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I'm getting one of these kits for my birthday this year. What do you need to make shimmery eye shadow? I want to do foundations and blushers as well.

To make shimmery shadows grabs some of the interface shades to blend in with the colors you make and get some glitter mica. I'm excited to see this thread :rockwoot: .When I first joined MUT I made a thread about this very thing and a lot of ladies said oh it's easier to buy! BUT you get what you want when you do it yourslef! Also it's not hard. Grab a color wheel which will give you the basics of color blending in case you forgotten and just do it. It's not rocket science by any means and a lot of blends will give you the same shades you may be buying from places.Which is why you actually see a lot of the same shades from place to place. Then as you get more creative and into it you can make more unique shades then.................we can come buy some shades from you!

They're the shades that look white but rub down to different colors, red,gold, glue green etc... To me they have just enough sheen to make a nice shimmer shadow without a glitter look. But you can use the glitter micas for a more vibrant glitter shadow and just blend it longer if you want to cut some of the glitter down in your shade.

I found a kit that gives detailed instructions on how to make mineral foundation along with the supplies. Seems interesting.


I also think you mmight have to add something to make the shadow adhere to the eye.


Hi Candance

No not me, I will just buy LOL!!!!

I heard good things about your items, may have to venture over to your site.

Right now I use Fusion of Color but always sampling and trying new ones out.


Wow, all this talk about making your own minerals is fascinating to me! I am excited for those of you that are venturing into this. Someday when I have more time I would love to do it too (and maybe use my art background/degree too, LOL!) , but for now I'll just stick w/my favorite companies. Hoozey, how easy is it to make your own soap? Do you need any special equipment/molds, etc? I'd love to know more about that. I can't/won't use any of those commercial soaps-way too many chemicals and way too drying on the skin.


Whoa, too much credit! I don't make my own soap- I BUY this liquid olive oil castille soap online then add essential oils (or fragrance oils) to make it smell nice. I started buying it for my inlaws and then my MIL kept saying "Have you used this soap?" because she loved it- I thought I'd better try it. She isn't one to rave too often. Haven't gone to regular soap since.

I have read a little about making it at the soap making suppier site and it takes weeks/months to cure the bars. Way out of my league. Same with making MMU. I'd rather buy from all the companies rather than try to make some color.

That is so awesome, congrats!!! I really envy you - I"ve been toying with that idea for a while but I don't think it'll happen for me, at least not now. A) because I'm not a very patient person and while I think it would be loads of fun, I don't really have that time right now. and B) I really enjoy sampling different products!!

Although I bet it is fun to try and make different products too!! But you do need a lot of extra stuff - mortar and pestle, containers, and I guess you also have to make sure to keep everything clean and sanitized. And don't you have to wear a mask or something because you aren't supposed to breathe in the dust from the minerals?

COzawa - I'm printing your post for future reference. Experimenting with these mixes sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the info!

Icecookies, this is something I've been wanting to try for a long time now. I've de-potted and pressed loose pigments and now this is the next milestone. With your testimonial I'm going to place an order now for supplies!

To make shimmery eyeshadows and I'm thinking you're talking the type similar to Fyrrannae (you rave their shadows :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ) I would suggest that you use the Mica color of your choice and TKB carries a boatload of them or Coastal Scents, they also have a nice selection. Anyway, if you want extra sparkle, go onto the TKB site and check out their Sparkle White Mica, Satin White finish Mica, or Diamond Cluster White Mica. These are all white micas but the finishes are going to alter the end of your product. Mica only has average adhesion so you might want to add just a very little bit of Calcium Carbonate (which is good for the skin too) or Micronized Titanium Dioxide. This will increase adhesion and it's not as opaque as other Titanium Dioxides/not as whitening. These will both increase the adhesion rate of any product. Make sure you just add a small touch because these are very white products and will lighten your mica color. 1% should do the trick just fine.

Hi Ruby2, not Hoozey but I made soaps, lipsticks, and nighttime treatments today! Now it's might become an obsession cause I'm learning how to make hydrosols and serums! Never even used them much before but why let that get in the way of fun :laughing:

As far as soaps go I've only made M&P soaps which is melt and pour. Basically all you need for that is your M&P soap base, some molds, fragrance (if you want) add ins (if you want like lavendar flowers, oatmeal powder, oats, honey, green tea, etc...) and colorant (can use powdered mica or liquid dyes). In addition you either need a microwave or a double boiler/ make shift will do but I just used the microwave.

It's too simple. You just melt the soap base in the microwave in 30 second intervals, when fully melted - don't let it bubble! Just add your add ins, color, and fragrance last. Mix well and pour into the molds. Easier than baking cookies! And trust me - I know about cookies! :laughing:

Next I'm getting into the Lye method but that's a little down the road.

No mortar and pestle because I bought a coffee bean grinder from Walmart. A food processor too but the grinder alone is fine as I later found out. The grinder only cost $12 and makes everything really smooth. Some jars, zip lock baggies and yes I have masks too and I got those from TKB trading too. Also I have a big plastic cover that I put over the processor when it's going to make sure any fine powders stay under the tent. Basically for the total price of a little over $100.00 I got everything needed and still have lots to work with. And like Cozawa said, I'm looking at what I made and just thinking of how much it would have cost me to buy it retail. It's really easy too. I am NOT an arts and crafts person by a long shot but this I CAN do and am enjoying it so far too. I figure when I get bored with it at least I'll have something that I can use and something to show for the money spent for a change. :laughing:

I am soooooo jealous! No actually I'm soooooo happy for you! I've been trying to gather information about making my own mineral makeup for over a month, and what information I found makes it sound like a very severe undertaking, totally daunting! My very first post was about this subject in fact, because, while I'm able to locate supplies I'm sorely unable to find "recipes"!

Would anyone care to share, or send me an email? I would surely appreciate it -- more than you could ever know. My email address is: REMOVED

Please bear in mind, I cannot see links in posts. I've not yet been here long enough.



You're a sweetheart! Truly, you're so kind, I've been driving myself crazy trying to locate information. Thankfully, God FINALLY led me to this board so I'm only half-crazy! LOL!

I'll be in touch, but I gotta get to bed shortly. Those dang old horses just won't feed themselves in the morning and I don't understand it. They're REALLY smart, too! LOL!

Icecookies,congrats to you for doing this...I wont have the time to make my own MMU...I work full time and do spa parties on my off days.I am still looking for a good match though. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ice, I forgot to mention this: If that is indeed your photo you are fabuloso!! I'm talking drop-dead gorgeous!!


Dang girl. I will never use my own photo as my avatar now! I look like somethin' the dogs had under the porch compared to you!! *smile*


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