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Hi Blondi

What type of powder do you like? Do you have any skin concerns, there are quite a few recipes available for that some use cornstarch, some use talc, and others use mica. If there is a brand that you have already tried and like then let me know and I'll get you the recipe.

Urban Diva

i pefer to use mica instead of cornstarch,and i have some dryness right now,but thats due to the weather ,i did like 1 from edm and 1 from joppa,but im trying to make my own,to save $$$thanks

Hey I would love to make my own. I am interested in anything you can give me really as long as it doesnt include bismuth although I could substitiute it for something else I guess. I am currently using Monave & would love formulas for something like that.

Maybe you could ask one of the MODS if you could start a sticky about making your own MMU?

Yes, please post any recipes you have. Will be very much appreciated.

Thanks so much for offering.

Hi This is the answer for Realmccoy. Yes you can press your own eyeshadows etc...but you need to use some type of binder (to make it stick together). Usually something along the lines of Castor oil, (for commercial purposes you would use different things, but I am trying to include items here that would be easy to get from a drugstore). The approximate measurements would be 10% liquid to 90% powder. So if you have some loose mineral eyeshadow or blush you would just add the liquid and mix it together. The easiest way to do this is to dump your powder in a zip lock back and add a little of the liquid at a time and then mix it. It should look a little clumpy when you have enough. Take it from the bag and you can put it back into it's original container. Make sure you dont add too much liquid tho, cause you'll end up with a goopy mess.

If this is not clear, please let me know and i'll explain further.

Urban Diva

I'de like to start a thread about that, I am more than happy to share as I know quite a few recipes and I know how much expensive mineral make up is and how cheap it is to make. All the mineral make up companies are making a killing when you consider how inexpensive the ingredients are.

As I am new here, how would I go about asking to start a new sticky?


I will take care of that tonight. Tonight's first chance I've had to get back online:laughing:

Hi everybody, the colors here in the jars are just a few of the items/colors that I made. I took some arm swatches but the really sucked! Had my husband re-take them and they weren't any better. Got frustrated and will post some more later. The huge jars of tanned colored powders are foundations that are such perfect matches you cannot see that I have it on. One is for winter, summer, and a finishing tinted powder. The other 2 jars are the nightimt treatment that I made. Also see the lip balm tubes. Those are my favorites.

All I can say Icecookies is IMPRESSIVE and I am in awe of you doing that. I am telling you next winter I may be bugging you about this stuff because I am thinking I have to do this too. I am going keep the recipes you posted before but wow- you did an awesome job!!!:icon_chee
See Hooz, this is what I was talking about. How fun would that be to make your own and chat about it, share different combo's?

Too funny of a story. Today Cookie comes by my house with a big box of Micas and all this raw supply stuff. Sais I'm sick of this stuff so here Mommy you make some colors.

Girls, I can't hold down water right now :ill: with the All Day Long Morning Sickness so me making "colors" forget about it. So she sais "well if you don't take it then it's going to The Goodwill!"

So I sais, "what are they going to do with this stuff Cookie?" She sais, "I'll give them these notes and they can make some make up for cheap and give it sell it whatever to whoever." :laughing:

So I sais "Why don't you make the rest and give it to the Goodwill for people?"

She sais, "Hmmm I can't do this no more it made me crazy and it's got to get out of the house so hold it for G and when she gets back let her make some colors to give away." :tocktock:


I'm telling you Goodwill is going to think she is crazy or a dealer. Of course there are plenty of addicts here at MuT. She needs to see who is interested in making their own, so someone gets use out of it.

I didn't have much morning sickness with my trio but I had heartburn continually for the last 3-4 months. It's worth it though. Becoming a mom was my defining moment in life.

I am really excited! I don't know how I'm going to wait until October.

Do you have any natural remedies to get rid of nausea? I've got to kick this or back to the hospital. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> and that sucks!

Exactly about the nuts and all of these white powders along with colored powders! So I posted on the other thread that whoever wants whatever just PM her and knowing her she'll probably only ask that they cover the S/H.

Hi Urban Diva,

I bought a lot of micas, TD, Zinc, Silk powder, and oxides from TKB trading. I tried to follow the recipes but made a big nasty mess. They don't look good at all so I'm trying to get help now.

I just got to 50 posts and contacted by PM Cookies the one who did her own too but any more help I will love.

Can you post your recipes for foundations on here? Thank you.

I guess I should have said I would first like to try eyeshadow, it seems like it will be easier than the foundation. But whatever you have would be great.

Thanks again

Sorry, I am confused about who you are talking about in your last paragraph. Also what thread are you referring to?

It's early and I guess my mind has not woken up yet.

This is amazing. You did a fantastic job. You'll never need to buy it again.

Thanks for the great pictures!


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