I'm pale and freckly. I've never had a problem with this, but other people seem to. They feel the need to comment on how pale I am and ask if I'm sick etc etc.

i love Malibu hemp lotion self tanner... but naturally im pretty pale.

I love that brown sugar color... overly tan is just gross. But skin is pretty with a healthy glow.

Ooh. People are always asking if i'm sick and asking if i feel okay too! Its really irritating sometimes, unless they're actually concerned.

I used to tan a lot but it seems as I'm getting older (28 now) I have more fine lines and uneven skin tone. Not sure if it has anything to do with tanning, but I assume it is so I haven't been back. I have also got Rosacea since going. Again not sure if it's the cause????

I love being pale. I'm a blonde with fair skin. Tanning just isn't me. I don't want to look old and wrinkled when I'm still young!

Well I could never look pale! I am naturally tanned.
I personally like the look of a good tan. For those who engage in it as long as they know the risks involved, so what? It doesn't bother me one bit what someone chooses to do with their body as long as I am not affected by it.

I know how bad tanning is for you, I totally understand that. But I feel like I am obligated to go because everyone I know is always darker than me. Even people who don't go to the tanning beds! My skin in very pale, no WHITE, and translucent. People are constantly asking me if I am sick, or telling me I need to go to the tanning beds. I've even had people ask/call me albino! I have been teased about being so pale for many years now and even though I know there are serious risks associated with tanning, I still really, REALLY want to go. I am constantly trying to find ways to make my skin appear darker, I cannot tell you how much money I have wasted on self-tanners, spray tans, foundations, bronzers, etc. I compare my skin tone to everyone elses' and I wonder what is wrong with me. I am all the time worrying and thinking about what color my skin is. I've tried everything I can think of, my self tan always is too light, orange, yellow... whatever. I try to use tons of dark colored makeup to make myself look darker but that looks fake and rubs off quickly. I just feel so bad about myself I am to the point where I just want to tan in the beds, because I know I'll get a great tan from that. I mean, I'm either going to be called yellow or albino so what's the difference? Sorry for the rant, I just had to tell someone how I feel.

Originally Posted by Arualav /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ok, so I stole the thread title from Vanilla_Sky (sorry). But with summer here there seems to be an abundance of people talking about getting tans and what not.. what I want to know is when did people decide that it was "healthy" to fry yourself in the sun (or a bed)? Not trying to bash on people who do I just wanted to know. Personally, I prefer people to be paler so long as they slap a bit of blush and what not on. And there are incredible advancements in the self-tanning field. Does anyone have any thoughts? a lot of people feel tanning makes them look thinner...thankfully i don't have to worry about weight or skin tone, but i think people who are very pale look kind of dead. I like a little color to the skin
Originally Posted by rawrrawrrawramy /img/forum/go_quote.gif . I've even had people ask/call me albino! People have asked me if I was albino too, I'm just like... "I have light brown hair, black eyelashes, brown eye brows and brown eyes -what the f*ck do you think?" :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I personally see purposely sitting out in the sun or going to sun beds to get a tan as a form of self harm... I don't care if that offends any one... people are free to do what they want, it's just my opinion.

people sometimes asked me if i was sick. daily i have some redness on my cheeks, but when i have my period or when i'm sick, my cheeks looks a lot less red, so my natural "blush" disappear. so i'm not offended when they ask me if i'm sick, because i am.

i don't like spending a day on the beach, and look like a dead whale under the harmful sun. i prefer long walks. (OT : the salted wind helped clear my skin from acne, btw, i had considerably less pimples when i was living there, and i can tell the same for my allergies).

I am pale, only two summers in my lifetime i went to a tanning salon. maybe I went 3 times a week for two summers. The other day i have a mole came back on my back with something wrong. Just go to Sally beauty Supply and buy Savage bronzer tanner, it's the best.

I let the coppertone gradual tan stuff fade away and gosh i'm so pale, it really made a difference. I didn't get a dark tan but I got a healthy glow that I really like. I will never ever go tanning because I care about how I will look in 20 years so this is such a great alternative.


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