Was I wrong???

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Nov 13, 2006
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I went to a local beauty store, as i was loading the packages into my car I inoticed the smell of someone smoking. I don't know why I turned around....but i did. It was this lady Parked next to me puffing away with the window bareley cracked and three kids all under the age of about 6yrs. in the back seat. i got sooo mad:pissoff: and then proceeded to say something to her. I said " You smoking a cigarette with these childeren in your car is like them smoking the cigarette" she replies really sarcasticly "yeah I know".Grrrrrrr:madd: I then proceeded to tell her she was "really classy white trash". I know I should've kept my mouth shut on the last statement but she pissed me off with her nonchalant attitude towards those kids inhaling her smoke.

I too am a smoker and I NEVER, EVER have smoked with a child in my car. My sister is 16 and to this day I have never smoked remotely near her....EVER!!! My nephew has never been near me when I've lit up.

So my question to you is......Was I wrong to have said something to that lady???? Should I have just bit my tounge and walked away???

Ugh, I smoke too, but I cannot stand it when people smoke around children! Especially in an enclosed space like a car. If you want to indulge in a destructive habit like smoking, then fine, but don't be so arrogant as to expose innocent people to it! I think it's a horrible thing to do.

I agree, you probably could have done without the "classy white trash" comment, LOL, but I know I would have been tempted to throw some such insult at that woman myself, so I can't blame you.

i honestly think you were totally in the right. it's not like children have a choice, and at least you let it be known that you were speaking on behalf of their safety.

Well, I think you did the right thing saying something. I would've left out the white trash part though.

I, too smoke (a lot during stressful times and hardly on down time). But I would never, ever smoke in front of children! And it irks me to no end when I see adults do that especially pregnant women!

Oh my god, I've seen several pregnant women smoking and I just want to run up to them, take the cigarette away and give them a smack upside the head! Like... "WTF are you thinking?!?! Do you not care about your child?!"

Thanks guys!!!! You're right I shouldn't have said she was classy and white trash. She was just so smug about the whole thing. I'm glad that you guys think I had a right to make a comment about the smoking. Their lungs are littler than ours and shouldn't of had to breath that crap in. They didn't have a say in it....so I did.

wow well that was really stupid of her to be smoking in a car with kids in it. ugh

That would make me angry seeing that, I would have done the same thing. Good for you for saying something to that woman.

Wow...if I would have seen that lady doing that...I would have been pretty pissed off myself. I'm glad you said something and I can understand why her attitude about the whole thing got you even more upset.

I really can't stand grown up's making the wrong decison on behalf of helpless kids...I'm disgusted by that.

Telling her probably did nothing - to her.

But the kids must have been thrilled that someone stood up for them.

They know that smoking is unhealthy and you confirmed that thought for them.

I'm proud of you for standing up for the children.

Hm, i am straight forward, most of the time i say what i think, so in my opinion, i would have said the same to her, i dont blame you at all, sometimes i get really mad at people when they do careless stupid stuff like that, and i just cant help it and i say something, some other times i have to keep my mouth shut lol

But, good for you, i think it's good that you said something to her, at least maybe next time she will think twice about doing it? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Not at all.....infact, you had much more restraint then I.....I would have flipped out.

I feel soooo much better that you guys think I was right. I have been second guessing my actions.

I think it took a lot of balls for you to say that to her, but your opinion isn't going to stop her from smoking with her children in the car.

I am straight to the point also, and I have no problem telling parents off about two things in particular-smoking in close proximity of children, and allowing children to get in a car with no seatbelt or carseat. I think that you were not wrong fro telling her.

HAHAH...not funny but Ironic that I saw that today also....WTF is up with these parents???? They were actually hanging out of the back window of their parents huge SUV...Where is there a cop when you need one.

i duno... maybe by jessyann saying something it might make her think next time she lights up around kids and who may be watching her do it.

i dont blame you at all for saying something, im a smoker too but dont smoke in my car or house not only because of the kids but i dont want my house or car smelling like an ashtray..

I don't think it was wrong. Sometimes you just can't help but speak up. Poor children!


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