What's Your height?

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5'8"  So Cheshire and superfish, you would sky over me

But.....I sky over Annelle

Originally Posted by Director /img/forum/go_quote.gif

5'8"  So Cheshire and superfish, you would sky over me

But.....I sky over Annelle
Everybody skys over me!

Originally Posted by casualbeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm 5'1". Everyone on here is sooo tall! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Not me... I'm not even 4'll".... my daughter asked me one day how I could stand being so short.... like I have a choice...but since I was 11 weeks early and weight 2 lbs 9 oz at birth 45 years ago before many medical advancements, I am just glad to be here!

My height is a weird thing for me. When I went to the doctor and got my height measured, I was supposedly 5 feet and 5 inches. Which is INCORRECT by the way!! There's no way I can be that if my friend, who is 5'8 is only an inch taller than me. So I am determined that I am 5'7. I know I am.. I know I am... I would love to be 5'9 though :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
When I was teenager I use to hate my height also (I'm 5'10'').. Almost always I was tallest of my friends (and many times they were wearing heels haha!!). Now I think that every height can be beautiful, short girls look super cute fragile and feminine and tall ones have those gorgeous long legs and look like supermodels. So no matter how tall you are you're beautiful if you feel beautiful! :flowers:
I'm 5'4 & 1/2".  Yes I am one of those people who insist on adding that 1/2" so I feel a little taller.  My hubs is 6'2 and my teen daughter is 5"8" and the dr. says still growing probably.  The only one shorter than me is my son who's 12 and hasn't hit his teen growth spurt yet.  They laugh when I insist I'm average but I am!

Looks like I'm the shortest, lol. Not that that is unusual for me. I'm 4'9.75" although I usually round up to 4'10. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Hubby is 6'1", so we look fairly comical together. You'd think our girls would have gotten some of his height, but all three are fairly short (4'8" (she's not quite done growing, but the ped thinks she will end up at 4/11"), 5'2", 5'3"). 

Im somewhere in between 5'0" and 5'1" the hubby is 5'8" oddly  enough we have the same inseam length.

I'm 5'9! 

I used to be really self  conscious about my height then decided to just wear the heels I wanted to 

and just stomp around like I own the place. Definitely was empowering and make me more confident

in my height. [:

5' 7" wooh for being a little taller than the average. My mom is 5'4" and I always assumed that was average for a woman. Buttt. My boyfriend is "5'9"" psh yeah right sweetie. Keep dreaming. You're 5'8" at the MOST. Poor baby. I've always been into realllyyyyyy tall guys (like...around 6'5" tall) so he is a bit of an outlier

Im 5'3 most of my friends are shorter though so it makes me feel tall but when i started college i was the shortest in most of my classes. Im 19 and people always think im 15.


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