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I can't seem to get any samples. When the new samples are released, I always seem to be at work and they're long gone before I ever get to check my email. 

all I got was soap this month! last time I got a marker...not sure if its because not everything has been released when I log on or if my selections are limited based on my profile

Sadly I was traveling this time around. But hopefully that still means that next time is 3rd times the charm for me. Lol. If the train is been on from Chicago to Texas had wifi, that could have gone much differently, but oh well :)

I joined about a month ago and I was able to get the Gevalia coffee but I still haven't received it yet. The site says it takes up to 21 days to ship but it's been more than that. This time around I was able to get the soap and acne bullet but I never got a confirmation email. The items appear in my order history though. 

For those of you that have received the boxes, how long does it usually take? Thanks!

It varies.   Sometimes I get the item very fast.  Other times, I get things right before the new samples become available and I have long forgotten about them.  Its a wacky program.

I think today is sample day, no? When I log in, I see a banner saying that new samples will be released 6 minutes ago, but I don't see any samples. Does anyone have samples to choose from?

same I just have the banner that says samples will be released

I got the acne thing, the only thing that was available. Meh I'll try it but I think PinchME is kinda bullsh*t.

I think they make samples available for select people and those who see them as out of stock are really just not targeted for that item so it's unavailable for them to select the item.

I have nothing...again. I think the last time I even had samples available to choose from was in July. 

I did not even see this thread. My bad. Anyways, PINCHme has always been kind of a fail - the last round that I got samples in (August, I think) haven't even shown up yet. But they start requesting that I answer all their surveys within weeks. The same thing happened the time before that, I didn't get the samples for about 6 months. So I just lie on the surveys. How is that helping anyone?

I had two options, dog food and some sort of acne thing.  The timestamp on the email was 11:01, but both were sold out by the time I checked the site at 11:10.  Not that I would have ordered either, but still.

I had nothing as well. I also had to do the surveys on the items I haven't even received yet. This was such a nice site for getting samples in the beginning. I got some nice stuff to try out and now last month was the first time i had anything since early summer I think and those items I am supposed to get from last time, arent' that great and I haven't even received them.

I had Equal, Truvia and dog food. I got the acne bullet thing last month and I know the Truvia has been available to me 3 months in a row now, I just never pick it. Prior to the last 3 months I was getting a good selection.

Dog food and acne bullet for me :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

On a side note, I received the soap from last time abd it smells amazing.

I'm a little disappointed that for waiting so long between samples, they are so underwhelming.... free is free, but these types of samples make me less inclined to bother.


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