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When I was 13, I was picked on and teased by my peers about my weight. During that year, I decided to starve myself, binge, and purge. When I was 14, my mom found out and took me to a doctor. Later that year, I was diagnosed with E.D.N.O.S (eating disorder not otherwise specified). As another year passed, I was in 2 support groups, and that's when I started to get into makeup. My little sis Ash taught me some techniques, and I also learned through beauty gurus. By the time I turned 16, I slowly but surely kicked my habit of binging, purging, and starving. As I started to gain confidence, I noticed everyone was talking to me at school, it wasn't because of my looks, but the confidence I never had before. Basically, makeup has saved my life, and it's an outlet to express my creativity. I started to experiment with hair colour (I love using red) and I started to play with makeup more, and I got some pretty sweet extensions that are dip died turquoise and royal blue


My most recent change was going from an eye-makeup and lip-gloss-only girl to someone who used primer, moisturizer, concealers, correcting primers, foundation, powder, lipstick, etc. It was amusing. I learned the hard way that I need to apply my eye-makeup first, otherwise I get fallout and have to wipe away my foundation. I'm still hunting for the perfect foundation, unfortunately. So I guess the change is ongoing. I have a skin tone that's hard to match, even with high-end brands. I found one that matched perfectly, and it broke me out. I tearfully exchanged it. 

I also had to learn how to apply lipstick properly. I wasn't giving myself clown lips, but at first I didn't know about blotting, protecting with gloss, etc. I still haven't found a lip primer that works.

I was already following BHC on all of these, here's the info.
Twitter: @storieherself
Facebook: Jess Storie (Omaha, NE)
Youtube: JeshJeshJesh
Google: Jess Storie, jess.storie

(PS Start using Rafflecopter)

Hello!  I have been a SAHM for several years and admittedly took little time for

myself.  Our children were my primary focus and they are now two wonderful

young men and I couldn't be more proud!   Now, it is my time to focus more

on me; while dealing with the "Empty Nest" Syndrome.  Feeling attractive;both on

the inside as well as on the outside.  Since, I am over 50, I want to begin with subtle

makeup looks for the daytime and get a little more adventuresome, in the evening!

It is a new time for me and I am willing to take the plunge...

Many thanks,  Cindi

I've undergone a zillion changes to my look! In short, I'm ridiculously indecisive and like to be spontaneous. Well when I turned 18 I went to a reputable piercing shop and got 3 piercings (my nose, my tongue, and my lip). I felt like I was ready for a change and wanted to show everyone that I was my own individual and what others thought of me didn't matter anymore. My parents weren't very happy with me (I was raised mormon and the whole church gave my mom hell for 'letting' her daughter 'ruin her body'
) and had no sympathy for my ridiculously swollen tongue. I think my mom got sick of my mumbling when I talked so she eventually started buying me slushies to help with swelling haha!

Well along with those piercings I decided to dye my hair the brightest shade of red I have ever done before and dyed the hair under my bangs black and threw in some random black chunks for fun. Around that time, I also got more experimental with makeup and taught myself how to properly apply it and make it look amazing! I own so much makeup that I could start my own make-up store. You could say I'm a little obsessed

Now I'm almost 21 and still have all of my beloved piercings (some people still seem offended by them, which drives me nuts, because I'm a very caring, loving individual, and would do anything to help anyone. However, somehow a few piercings make me a terrible person in some people's minds. I usually just be extra nice and smile when I see someone staring at my lip while they talk to me hehe). I also still have my makeup obsession, however my hair isn't as bright as it was then, I'm thinking of changing that again
There's nothing like a little makeup and hair dye to make a girl feel amazing! 

I'm also contemplating my first tattoo, however I hear they're terribly addictive!

I had my daughter almost 2 years ago. After being a tomboy when i was younger, I've starting learning about makeup and nails as a way to feel more attractive. After having a baby there isn't a whole lot of mystery left in a marriage, but now that I've started doing my hair, my nails, and wearing makeup, I feel better about myself and more attractive to my husband. I work full time, and I'm with my daughter the rest of the time- my husband and I work different shifts, and he works every other weekend, so we only see each other a few days a month. I like to try new things now and surprise him and look nice :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> It's working pretty good, but i'm starting from scratch and don't really have any shopping time, so you should totally pick me! Honestly- I have 2 things of eyeshadow, a blush that is 8 years old, and yesterday I just bought a new mascara and threw out my old one that was... 3 years old. if there is anyone that needs a bunch of makeup it's ME! lol. I started subscribing to birchbox and julep maven last month, and this week I get my first sample society box. 

            The time in my life that my look changed the most was when I was 14 years old. I used to dress, do my hair, and my makeup exactly like my older sister since i could remember. Her style was girly/sporty, natural makeup, and bumped hair at the time. I was also very unhappy and my parents were getting worried. So my mom sat me down and said a quote I tell people still "If you don't like how things are, change them, because no one will do it for you." All i could think about was my clothes that I hated that my sister picked out for me that year.

           By the next week, I was at the dollar store with my mother and saw a colorful shimmery eye pallet from some generic brand makeup company, and when i got home I started to do my makeup and fell in love with colors! By the next year instead of looking like a copy of my sisters girly/sporty look I had a completely unique alternative look which I proudly sport today and love! I took all of my neutral and boring makeup and switched it to match who I am, I started doing crazy looks and colors everyday! I've growwn in technique and style since then and I'm extremely happy with my look and the person I've grown into!

The biggest change for me came when I left the United States Army and became a civilian. I served 4 years, including over 9/11. My entire professional career had been w/ the military. I wore my hair tightly pulled back every day, the BDU (camo uniform), combat boots, and little or no make-up. I look *exactly* the same every single day for 4 years (aside from weekends, which were spent in workout clothing). I worked with a Forward Support Battalion for an Infantry division and was one of the few women in my unit, one of very few officers, and the only person who did my specific job. Although in my work my appearance wasn't important, it was not a flattering look for me at all. When I finished on active-duty I came back as a civilian employee so I could continue to work with the Soldiers. My work remained largely the same, but I suddenly had choices about what to wear - clothing, how my hair was styled, and make-up! I actually clean-up very well, but I felt incredibly self-concious for the first several months because people noticed how radically my appearance changed. I enjoyed shopping, getting my hair styled for the first time in years, and trying to figure out make-up (in my 30s at the time, now my 40s and still working on it). It was wonderful to have the opportunity to play with my looks while continuing to do a job that I love.

The biggest change I've ever made was trying to get away from so much purple!  I love purple, but I used to wear so many purple clothes that the purple eye makeup AND lip makeup was a bit much.  Now I try to stick with blacks and greys for eyes (as shown here in my profile pic) with a pink lip, or purpley eyes with a nude lip and neutral or black clothes.  In my twenties I thought too much purple was never enough!  But too much of a good thing can turn a good thing bad.  I'm not totally over purple, but I'm using it differently and it has improved my look -- I feel professional and polished, not immature and silly.  

few years ago i made a big change by dyeing my hair blond. At first it was strange but i liked it. And im still blonde and i feel good about that and i think ill never change the colour of my hair :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I never really knew how much change my look would be going through in the past year.  It was somewhat of a transformation.

I found out I was pregnant in June of 2011.  I was a high school graduate, young and fresh.  When I was in high school, I guess looks never meant a whole lot to me; I never wanted to do the extra effort that it took each morning to put on makeup or to put together an outfit that actually had any style.  Everything was sort of laid back.  Hair undone, no makeup (except maybe eyeliner), and nails chipped and unkempt.  I had been with my high school sweetheart for 3 years at the time, and he had always told me how much he liked my style.  Black shirts, pink skirts, purple sweaters, blue shoes; it was sort of everywhere and anywhere that it could possibly be.  I liked the idea of being different, I guess I felt that I needed a way to define myself. 

It wasn't until after graduation that I found out that I was pregnant.  Far from what most people expected, we were thrilled! I think at that moment, everything changed for me.  I no longer cared about being different, or having to dress wild and crazy to show people what kind of person I was.  This was around the time that I started getting into makeup.  I walked into my first Sephora on a class trip to New York City, it quickly became a habit.  I started experimenting with different makeup techniques, winged liners, shadows, foundations, brushes all the things that never interested me before.  I wanted to look nice and put together.  I cut my hair into an asymmetrical bob, and dyed it an auburn color.  My goal was to look refined, like I had a sense of style.  I wanted to look more mature for my new role as mommy.

I kept up with this look for a while.  January 8th started a new whirlwind of adventure that changed everything.  We went into the hospital January 8th so I could be induced.  My face was clean (except eyeliner!), my hair was all grown out and undone.  It had been a long and exhausting nine months.  The next day would bring the birth of my son.  I definitely had a new look during labor.  The contractions brought the look of severe irritation.  I like to believe that this is where my eyeliner all got smudged off ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And then as I was whisked off for an emergency c-section, the look of worry.  And as I saw my baby boy for the first time, the look of happiness and love.  Seeing my baby and his father together, I melted.  And then came the look of me on some good painkillers!  

For the first month or so after I had my baby, you couldn't even recognize me from the person I was just a few months ago!  My roots were inches long, I hadn't done my makeup in weeks, I was always in pajamas.  Motherhood can really take a lot out of you.  My baby left me some extra weight and hips that I never noticed before.  But the funny thing is, I didn't care in the least.  

After about 3 months of giving all my attention to a newborn baby, I finally did something for myself.  I got my hair cut into a graduated bob, with lots of texture and choppiness, and I dyed it a burgundy/purple type color (which eventually faded into a maroon).  I did my nails, I did my makeup, and I felt amazing! 

I may not do my makeup everyday, I may not have time to even shower every day.  Sometimes I wear pajamas all day.  But I can change my look over, and over and I am still the same person I always have been.  I get a great personal satisfaction from getting done up and looking pretty, but I now know that how I look does not define who I am.  I would define myself as the mother of my child.  And that's all I'll ever need :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

A change will do you good! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. This past year, I decided to not let grumpy and stressed people in my life affect my happiness and my mood. Honestly, I never realized it was having such a huge affect on me till I DID make the change. It may sound crazy, but my hair tends to look better and is healthier. My makeup goes on better and I feel like my face has a glow. Being happy with who you are and your current life situation even through changes really makes an honest difference in your outer beauty and most important your inner beauty. My relations with others is exponentially better as well. What an improvement and it was such a minimal seeming change. I can't complain....loving life!! Already love bh cosmetics on twitter and Facebook. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The major change for me was just getting healthy in general. From losing weight to working on my stress levels, and my mental health. I have started to really get to know myself and know where I stand. It hasn't been easy at all and I've struggled a lot with it.

I'm already a fan on FB, Twitter and already follow on Google+.

Everyone knows I am a makeup fanatic. What most people don't know is I was in an abusive relationship for 5 years where I couldn't even wear lip gloss without "paying" for it. It was difficult for me to be someone who I really wasn't deep down just to put on a front ad a happy housewife who loved her husband unconditionally. I couldn't be who I really was. I was a writer. I was a dreamer. I was a makeup expert. I was a fashion follower. And I had lost myself in this relationship. Then.... I made a change. I took my kids, my car, my pride and what was left of my self esteem and decided it was time to start over. For me. On that day, I stopped biting my nails and still consider it my biggest achievement. I got into the makeup and fashion business and I began to write. I came out of my shell and became the Sassy me that I really am. People who haven't seen in years are amazed at my change. What they really don't know is... I didn't change. They just never had the chance to know the REAL me. Until now. My life now is blessed with a new, loving, supportive husband, two beautiful teen children and and past that I am not thrilled with--but wouldn't change--because it made me who I am today. (BTW, all social medias have been "liked" or +1'd!!)

A lot of change has happened in the last 2 years since my son was born. It was all for the good, he brought out so much beauty in me. I feel like a beautiful woman that no one has ever made me feel, its the best feeling to hear him call me mama.  Don't get me wrong, my hubby has always made me feel beautiful but having a child is such a different beauty...from the inside out. When he smiles it brings out the joy in me that is so contagious.  Although I say this is a change (in our lifestyle) but it really is a blessing.  I must say since pregnancy, I've had a more creative touch to my makeup...and I'm eager to learn more!

Originally Posted by SassyAuburn /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Any winner announced yet?
The winner will be announced next week! We'll announce the winner here and send the winner a PM. 

Originally Posted by JadedBeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Have the winners been announced? 
Yes, the winner of the contest was MissLindaJean. Thanks to everyone who entered! If you entered and did not win, don't worry, we have two new contests running right now! Be sure to check out the Contest and Giveaways forum for more information.

Thanks all! I was so pleasantly surprised and excited to find out I won! Can't wait til it gets here. I'll have to make my first attempt at a swatch/review.

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