Do you wear makeup at home ? forums

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I usually don't wear makeup around the house unless I'm going somewhere... or if I'm really bored then I'll get out the light mirror and sit on the living room floor playing around with makeup watching TV... Hmm... That sounds like fun!

Yeah but I like to keep it light though. A bit of undereye concealer, light liner, cheek tint and gloss and I feel good inside and out!

well it depends but i usually like to put at least eyeliner on just in case i do go out. (I can't go out with my eyes bare!!)

Nope, only if I am ready to go out, I will apply and experiment with make-up. It usually takes an hour.

Otherwise, if I am just at home, no , I need my skin to relax and breathe.

If someone is coming over just to hang out, then I'll usually wear a little bit (unless it's my boyfriend, he's seen me wake up in the mornings, so I don't feel the need to impress him so much anymore XD) But otherwise, nah. Why bother? No one's gonna see me, and my face needs a day without pore-clogging stuff!

most of the time si do i hate being bare faced though im sat here like it at the moment but ill put some MU soon, if im just sitting around the house unless im playing about with new ideas ill just use foundation, eyeliner & mascara

Eh it depends. If I'm lazy, no. But a lot of times i get up and take a shower and get ready even if I have no plans yet, b/c i usually end up doing something spur of the moment, so I'm already ready to go. And even if i just lay around the hous in my pj's all time sometimes I'll do my makeup either b/c I'm bored and want to play around and try new stuff or b/c i feel ugly that day and i don't want my fiance to think i've let myself go, lol.

Ye usually i would, nothing too heavy though, just tinted moisturiser, mascara, concealer and vaseline on my lips.

I don't wear foundation or colors, but I still cleanse, moisturize, and tone in the morning and evening. I like to let my face have a break and breath when I don't have to be concerned about being out in public.

I don't wear any make up if I'm sure I'm not going out of the house at all. You'd probably find me in my skimpy nightie all day as well, LOL.

If I'm going out, even if only for a few hours or shopping though, I'll put some make up on, even if it's only some mascara and lipgloss.


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