I know how bad tanning is for you, I totally understand that. But I feel like I am obligated to go because everyone I know is always darker than me. Even people who don't go to the tanning beds! My skin in very pale, no WHITE, and translucent. People are constantly asking me if I am sick, or telling me I need to go to the tanning beds. I've even had people ask/call me albino! I have been teased about being so pale for many years now and even though I know there are serious risks associated with tanning, I still really, REALLY want to go. I am constantly trying to find ways to make my skin appear darker, I cannot tell you how much money I have wasted on self-tanners, spray tans, foundations, bronzers, etc. I compare my skin tone to everyone elses' and I wonder what is wrong with me. I am all the time worrying and thinking about what color my skin is. I've tried everything I can think of, my self tan always is too light, orange, yellow... whatever. I try to use tons of dark colored makeup to make myself look darker but that looks fake and rubs off quickly. I just feel so bad about myself I am to the point where I just want to tan in the beds, because I know I'll get a great tan from that. I mean, I'm either going to be called yellow or albino so what's the difference? Sorry for the rant, I just had to tell someone how I feel.