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awww, that's a cute name! i hope the baby will be okay, though, with a low heartbeat?

I'm doing great and the baby is doing great!

The low heartbeat simply meant that it's not beating as fast as, say Makayla when she was at the same stage. The usually implies that the baby is a boy. Most boys in gestation have a lower heart beat than girls do.

I don't have a preference...but it would've been nice to have another girl so I could use all of the clothes that we got and didn't use on Makayla when she was born. LOL But, having one of each is great, as well!!

Again, there is nothing wrong with the baby. The comment about the slower heart beat was only made because most baby boys heart rate is slower than baby girls...thus it made me think I'm having a boy. That's all...aside from that, baby is fine and well. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

all the poeple i know including my sister that had boys i never heard of there baby having a "slow" heartbeat.. and i didnt read ur other comment's so was just making sure everything was ok .... ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i dont know what it is but somehow adrian sounds like a girls name but i do like christopher ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Well, I kinda want Aiden, but I have 2 acquaintences/friends who have little boys named Aiden and I didn't want to join the club. LOL Maybe Aaron? But, I may just suck it up and name him Aiden Christopher. LOL

i read through this ENTIRE


i love seeing and hearing about pregnant woman and obsessed...i know weird obsession...i cant wait to have kids...i mean i can and cant...i just wanna know what it feels like to be pregnant and have that feeling of someone else growing inside you...

i live with my bf and we are planning on getting married...he already has 2 lil girls 7 & 5...they are adorable and i love them to death but at the same time i want one of my own...i want to know what it feels like...

oh well im only 20 so i have the rest of my life...but i really wanna be a young mom...

aww. thanks! i'm sure you looked fantastic at 32 weeks preggo!

you look beautiful jenny! i love that top and pants! where'd you get them? are they maternity?

i know! i've popped! and i hope i keep on popping! lol. i love my preggo bellers!

i'd choose mariah over asia. although, if you only had asia picked out as a name, i'd definately say that it is adorable!

aww! thanks =]

my sons heartbeats are always in the 140's to 150's range and my midwife said that it was perfect. they thought i was having a girl from the heartbeat. lol. they said that it was pretty fast for a boy. but, eh.

Don't feel weird I am the exact same way. :icon_chee

and I just want to add that you ladies look so beautiful! congratulations and I wish you healthy happy bundles of joy!

the capris are from motherhood and the top from macys, i dont have alot of maternity tops just pants.

Hi ladies, well as far as the home pregnancy test i took a week ago goes i'm pregnant! I'm going to the doc's this week and my husband and family is thrilled!! I'm thrilled to but I guess i wish it was alittle more planned! and i think i just wish i was closer to my family whose in maryland and i'm in pa! This will be our second child and my spoiled son can use a sibling! I'm about a month and feeling ok so far, showing a little bit and still eating like a pig so we shall se how that changes when i start taking prenatals!

Ladies i do have a question though when u started your vitamins did they make u ill in any way becasue i have heard major horror stories about them and was wondering what to look out for in syptoms or what brand did u guys like! I mean i know the doc will have a say but i want to hear what u guys think! And one more thing how do you all feel about a guy ob/gyn because unfortnately i don't think i will have a choice cause there are so many men doctors down here and then there are midwives! thanks ladies

congrats on the new baby...i cant wait til i can post here that i have a bun in the oven...

I have a male doctor and I love him!! I had a male doctor (different) when I had Makayla, as well, and I loved him as well. Both are very good docs. Go interview some docs and see who you feel most comfy with.

The pre-natals I take are really symptoms. But, I ran out of those and had to take the "prescribed" pills I got from my other doc and I took one pill and felt like shit. Some of the stuff they put in the pills can make you sick. Which is why I like the pills I usually get from my current doc. Awesome.

wow breathless, when i was 15 weeks pregnant with my boys i looked like a HOUSE!!!! LOL!!! your tummy is so tiny and cute!!! congratulations!!!

Thanks ladies for the well wishes! Venusgoddess, not you got me scared with those prenatals! It's just that i've been doing to so well. Thank God! and it's just worrying me a little! But we shall see how this goes huh! wasn't meant to scare you. There are just so many different types of pre-natals out there...if you feel like one is making you sick, then ask for a different kind. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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