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lol my TOTAL insecurity is my Tweezerman slant tip tweezers!! I am a tweeze freak!! I have to have the most "clean" brows that I can, and if I see a hair and I can't find my tweezers I just about lose it...

Rob has witnessed this anomaly and been amazed and quite honestly, a little scared...

my biggest insecurity is also my dark circles. they look horrible. i feel like without concealer i look like i haven't slept in years. also when i am trying to let my eyebrows grow back and they are all furry looking. that is horrible to look like that. even if you get your hair done, eyebrows make all the difference imo.

Originally Posted by MACGoddess lol my TOTAL insecurity is my Tweezerman slant tip tweezers!! I am a tweeze freak!! I have to have the most "clean" brows that I can, and if I see a hair and I can't find my tweezers I just about lose it...
Rob has witnessed this anomaly and been amazed and quite honestly, a little scared...

I have those too! They are the greatest
I can't leave the house without foundation on too!

Originally Posted by Leony Me too! I can never go out side without foundation when I have all that stuff on my face lol.Foundation is my ANGEL! haha.

For me it's eyebrows and being too pale. I need my bronzer and brows filled in to face the world.

Thanks so much for all of your imput-- its good to know that I'm not alone! Hmm... it seems that dark circles are the most common beauty culprit~!

two tone skin!

not having a little bit of foundation on my lips [ i dont like the bright redness ]


Let's see... I would say:

- shiny skin. My skin gets dehydrated easily, and when it does, I swear my forehead reflects light like it ain't nobody's business. That makes me so insecure, omigosh!

- clogged pores. My pores also get clogged easily, so I feel like I need at least powder for a little coverage.

- my eyebrows. Everyone seems to love them, but they are a pain to keep up. When they start needing waxing, then I feel like EVERYONE notices until I get to the salon.

My oily skin and uneven skintone which can become blotchy if I'm not very, very careful...I don't leave the house without my Studio Fix...there was a point where I wouldn't answer my door without something on my face :icon_love ...too stressful...I had to relax...I'm a lot more comfortable with the skin I'm in now...

I guess it would have to be my skin. It's blotchy and not really that smooth but I don't have any acne scarring or anything serious so I guess I can't complain too much.

Women are so negative about their appearances. We're always picking out our flaws & complaining about what's "wrong" with us. Why not concentrate on what we like & love about ourselves instead?

I'll start. I love my long, black eyelashes, big white smile & curly poofy hair. I really wouldn't be me without the curls.

Foundation! I must have foundation on or I will not even go to the corner store. I was laughing as I was reading this thread. We are all such little princesses here aren't we-- I INCLUDED of course hehe

Originally Posted by greeneyedangel . We are all such little princesses here aren't we LOL! Its so true!
Dark circles here too!! If I don't have the time or energy to conceal them I wear my glasses and hope that nobody notices my eyes. Also my eyebrows that grow like wildfire. Some days I get so frustrated with them that I just want to shave them off. I did once, and they looked nice for a few months. I'm soooo tempted to do it again.

Originally Posted by greeneyedangel Foundation! I must have foundation on or I will not even go to the corner store. I was laughing as I was reading this thread. We are all such little princesses here aren't we-- I INCLUDED of course hehe
Ditto... I won't leave my house without it.
My grey eyeliner is the only thing I cannot leave home without, otherwise I look like I have been ill for months.

-my dermatitis

-my under eye circles and have trouble finding a good concealer light enough

-my extremly fair skin tone

would do anything to not have at least the first 2 and on top of that I'm way overweight,but that's a different story.

I have broken capillaries on my cheeks. I hate them. I think they stick out like "WOOHOO!! LOOKIE HERE!" I was thinking about getting them lasered, but not sure YET.

Originally Posted by jennycateyez my eyebrows! they grow so fast , i hate it! i don't believe they grow faster than mine!!!

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